Thursday, April 21, 2022


AEW drop youngster:

Jack Evans says AEW have told him his deal will not be renewed when it ends this month.

Bella baby delays but not ends career:

Nikki Bella says, doctor's allowing, her and her sister Brie would love to come back to go after the WWE Tag titles at some point, once their babies are a little older.

WWE watching:

WWE are keen to re-sign FTR. The AAA and ROH Tag champs are said to be out of contract with AEW this summer, but are expected to stay longer by the Khan led group. It is unclear how the team feel about a WWE return, or if the promotion allowing news of their interest to seep out will affect their decisions.

New promotion:

Freddie Prinze Jr, is setting up his own wrestling promotion, and may have landed a big name. He was talking Matt Cardona into joining when they spoke on a podcast this week.

The Kanellis' are also set to debut their new female promotion.


Tony Khan has met with Warner over the ROH TV deal and the future of the promotion.

Drug fine dropped:

The standard $2,500 fine for talent being caught with Marijuana in their system has not been enforced for a couple of years, it has been said. This comes as WWE release a 4:20 t-shirt for RK-Bro.


Killer Kross and Scarlett Bordeaux were married in Alaska this week.

Alum on TV:

Ezekiel Jackson was a contestant on 'Price is Right' this week.

Dudleyz talk being next after Public Enemy / APA incident:

“They tell us we’re going to attack the APA with 2x4s. Now we know what happened to The Public Enemy. Public Enemy and the APA were doing business. Creative wanted the APA to put The Public Enemy through their own tables. Public Enemy and Sabu did tables long before The Dudleys did. We didn’t invent the tables, we brought them to the forefront and made them cool. We learned how to make a buck off of them. Public Enemy didn’t want to do business about ten minutes before they go out, if I’ve got the story straight. They said, ‘we’re not gonna go through the table. We’re not gonna do the job.’ Something like that, and Ron and John beat the sh*t out of them. We knew that we were being fed to Ron and John, so we can be tested. That was it. And you know what, that’s the way it was back in the day. You got tested. You earned your stripes, you paid your dues. Whatever word you want to put on it, that locker room was going to make sure that we were OK, and that we weren’t another team like The Public Enemy who might disrupt things. And now they tell us about the 2x4s. I’ve swung just about every weapon there is, but I’d never swung a 2×4. It’s not easy to grip a 2×4, and then you have to try and work the 2×4. I said, ‘D’Von, they’re gonna kill us whether we go light on them or whether we lay our sh*t in. So why don’t we just lay our sh*t in, so at least we can look good on night one, and then we’ll take our ass-kicking, and we’ll just move forward from there.’''

Announcer to Amazon?:

Pat McAfee is talking to Amazon about joining their NFL broadcast team.

HOF'er assaults passenger:

Mike Tyson got into fight on an aereoplane this week. Given his iconic status as a legendary fighter, you would not win ant prizes for guessing who dominated the altercation.


AEW and NJPW have announced a joint supershow for this June.

DDP says he had to call WWE star about using his finish:

“The Diamond Cutter was really getting over. The Diamond Cutter was taking me to a different spot. You could hit it on anyone out of anywhere. And even though I was only hitting guys who were enhancement guys, it was still popping the crowd. So you know you have something there. So one night I’ve got RAW on because I watched RAW. I taped it all, and I’d come home and I’d watch it and see how everybody was doing. And then one night, Triple H hit that cutter out of nowhere and pinned the guy. I was like ‘no! Bastard! No, not him!’ There’s three guys who when I say have the craziest work ethics ever, me, him, and The Rock. The three of us, insane work ethic. I’m thinking ‘man if he takes that? I’ve got to call him.’ And I just pick up the phone. He never answered the phone, he never answered before that day or after that day. But that day he answered. He’s like ‘hey D, how you doing?’ ‘I’m doing great, but listen bro.’ We talked for a bit, got the sidetalk out of the way. We had a real relationship. I said ‘listen bro, I’ve got a favor to ask you.’ He said ‘sure D, anything.’ I was like ‘don’t say that.’ And look, Sting had the Scorpion Death Lock, Bret Hart had the Sharpshooter, it’s the same move. It was customary for one guy to have it here, one guy to have it there. Bottom line is I said ‘ you know bro, I’m just really starting to get this Diamond Cutter over. It’s giving me some serious momentum. I saw you do it the other night to beat a guy. And I get it and I don’t have the right to ask you, but you’re so so much younger than me. The Pedigree is amazing. If you wouldn’t use it anymore, I’d really appreciate it.’ He said ‘done deal.’ That was the last time he ever did it.”

