Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Today's News

More on Olympic wrestling:

A secret Ballot was held with IOC members voting between Wrestling, Taekwondo and Modern Pentathlon, with Wrestling gaining the most votes for exclusion from future games, they want to bring in a new sport, which will be confirmed in September, the possible new sports are...




Roller Sports (Skateboarding I assume)...


Sport Climbing


Wushu (???)

I was a boarder, but we have the X Games, we don't need the Olympics... IMO...

Kurt Angle has continued to demand the decision is reversed, and has also said he will not allow it to happen...

"They can't just drop it. They're keeping badminton and that sport where you jump on a trampoline, and they're dropping wrestling. It's just crazy. I don't know what this world is coming to. Things are changing."

Also, a piece of advice for any IOC members, don't go near The Iron Sheik, he has promised to break the back of, and make humble, any one he meets from the IOC.

Chris Jericho:

Has talked to ESPN about his career longevity...

"Doing new things, changing your look, changing your personality in the ring, the way that you do interviews and promos … I've been doing this a long time," said Jericho. "I can come and go and when I come back, I'm always at the highest level just because I know what I'm doing. But more important than that, this is show business, and you always need to change things up in order to keep people interested. If you do the same thing for too long, it becomes boring, and I never want to be boring."

Elimination Chamber:

Brodus Clay & Tensai will face Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow in the YouTube pre show match.

Antonio Cesaro vs The Miz for the US Title has also been added.

Rey Mysterio affected by controversy:

David Chao the surgeon for the WWE man is in danger of having his medical licence revoked, due to "Gross negligence in his care of patients".

Iron Sheik feud:

The Iron Sheik is involved in a Twitter feud with NFL star Arian Foster, The NFL guy was told to follow Sheik, by his followers, but the Iron Sheik was not happy about it and started to attack the player, leading to the personal rivalry.

Mickie James:

TNA star Mickie James will sing the National Anthem at a baseball game on April 12 in Fort Mill, South Carolina.

Jake The Snake Roberts:

Jake The Snake Roberts has revealed he is back in contact with 3 of his children after turning his life around...

"When I retired I didn't retire the way I wanted to," Roberts said. "I couldn't do anything, and that's not me in wrestling. I always gave more than I could. So that was my first thought was to do that again, but now my dream is to help other people. I've been helped so much by Diamond Dallas Page. I found out that I don't have to get high anymore with drugs. I can get high by helping other people… I would like to have a whole legion or army of ex-dope heads or ex-drunks that say, 'If Jake Roberts didn't give up and do this, I can too.' That's the message I want to get out there. If I make it into the hall of fame or one more match, that's wonderful. But what would make me really happy is to help others."

Million Dollar Belt lost:

WWE have revealed during a feature on the Million Dollar Championship, that they have lost the title. They contacted Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase to ask for use of the belt, he however does not have it, saying it is in the Stamford HQ of WWE, after a long search of the building WWE have conceded they do not know where it is, they now only have a replica. They also revealed that the belt cost $40,000 when it was made in 1988.

Bruno Sammartino:

The new Hall Of Famer has done an exclusive interview for his YouTube channel, in it he discusses his induction, past issues with WWE, Drugs, Wrestlers Welfare and more...

He has also talked about meeting Vince McMahon...

''As far as myself, I will see him for the first time at Madison Square Garden at the Hall of Fame. But I have not talked to him, and as far as I know, there aren't any plans for us to talk until we meet in person at that time. So when that time comes, we shall meet in person and if he wants to bury the hatchet as the old saying goes, I commend him for the changes that he made. I criticized him before, and I will give him credit because these changes could not have taken place without his approval. So, you know, I have to be fair too here.''

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Big Show and Chris Jericho start the show with a feuding promo, leading to a match announcement.

* Mark Henry vs Randy Orton

* Layla vs Tamina Snuka

* Brodus Clay & Tensai vs 3MB

Note Brodus is calling his team The Monsters Of Funk.

* Cody Rhodes vs The Miz

* Jack Swagger vs Zack Ryder

* Rock and CM Punk Promo

* Big Show vs Chris Jericho

ECW return?:

WWE have registered a new ECW Trademark today.

Zack Ryder:

The WWE man is continuing to express his frustrations with his WWE status...

"Trying to figure out what #Fandango's finisher is. I need to learn how to counter it."

"I can't wait to order my new gear for WrestleMania……Axxess."

Santino Marella:

Santino has confirmed he has been sidelined with a recurrence of his neck injury.

Hulk Hogan on Savage / Cena:

Hulk Hogan has given props to John Cena...

"Yes I love John Cena,you can always depend on him to deliver,do business and work harder than anybody else. HH"

He has also announced he wants to be the man to induct Macho Man Randy Savage into the Hall Of Fame, when asked when Savage would be inducted he said...

"Hopefully soon ,he was a huge presence in wrestling and WWE,I would love to induct him. HH"

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