Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Today's News

Elimination Chamber:

It seems WWE are still changing their minds over the next PPV, An insider told PWI this weekend that the 6 man tag pitting John Cena, Sheamus and Ryback against The Shield was to be the first ever tag team match inside a chamber, backed up later by tweets by those involved, however today that idea has once again been scrapped.

Also Rey Mysterio was removed from a graphic for the World Title chamber match, hinting he had been removed, he, however claims he is home selling injuries from the assault by Mark Henry.

Kurt on Punk vs Pope:

Kurt Angle, (Who never misses an opportunity to bash Punk) has chimed in on the Twitter controversy (See yesterday)...

"Cm Punk Should thank GOD that the Pope is a forgiving Man. Because Even the Pope Could Whip Punk's skinny a**"

TNA change PPV format:

Christopher Daniels says plans are to change the Lockdown format this year, having 1 or 2 cage matches instead of a whole card inside the steel structure as is usual.

Who is Jack's new manager?:

Did anyone recognise the returning WWE manager on Raw last night???.

Jack Swagger's new corner man is Zeb Coulter (Named after a US politician), he was formerly known as Unkle Zebekiah manager of the Blu Brothers and Justin Hawk Bradshaw in the middle 90's, and is probably best known as Dirty Dutch Mantel.

He cut a controversial, bordering on racist promo, that is receiving some heat in some mainstream media...

Diva ends retirement:

Ex WWE star Serena Deeb, who had to quit the ring after suffering a career threatening concussion, has finally after almost 18 months away, been given the all clear to return to the ring, her first match back will be for Shimmer on April 6.

Zack Ryder injury:

Zack Ryder says he has been coughing up blood since his match with Jack Swagger on Raw last night.

Sunny shoot:

Sunny has revealed her side of some of her recent legal troubles, and her time in Jail, also saying WWE are furious with her because of her being in the news during Linda McMahon's political bid...

She also said she made up most of the stories she has told in past shoot interviews.

The Undertaker:

Despite being in Nashville this weekend The Undertaker decided not to attend Raw last night, however, the WrestleMania match vs CM Punk is now looking very likely to happen.

Backstage heat on Rock:

WWE were disappointed with The Rock's promo last night, feeling it did not ''Get the job done'' to build up the Elimination Chamber feud vs CM Punk.

Major blow for wrestling:

In what has been described as a shock, the International Olympic Committee has decided to drop wrestling from future Olympic Games as of 2020, a spokesman said, the reason is not ''A case of what's wrong with wrestling, it is what's right with the 25 core sports."

This has not gone down well with Pro stars...

Kurt Angle...

"I'm Shocked. Will Do an Exclusive Interview Later today. Wrestling Will Stay in Olympics."

Big E Langston...

"The IOC's decision to drop wrestling in 2020 is baffling. I learned life lessons on the mat that I'll never forget."

Alberto Del Rio...

"WHAT!!!!! ARE THEY Pinche CRAZY!!!!! Wrestling out of the Olympic Games... Wrestling is been in the Olympics since the beginning as a REAL sport... Wrestling is been part of the Olympic Games since the beginning. It's a beautiful sport! But I guess shooting a gun or forcing a horse to Jump over hedges is more of a sport than wrestling to the committee. This is not right!"

Bill Goldberg...

"Say it isn't so!!!!!!!! IOC drops wrestling from 2020 Olympics"

Shane Helms...

"What????? All the nonsense "sports" that are in the Olympics and they're gonna try and take wrestling out?? That's completely absurd. Apparently, jumping sharks is now an Olympic Event... It's too early to be this heated. Damn the IOC. Bunch of buttnuts."

Jeff Jarrett...

"What!!?? An original Olympic sport!"

Ricardo Rodriguez...

"So the Olympics are dropping Wrestling? One of the original sports? Como que what?! 'stan locos!... I wrestled when I was in school and hoped to one day make it to the Olympics. It's such a shame they have taken an original sport out! B.S.!"

Colt Cabana...

"Wrestling is out of the Olympics....thank god, that fake sh-t sucks."

Tyson Kidd...

"Can't understand the thought process when making a decision like taking wrestling out of the Olympics"

Diamond Dallas Page has also started a Facebook page, protesting the decision.

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