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


New Champions:

Dana Brooke won the 24/7 title during her TV wedding on Raw last night. Theory beat Finn Balor to win the US title on the show too.

Kushida leaves WWE:

WWE expect Kushida to return home to Japan, specifically New Japan after he let his WWE deal run down and left them this week.

Sunny faces legal action:

Sunny is to be sued over her involvement in a fatal car accident. The family of the deceased want $30,000 for her alleged negligence.

WWE celebrate Orton:

WWE are marking 20 years of Randy Orton across their platforms this week.

Jake concerned he has caused Dragon health issues:

Jake The Snake is concerned his DDT on concrete is behind Ricky Steamboat's health difficulties...

“To be quite honest with you, I know Steamboat’s having issues right now. I hope to hell it wasn’t what I did. I really do man, because that haunts me. That’s beginning to haunt me a lot. Ricky, if you’re listening, you know I never meant to do that. I didn’t want to do that. I begged you not to do that. I just pray for you man. He’s a good dude man.”

100% ready:

Stone Cold Steve Austin says he is 100% ready to be involved in WrestleMania 39, in some capacity, but probably not as a wrestler.

Monday, April 18, 2022


ROH sign off:

ROH have aired their last show on Sinclair.

IRS talks his boys ring futures:

IRS refused to confirm his sons, Bray Wyatt and Bo Dallas are retired, but says their focus is currently pointing them away from wrestling...

“They’re definitely not maybe done. I don’t know, they’re kind of got their foot in and going with a couple different things, trying to see what’s available. So, you know, maybe you’ll see them back. Maybe you won’t, I don’t know yet, but I don’t want to speak for them either because I know they’re trying to reach out and get some different things going.”

Bischoff recalls first encounter with Steiners:

“Shortly after I joined WCW in 1991, it might have been my very first pay-per-view actually, and I showed up, everything was new to me. I didn’t know any of the talent. Everything was new and exciting and I was intimidated by most of it, and at that pay-per-view, we had to use that wrestling mat room as our dressing area. I show up, I find a cornerback away from everybody because I was intimidated, just wanted to keep my head down, keep my job, not upset anybody. I’m in there in the corner dressing getting ready and I look over, and the Steiner Brothers are torturing this referee, I mean, torturing him. Stretching him, bending him, squeezing him, breaking him until they got tired of it, and they wrapped him up like a mummy in gaff tape and left him in the corner. I’m thinking to myself, ‘this is going to be fun. I can’t wait to work with these two guys.’ That was my first impression of the Steiner Brothers.”

Lynch wants movie role:

Becky Lynch has revealed her excitement at a movie script that was sent to her recently. She says she relates to the subject matter, and wants to play the main role of an Irish female boxer, trying to make her name in the United States.

Network show back:

WWE are filming new Table For 3 episodes this week.

HHH maintaining relationships with ex-NXT talent:

HHH has wished the originals of NXT well, and revealed he maintains contact and hope WWE will work with them again, even those that are now with AEW...

