Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Today's News

Bruno Sammartino:

In an exclusive interview with PWI, Bruno Sammartino has confirmed he will make his Raw debut on April 8, the night after WrestleMania 29.

WWE Title:

WWE belt maker Orange County Choppers have revealed that the new WWE strap cost $50,000 to make, and took 18 Months from first approach by WWE to it's unveiling this past Monday on Raw.

WWE release:

NXT Diva Dani has been removed from NXT's website, as always this tends to be the first sign of a release, awaiting an official announcement from WWE.

Santino Marella:

WWE star Santino has provided an update on his neck injury...

"Neck procedure went well today in Pittsburg, shouldn't be too long now before I'm back in action, I'm hoping!"

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* ADR promo, interrupted by Randy Orton

* Booker T makes 2 matches ADR vs Wade, Orton vs Swagger

* Damien Sandow vs Sheamus

* Aksana & Tamina Snuka vs Kaitlyn & Layla

* Controversial backstage moment, Zeb Coulter said Wade is part of the problem with the US and said he hopes he and ADR ''Kill each other'' (More on Zeb later).

* Jack Swagger vs Randy Orton

* Cody Rhodes vs The Miz

* Alberto Del Rio vs Wade Barrett

US media slams WWE for Zeb Coulter:

WWE are red hot in the US right now, they are being hammered from all sides for the new Zeb Coulter character.

Conservative website has called them ''Racist'', and says WWE are trying to make the Tea Party look like ''Xenophobes''

The comments were made by controversial host Alex Jones, who made news recently after making a fool of himself on a TV interview with Piers Morgan.

He is not the only one attacking the company though, Fox news for example showed IMO incredible hypocrisy in a feature on the character, whilst criticizing WWE for mocking the Tea Party, they mocked WWE, Wrestling and Wrestling fans, questioning the intelligence of those that watch, and the host making a homophobic dig at the sport. You can watch the piece at this link... Or you could have done, if they hadn't removed it...

WWE have also been accused of Plagiarism, LLUSA wrestler RJ Brewer who has gained national fame for playing a very similar character to Zeb Coulter has used his Facebook to attack WWE...

"This will be the only time I respond to the questions I have received regarding WWE "stealing my stuff." I have been wrestling for Lucha Libre USA for almost 3 years and have been using that platform to speak against illegal immigration from the start.

I have been featured on CNN, Fox News, The Geraldo Rivera Morning Show, front page of the LA Times, front page of the BBC, and most recently, ABC… Nightline.

I knew it was only a matter of time before someone else took advantage of my press and success. For me to complain would say I am against capitalism, and that is not true in the least. The reason I have done what I have done is because this is not some silly wrestling storyline, this is real.

My feelings are magnified for the camera and the live audience, but what I say comes from the bottom of my heart. This is why I was invited to the Sheriff Joe Arpaio walk, and asked to be a guest speaker at Rusell Pearce's (author of SB 1070) fundraiser.

They say the most sincere form of flattery is imitation. I say imitation is suicide, because to try to be what someone else really is, is only killing who you are. Our audience is Latino, our wrestlers are Latino and that is why RJ Brewer is so effective. I don't need a mouthpiece. I don't need a machine behind me. I don't need human growth hormone and/or to be protected by a phony drug test only to be thrown out like yesterday's garbage when I am finished.

RJ Brewer will always be 100% real, no matter how hard someone tries to diminish that. All I need are my views and a platform to spread them, and so far, that has worked just fine. Lucha Libre USA goes on tour this spring, stay tuned for dates and stay tuned for a documentary to be filmed about "Latin America's Favorite Enemy." Last year, an average of 3000 fans came out each night to watch us, and this year should be even better. Thank you."

WWE later responded with a statement defending the character...

"WWE has a long history of creating fictional characters that serve as either protagonists or antagonists, no different than other television shows or feature films. To create compelling and relevant content for our audience, it is important to incorporate current events into our storylines. WWE is creating drama centered on a topical subject that has varying points of view to develop a rivalry between two characters. This storyline in no way represents WWE's political point of view. One should not confuse WWE's storytelling with what WWE stands for, similar to other entertainment companies such as Warner Bros., Universal Studios or Viacom."

The Rock:

WWE Champion The Rock will not be on WWE TV until March 4, he is in Panama recording a reality TV Show.

New faces in NXT:

Three new stars have joined NXT's roster today...

Malik Omari...

A Gambian grappler, who lived in London from the age of 6...

Troy McClain...

He is the NCAA man that John Cena signed up after meeting him in a gym...


Former Known As Indy star Davina Rose...

They have also started to offer contracts to those that impressed during the recent tryouts, Kendra Smith who has experience in MMA and Kickboxing, as well as being an actress and stunt worker has started training with NXT today.

WWE Hall Of Fame:

The USA network will air the WWE Hall Of Fame on April 9 at 10-11 PM

Chris Jericho responds to criticism:

Some say he is being held back, because his band is more important to him...

"I guess six-time world champion, nine-time Intercontinental champion, first undisputed champion, I guess all that stuff is being held back; is being a jobber. Then yes, I totally agree with them. I don't know what you want me to say. I'm Y2J, man. I've been doing this for 22 years at the top level. I don't understand fans sometimes. Six-time world champion, I don't know how you can deny that. Obviously, at some point I got something right?"

Ultimate Warrior on WrestleMania:

In a Vlog on his YouTube Channel, The Ultimate Warrior has put Vince McMahon over for the success of WrestleMania over the years...

"Make no doubt about it, WrestleMania is some kind of something, let's just put it that way," Warrior admitted. "[It's] incredible what Vince has done, his vision for sports entertainment. What the WWE continues to do year after year in making WrestleMania bigger, better, grander, bigger than any other event... it's exciting, it's fun."

WWE on new video game creator:

WWE have released a statement on partnering with Take Two for future video games, and revealed a name change...

''The first WWE game under the Take-Two umbrella will be titled "WWE 2K14." As part of the deal, Take-Two hired key employees from THQ to work on the game with their design team. The company also agreed to work with longtime WWE games developer Yukes from Japan for the game, and plan to release it in the fall.''

Take Two have also released a statement on their plans for the franchise...

"Everything that we've done with NBA is what we're trying to contribute to WWE, So the growth that you've see in the NBA franchise from the authenticity in the game to the excitement of the marketing that surrounds it is all something we expect to add to the franchise. We're going to create one hell of a video game franchise."

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