Friday, February 22, 2013

Today's News

TNA news:

King Mo was Knocked Out in an MMA fight, in the first Round.

Taryn Terrell was a ring girl for Bellator MMA.

TNA have debuted a new live set.

Zack Ryder vs WWE:

WWE Music have announced that the track ''Coming home'' by Diddy will be a WrestleMania theme song, Zack Ryder tweeted in response...

"It looks like I'll be coming home…for catering"

He is not the only employee having a dig, Dolph Ziggler has had an interview he did in Australia aired in which he criticized WWE for making him World Champion for 10 minutes, he also said being in The Spirit Squad hurt his career, but feels he is past that now.

Santino Marella:

Had neck surgery on Tuesday, but hopes to be back in action by March 1.

Stone Cold remembers the Attitude Era:

He was asked about his favourite memory...

"I had so many of them it seems like every time I went to work on the Monday Night RAW, I was looking forward to seeing what kind of shenanigans I was going to be playing in the storyline. But just going to work every night and just being on the road and getting in the ring every night was probably the biggest fun of all. And hanging out with the guys and just living that life was my dream. And I had a good time doing it."

Darren Young update:

Darren Young is not expected to be back in action until October, much longer than first thought.

Zeb Coulter:

WWE say they came up the character over a year ago, in defense of accusations of plagiarism.


Update on NXT Diva Dani, she worked as in the WWE office before trying her hand in the ring, it seems She decided it was not for her and was dropped earlier this week, she has been given her old job back, so will stay on the WWE payroll.

Jack Swagger:

Bad signs for Swag, a WWE source has confirmed Jack Swagger was booked to go over at WrestleMania and become the new World Champion, but following his arrest, they are working on booking changes.

The way I see it they have 4 options...

* They could suspend him as a first strike, Which would bench him for 30 days, It would cost them 30 out of the 40 something days left before WrestleMania to promote one of the top matches, but WWE would be free to have whatever match result they wanted, because he would be clear of the incident. They could also come out with a story line reason for him to be gone, for example he could be off TV to prepare for the match away from the spotlight, and they could tape and air some vignettes to air on TV's in his absence.

* They could delay his suspension, as they did in 2002 with R-Truth, have the Mania match, which he would certainly lose, then ban and punish him after the show.

* They could (And this is it seems ever more likely the option they plan to take) remove him from the match altogether, rumours are Dolph Ziggler would cash in his Money In The Bank briefcase for a shot at Alberto Del Rio, with him demanding the Mania match in Jack Swagger's place, then Dolph and Swagger would feud over the title post Mania.

* They could Fire his A-Doub, I think the longer it goes on without that happening however, it get's less likely, unless they are planning an angle on TV to sack him on air to write him out properly of course.

If he survives past Raw next week, he won't be released IMO.

WWE are continuing the story lines they taped earlier this week with ADR responding to Swagger's controversial promo's and Swagger's match vs Orton, these were taped before the arrest, and will be aired on tonight's SmackDown.

WWE call out controversial host:

WWE have released a statement challenging Glenn Beck, to come to Raw to defend his statement that wrestling people are ''Stupid''...

''WWE has extended an invitation to talk show host and political commentator, Glenn Beck to appear live this Monday on Raw, in response to a segment that aired on TheBlaze TV yesterday. In the segment, Beck references WWE as "stupid wrestling people," when criticizing a recent WWE storyline involving WWE characters Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio, Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter. WWE is giving Beck the opportunity to address our 14 million weekly viewers and our global fan base, as he believes we are offending our "conservative" fans with this storyline.

Similar to other television shows and feature films, WWE is in the entertainment business, creating fictional characters that serve as protagonists or antagonists. To create compelling and relevant content for our audience, it is important to incorporate current events into our storylines. WWE is creating a rivalry centered on a topical subject that has varying points of view. This storyline was developed to build the Mexican American character Del Rio into a hero given WWE's large Latino base, which represents 20 percent of our audience.''

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