“I like all those guys. They helped us get where we needed to get, and I’m thankful for it. The truth is there was a period of time where we were trying to build NXT. We built NXT. Then we were trying to build a brand that could get a television show and sustain it. All those names helped us get there. Whether anybody believed or not they fit on Raw or SmackDown, those aren’t necessarily my decisions solely, and they’re Vince’s decisions and fans’ decisions; and then, can we continue to do business with them? If they have great gigs, I’m happy for them. I stay in touch with almost all of them,” he said. “I like to think they came into us here, we taught them a lot, got them to a higher level where they learned how to do television, how to be professionals and all that to be successful there. At some point, they might come back with us, or they might never because they don’t fit our brand as well, but that’s OK. They got us to certain places, and I’m thankful for that, and they’re thankful for that, and they’re off to different things. But that doesn’t stop the train. People leave football teams, move to different teams all the time, and it’s great.”

DDP wants ECW legend to sign up:

DDP has called on Sabu to sign up to his support group. He has not yet responded.

Mick Foley reveals first WWF deal:

Mick Foley has discussed the risk he took to try himself out at the perceived highest level in wrestling, WWF/E...

“The contract I signed for WWE, I was guaranteed five matches a year, at $150 (thousand) a year, for five years. So, if they’d chosen not to push me, I could have been in a position where I can’t go anywhere else, I’m locked in for five years. But this is the place to go, WWE.”

New school:

Jerry Lynn is opening a wrestling school.

Twisted Bliss

Alexa Bliss has told friends and WWE colleagues she is frustrated at her lack of use and creative direction in WWE. She has not been on TV since Elimination Chamber, every angle proposed since has been shot down, including her offering to work Mania. There is no word on her status at this time, but plans on her returning are yet to emerge.

Sunday, April 17, 2022


More name changes:

Kacy Catanzaro is now Katana Chance and Kay Lee Ray is Alba Fyre.

WWE veteran too selfish for backstage role:

Natalya says she is too selfish to work as a producer for WWE...

“For me, I don’t see myself being a producer per se. I’m also one of those types of people that never say never. I love helping people, but I also love being in front of the camera. I love speaking, I love hosting things, I loved being on Total Divas which, you know, was so fun. I’d still love to do something like that, do reality TV. My sister and I do a fun YouTube show. I’m not the greatest at holding the candle for someone else and then not being in front of the camera. I’m just not there yet in my career, I’m not really sure if I have the patience to be a producer. Our producers in WWE, they’re so unsung. They don’t always get the credit they deserve. You see someone like Adam Pearce, he’s a GM on the show but he also handles a lot of things backstage that nobody even sees. He trains people during the week. He works RAW, he works SmackDown. A lot of our producers are on the road six days a week. It’s really, really challenging and really hard because they don’t always get an action figure or get to be in a video game. They don’t always get that spotlight. They’re the first ones in the building and the last ones to leave. It’s a lot. I’m too selfish to be a producer.”

New signing injured:

ROH Champ Jonathan Gresham has suffered a suspected concussion, and is benched. He signed with AEW this week.

AEW wedding:

Luther says he was married over the weekend.

Saturday, April 16, 2022


ROH champ switching up?:

Jonathan Gresham has signed for AEW, the parent company of ROH, where he is their champion.

Unification confirmed:

WWE will unify their Tag titles at Backlash.

Alum ill:

Virgil has been diagnosed with dementia after suffering two massive strokes recently. He has also lost use of one of his arms.

New Job for 205 star:

Drew Gulak is trying out for a SmackDown broadcast team role.

Del Rio returning:

AAA are said to be willing to take a risk on signing the controversial former WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio.

Regal pod:

William Regal is launching a podcast.

Zack you:

The former Zack Ryder cheekily marked the second anniversary of his WWE release with a text to his old boss Vince yesterday. He pictured himself with his 7 indie titles, and sent it to Vince to show what he has achieved since leaving his employ.

Vince doc still in works:

The most expensive documentary Netflix have ever tried to make is still on. A deal was reached to chronicle the life and career of Vince McMahon before the world went wonky in 2020, but WWE confirmed the show is still active during their recent financial report.

