Saturday, February 23, 2013

Today's News

Wrestling wedding announced:

Maryse has announced her WWE star boyfriend The Miz proposed this weekend, congratulations to them.

Birthday surprise for Brodus Clay:

Howard Finkel returned to ring announcing at this weeks NXT taping, Brodus tweeted it was a great birthday present.


WWE are polling fans on their interest in a Raw pre show broadcast (Because it isn't long enough already).

WWE respond to media criticism:

They had Zeb Coulter and Jack Swagger address Glenn Beck directly, challenging his criticism of WWE and wrestling, in response to their current story...

Mr. Beck responded...

"Unfortunately I am currently booked doing anything else."

WWE are so angry that he turned them down, Stephanie McMahon personally took charge of a creative meeting that went well into the early hours of this morning, they plan on mocking his cowardice, with some stars, including Ricardo Rodriguez already starting, using their Twitter to goad the TV/Radio? host.

Jack Swagger:

Details of his possible punishment (By police) for his recent mistake have today been confirmed...

For driving 10MPH over the speed limit he would be fined $188

For possession of Marijuana $437

And for the DUI offence he would be fined $1,300 and could face 48 hours in jail.

He could also lose his drivers licence for up to 90 days.


WWE will test out a new feature on SmackDown, a social media takeover.

If they go ahead with it, it will become a regular feature, not on SmackDown however, but Raw.

Austin disappointed with WWE:

Stone Cold Steve Austin feels Tough Enough will not return, and he blames WWE...

"Man, I'll tell you what: that's been so long ago, I think that window has closed. It's really too bad because it was a helluva show. I loved doing it and everybody that watched it loved it. Whether it was WWE or -- well, I guess it was them ultimately that pulled the plug. Why they did? I have no idea. But, that's on them, I've moved on down the road. I've got a chance to host a show called Redneck Island on CMT, I love doing that show. This one, it's not me versus the competitors, it's them versus each other. I just kind of facilitate the process as they go along eliminating each other. But, I work in the reality space so much that we're working on two other projects for CMT right now. We're going to announce those here pretty quick. I enjoy reality television. WWE dropped the ball with Tough Enough."

Chris Jericho:

Has had a thinly veiled dig at The Rock and Brock Lesnar for their lack of commitment to their WWE returns...

"Nothing against what Rock does or Brock or any of those guys, when I come back, I don't just come back for Monday Night Raw. I do the house shows."

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