Saturday, February 2, 2013

Today's News

Jake says goodbye:

Jake The Snake Roberts has confirmed he will begin a farewell tour on April 13, before he retires from the ring for good.

Update on shooting victim:

The guy that was shot in the eye earlier this week was interviewed by a New York Radio station, and he was surprised by a special guest phoning in with a message for him... (CM Punk)...

Beth Phoenix honoured:

WWE Alum Beth Phoenix was presented with the key to her home town of Elmira, New York, and was also guest of honour at a Basketball game yesterday, (Pic to follow).

She has also spoken to Ara Ocal, some highlights...

On a ring return...

"I never wanted to be that person who said, I'll never come back, I'm retired, I'm done and then in a couple of years get the itch. I haven't said I'll never ever be back because I don't know what opportunity will come up that I'll find to be really awesome."

On why so many women have quit WWE in the past year...

"I think it just timed out that way because lots of times with the girls there is a window of opportunity and a lot of the girls that left kind of came in at the same time. The women's division there are so few of us, you can only see me wrestle Kelly so many times."

On Trish Stratus...

"Sometimes people like to remember the controversy, that's what stands out, but I think I would rather look at the content of someone's career. She always welcomed whatever kind of physicality that needed to take place in the ring. She was tough as nails, she never complained and worked for what she had and you have to respect that."

Mick Foley:

Has tweeted that he is currently writing his speech for the Hall Of Fame...

"Working on my HOF speech in my head. Seems to be going pretty well so far. Hope to give @WWE Universe something memorable in MSG."

Zack Ryder:

''Hoeski'', Zack Ryder's debut single, will be available for purchase from I-Tunes on Monday.

Tensai turns face:

Tensai is working face on this weekend's house show circuit, he is said to be super over as a dancing partner for Brodus Clay.

WWE DVD news:

WWE have dropped the 20 greatest Diva's DVD and have shuffled some other release dates around, the new calender for releases is as follows...

* The Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 2 - February 12th

* Royal Rumble 2013 - February 26th

* Bret "Hit Man" Hart: The Dungeon Collection - March 5th

* Elimination Chamber 2013 - March 19th

* For All Mankind: The Life & Career of Mick Foley - April 16th

* The Best of In Your House - April 30th

* WrestleMania 29 - May 14th

* Top 25 Rivalries - May 28th

* Extreme Rules 2013 - June 18th

* Best of War Games - June 25th

* TBD PPV - July 16th

* ECW Unreleased Vol. 2 - July 30th

* Money In The Bank 2013 - August 13th

* Best of MSG - August 27th

* Mid-South - September 10th

* SummerSlam 2013 - September 17th

* Triple H (Biography) - September 24th

* Goldberg (Match Compilation) - October 8th

* Night of Champions 2013 - October 15th

* Money In The Bank Anthology (Match Compilation) - October 29th

* Over the Limit 2013 - November 5th

* History of WWE - November 19th

* Hell in a Cell 2013 - November 26th

* Raw 20th Anniversary Box Set - December 3rd

* Survivor Series 2013 - December 24th

* Best WWE PPV's - December 31st


WWE are extremely concerned with R-Truth's injury, they will not allow him to even get in the ring for practice, concerned that he will contract a staph infection in his badly cut knee.

Tag team splits:

Team Rhodes Scholars have decided to call it a day and separate, they say they will stay friends, but have individual goals they hope to meet.

Nigel McGuiness on his career being a failure:

"I had to come round in my own time. To a certain extent, I still feel the same way I did then. I didn't achieve my dream. My dream was to be there, wrestling in the WWE, to have enough money to retire with and to be recognized on the street. I think the upshot of it was through this, the experiences I've had and getting to impact people's lives somewhat which made it worth the effort. That to me is the story of the documentary."


Will soon return to WWE, possibly at next week's house shows.

Release confirmed:

Welsh wrestler Gavin Reid has been dropped by WWE.

Austin talks the problem with today's wrestlers:

"Today's guys are very impressionable, and don't really call it in the ring anymore. Some of the guys don't know whether to s--t or wind their watch; when they get in the ring, they have some basics, but they've always been told exactly what to do before they go out there. Back in the day, we were calling it all in the ring; we didn't have anything to be nervous about, because we didn't have to remember anything. All I had to do was listen to a hellacious worker like Billy Joe Travis or Jimmy Jack Funk, trusting them to help lead me through it.

"The guys today are on a big stage, and none bigger than WWE. It's up to the promotion to bring these cats in light, establish them, and help them get over. You can't just bring in someone new and expect them to work a Wrestlemania calibre match right away. If you give someone a monster push right off the bat, but don't give them the base knowledge, it makes no sense to wonder why they s--t the bed. These kids are exposed after a few weeks of TV, because they don't have the experience of what to do in that situation. The more knowledge you have, the better chance you have of being successful."

Ex WWE employee mocks TNA:

Court Bauer thinks TNA are desperate for announcing that they are going to take impact on the road...

"To announce it on a TV show... I think it just speaks to how in the bubble they are, and how they are desperate to look like they're something. They way they're doing it makes them look so super bush league. To shine the spotlight on the fact that they don't do s--t [and] that they've been in the same place for a million years. To the average fan, they're going to shrug like, 'Who gives a damn? Great, you're going to be in Alabama next week, who cares?' To them [the average fan], a big announcement is that you signed Steve Austin, you signed the Rock, or you're bringing in this, or you're bringing in WarGames... it's preposterous, it makes them look like the fools they are."

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