Korakuen Hall:

Japan's Korakuen Hall celebrated it's 60 anniversary last night with a massive supershow featuring both of the major promotions in Japan, All and New Japan.

Friday, April 15, 2022


Buck You!:

Pat Buck has joined AEW, just days after quitting WWE.

Juice leaving:

Juice Robinson is leaving NJPW at the end of the month.

WWE Alum refuses match:

Lince Dorado has asked to be removed from a match involving Marty Scurll from Crash in Mexico, as many others cancel their bookings altogether. Lince did not confirm his reasons, but others have openly stated that Marty's involvement in the sexual assault on a drunk 16 year old is the reason they chose to boycott the show.

Caleb leaves:

Caleb Konley has left Impact.

Jake talks heat with HOF:

Jake The Snake has listed a number of reasons he is not a fan of the WWE HOF, including Kamala not being there, non workers going in, and having to wait too long for his call... he also said he has a plan to fix it...

“I still had a little sore spot in the back of my mouth that it should have happened years before. Because I’ve seen so many people that went in who I feel shouldn’t have gotten there. That’s my only beef with the Hall of Fame, is that there are people in there that shouldn’t be. I think it needs to be taken to the people, maybe given a vote. Maybe the guys in the Hall of Fame should vote for who comes in next. The system they’re using now stinks. Whether it be Hunter or whoever, I just don’t like the system they use and they put people in there who have nothing to do with wrestling. You know wrestling, there should be something out there just for wrestlers.”

Name changes:

The recent spate of name changes in WWE was ordered by Vince himself. He let it be known that he does not want anyone to use their real or pre WWE ring names.

WWE rich list:

The 5 highest paid WWE staff have been named, and not one of them is a wrestler...

  1. Vince McMahon – $2 million in 2022
  2. Nick Khan – $1.2 million in 2022
  3. Paul “Triple H” Levesque – $730,000 in 2022 + Talent contract
  4. Stephanie McMahon – $730,000 in 2022 + Talent contract
  5. Frank A. Riddick III – $850,000 in 2022

Those amounts are base salaries, all also benefit from numerous other income streams from the company, leading to substantial trips to the back in the past 12 months.

Why I Quit:

Toni Storm says a moment of impulsiveness led to her WWE departure...

“I just kinda – you know, have you ever lost it? Have you ever just lost your mind?  That’s kinda what happened, I guess. The stress of not seeing family in years and then just so many overwhelming things all at once and uh, yeah. I’ve been happier ever since.”

Rock credits SmackDown owner:

The Rock says Harvey Whipplemann was the man that first used the word that became WWE's 2nd longest running TV show.

Skin game:

Batista has opened up a tattoo studio in Tampa.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022


Veteran drops to NXT:

Natalya has joined NXT, transferring from SmackDown.

Sasha rewards herself:

Sasha Banks has bought herself a new diamond studded mouth grill to celebrate her WrestleMania win.

Lesnar out of Backlash:

Brock Lesnar is out of Backlash. He was advertised for the show, but WWE have pulled him/

Brawl For All?:

Buff Bagwell and Butterbean almost got into a fist fight at DDP's house this week.

Good Bro's contracts:

The Good Brothers Impact deals are soon to end, with no plans confirmed for a new deal, or a move away from the former TNA.

New Age Outlaws:

Road Dogg says he and Billy Gunn were a great team, but were never friends...

“The first night we roomed together, he woke up and I was peeing in the air conditioner. Right, wrong, or indifferent, that’s exactly what I was doing. I had a little too much, partied too much and that was the story of my life for a bit, to tell the truth. That was our first night in a hotel room together and it was the last night in a hotel room together for a really long time. We’re two different human beings. I just figured we butted heads a lot, he has this thing where he works out, it’s his whole life, it’s a lifestyle for him to go to the gym.”

Couple lied to get to WWE:

Killian Dain and Nikki Cross denied their real world relationship to get their WWE jobs, Big Damo has confirmed today.

New belts:

New NXT Men's and Women's belts have been presented and debuted on TV.

Pretty Deadly have won the vacated NXT Tag gold.

AEW game:

AEW have brought forward the tentative release date of their new video game to this September.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Name change:

Austin is now to be known simply as ... Theory...

Rhodes and Rollins to dance again:

WWE have confirmed Cody vs Seth II will be at Backlash. Cody's wife Brandi, is teasing coming back to WWE, and may be with him at the show.

WWE UK PPV confirmed:

WWE will host their first UK based PPV event in 30 years on September 3 in Cardiff, Wales. The promotion confirmed the booking, but not the event name, today.

Absences explained:

Rey Mysterio missed Raw this week due to a medical issue.

Rhea Ripley is off TV due to unverified protocols.

Jake The Snake says Warrior cost him a WWE title run:

Jake The Snake claims he was booked for a championship run with Ultimate Warrior in 1991, claiming their feud over the gold was due to start after his SummerSlam heel turn... (Issue being, Warrior lost the gold at Royal Rumble 7 months earlier....but why let facts get in the way of a good story...?)

“Here’s where the problem began. Back in the day, I was working with whoever, and we’re in Orlando and Blackjack Lanza comes up to me and says, ‘call Vince, he wants to talk to you.’ I’m thinking, ‘oh my god, did I flunk a p*ss test,’ trying to remember because it had happened. I called him and Vince tells me, ‘Jake, I think you’re ready.’ ‘Ready for what?’ ‘I think you’re ready to work with the champ.’ ‘Warrior? I’m gonna work with Warrior?’ ‘No, no, no I’m not saying you’re going to because here’s what you’ve got to do. You’ve gotta go to his dressing room and talk to him, and see if he’ll work with you.’ ‘Excuse me?!’ You had to ask his permission to work with him. ‘Are you f*cking ribbing me?’ ‘No, Jake, go talk to him or else it’s not going to happen.’ I’m a little bit p*ssed right now, and I went to his locker room and knocked, and he cut a promo on my ass. Told me he didn’t care about me, he didn’t care about my family and if he’s going to work with me, I had to be on f*cking time, I had to be sure not to miss any shots and I better not f*ck no damn drug test yadda, yadda, yadda. He just ran the riot act. Never did look at me in the eyes, just stomped around the room in a circle, back and forth, marching around. I’m like, ‘OK!’ then he goes, ‘OK, get out!’ He dismissed me. And I come back, and I still had to call Vince, and I said, ‘He said he would.’ And I was so f*cking angry the way he’d treated me. Then we started doing all these vignettes. I had to take time off, which meant no money. Do these vignettes because we’re gonna line it up and work with the Warrior. And what happens? At SummerSlam, in the Garden, he holds Vince McMahon up for $1 million. They had to bring $1 million in cash to him at the arena. Cash. And they had to have two guards to get that money out of there to wherever he wanted it to go before he would go to the ring. Now I’m hearing this stuff going, ‘this is not cool. This is not good,’ knowing that tomorrow, I start my program with him. Tomorrow. But, after his match, it was announced that there was not going to be a tomorrow because Vince McMahon was standing right beside me when he fired him. ‘You’re fired, get the f*ck out of my building!’ Vince looked at me and said ‘you’ve got the worst friggin’ luck there is!’ Hogan, couldn’t do it. People chanting the wrong thing. Work with ‘Macho’, got to cut it short, and now this. Well, I was friggin’ furious because now I’ve lost another championship run.”

He says Warrior apologised to him the night they both went into the HOF, just 24 hours before Jim Hellwig died...

Velasquez speaks out:

Cain Velasquez has spoken publicly for the first time since his arrest...

“To everyone that has expressed your support, my family and I will never be able to thank you enough. From the bottom of our hearts and the depths of our souls, we are forever grateful for your love. Your selfless gestures and kindled words have given me strength in my darkest times. This story is complex and slowly unraveling as we speak. To the true victims of this case, may God give you the strength to come forward. Though it is most difficult to relive the pain that has happened to you, in speaking the truth, justice will be served and your own true healing will start. I will never stop helping or loving my community and all of you. Thank you for loving me.”

Monday, April 11, 2022


Strowman calls out Tony Khan:

''Why is there no face to palm emoji. This is the same guy that pays the dirt sheets and says his wrestlers are free to do what ever but black balled them from CYN shows. Why???? Cause we’re a fucking threat.''

JBL recalls Vader;s final gift:

“He was as stiff as he possibly could be. He told me, ‘when you beat somebody today, you’re going to beat somebody important. I am going to have you beat the old Vader. I am going to have you kick out of my finish. That’s the last thing people are going to see, you’re going to kick out of my finish, and hit me with yours and go over.’ He did that for me on the way out, and that was really cool of Leon to do that.”


Undertaker is looking into starting a podcast. The show will air on Peacock, who are backing the project.

Ciamps promoted:

Tommaso Ciampa is now a Raw star.

Wrestling must change:

NWA owner Billy Corgan says wrestling needs to adjust to survive in the modern media world...

“As far as the long-term, there’s two equations to that. On one hand, there’s classic modality, and I was in it when I was at TNA, I call it ‘50-weeks-a-year.’ Because most wrestling companies when they get to around Christmas, they tend to kind of shut down a little bit, even if they’re still producing content. So, let’s call it a, ‘50-week-a-year model,’ where weekly you’re putting on. Impact does it, we do it, obviously, WWE and AEW does it, I can’t speak for everybody else in the market. But we are all there. I am not totally convinced that the future of professional wrestling will be a 50-week-a-year model. It might be daily, it might be more like how people are watching Yellowstone. They’re going to want to binge-watch a season. I can see where you would drop a wrestling season on the public, and they will watch six hours of wrestling in a row to get to the finish, and then they’ve got to wait a couple of weeks to get to the PPV. So, I think those things need to be looked at with an open mind.''

Taker wants Bray back:

Undertaker hopes Bray Wyatt will return home to WWE...

“I hope things get worked out with him somewhere. He is a phenomenal talent and I think he has a lot to offer this industry. So, I want to wish the best for him. Hopefully, at some point, he comes home.”

Sunday, April 10, 2022


Ref released:

NXT UK referee Artemis was released today, she says.

HOF'er laid to rest:

Scott Hall's funeral took place on Friday.

Legend injured:

Shinjiro Ohtani suffered a serious injury in Japan this weekend. He was reportedly unable to move his extremities after taking a German suplex. The injury so concerned promoters that they not only stopped the match, they stopped the show. Asking all fans to leave the building so he could be cared for. He was later stretchered out of the building and conveyed to hospital.

Alum in horror:

Swerve is currently filming a horror film with Matthew Hersch.


Nikki Bella will wed former Strictly professional dancer Artem Chigvintsev later this year. They met on the American version of the show, when Nikki competed.

Alexa Bliss married this weekend.

Accuser deletes social media:

Kimber Lee has removed herself from social media in the wake of making accusations that has seemingly cost Nash Carter his WWE job. The wife of his former tag partner has vehemently refuted Kimber Lee's claims. There has been no comment from WWE or the man himself as yet.

Steiner's grateful:

Bron says his family, including uncle Scott, despite years of heat with the promotion, are grateful to be back within the WWE family...

“Man, Scotty is excited, my dad is excited, we are all excited. We are so thankful to be a part of WWE, and they get to have this experience. And close the last chapter of their career, and go into the highest prestige you can accomplish, the WWE Hall Of Fame. It’s so cool.”

He went on to say his father is his harshest critic...

“He’s got high expectations for me. So, he never really acknowledges that I am doing super well or anything, he’s always focused on how I can be better.”

Saturday, April 9, 2022


Next gen ready:

Shane McMahon's eldest son has been doing his first media rounds in Indiana after signing for their local team. The inevitable question of a WWE career was asked, and he is up for it...

“I’ve tried it in my house. I have two younger brothers, so if we’re joking around I’ll pick them up and throw them on the couch. I’m going in with the mindset that I’ll cross that bridge when we get there. So right now no plans yet, but down the road, who knows? If I have to jump off a cage like my father, maybe that’s what I’ll do.”


Corey Graves and Carmella have married this weekend.

Sunny was drunk:

Police believe Sunny was drunk at the wheel when she caused a fatal 3 car crash in late March. She was also driving at a ''High rate of speed'' shortly before the smash.

Family fired:

MLW have fired all 3 members of the LA Park family after they went into business for themselves during an in the ring segment over the Mania weekend. They were due to attack Jacob Fatu to set up a match, but got too rough / bordering on shoot in their beatdown.

Tony Khan talks Cody:

“Yeah, I think it’s just one of those things. We couldn’t reach an agreement on going forward. I think he has found a situation that’s good for him, and we are in a great position right now. There’s no ill-will, either way, we are still friends. I wish him the best, and I think he wished us the best both publicly and privately, so it’s all good.”

Briscoe's going back:

Mark and Jay are returning to Impact.

Legend's life in freefall:

Abdullah The Butcher is said to be facing financial ruin from two legal cases against him. The first is the long running case of an indie star who claims he caught Hep C from him, the other, his wife, who has filed for divorce and wants everything he has.

AEW Japan:

NJPW will air AEW TV on their network in Japan.

Title vacated:

The NXT Tag straps have been vacated after the release of one of the holders, this week. Nash Carter was dropped after reports of domestic violence from his former wife.

 Alum's return:

Curtis Axel and Ariya Daivari joined the WWE production team for try-outs this week.

We've got belts, lets unify them:

WWE are working on a unification story for the Tag titles.

WrestleMania Backlash:

WWE have booked Charlotte vs Rousey, In a WrestleMania rematch.

Indie debut:

The fantastic Hook (Been massively impressed with what I have seen of him) is set to make his indie debut for Curt Hawkins Create-A-Pro in New York.

Thursday, April 7, 2022


Roman Hollywood:

A senior backstage official has shared that WWE are working on transitioning Roman Reigns into Hollywood now, wanting to get preparations in early to allow him the best chance of making it.

Raw vs SmackDown:

Corey Graves hopes to have an interbrand match vs Pat McAfee at Survivor Series.


Layla Hirsch was hurt working AEW Dark last night.

Top star calls Raw obnoxious:

Seth Rollins says 3 hours is far too long, he also criticised Mania's 7 hour running length over the two nights. He feel it is asking too much of fans to stay with a show for those times.

McMahon signs:

Shane McMahon's son Declan, has agreed a commitment for Indiana to play American Football.

Big return?:

Rumours ars circulating that Lacey Evans will return on SmackDown, after taking time out to give birth.


Rick Boogs had his WrestleMania injuries surgically repaired earlier this week.

Kurt Angle is getting double knee replacement surgery soon. He faces an extended period in a wheelchair afterward, and will need to learn to walk again after, with a walker, but he says it is about time, and he wants to get it over and done with.

Finished at 40:

Johnny Gargano says he will retire when he turns 40, in 6 years time...

“It’s hard because obviously, the name Johnny Gargano around wrestling is always going to be beneficial money-wise. People are always going to want to see me or meet me, want to see me wrestle, want to learn from me, so in reality, I have a job for life. I could back and be a producer, go back to WWE and be a coach, I could go do whatever. I could train people. I have a great relationship with everyone there. I’m very lucky that I have that. Because that’s always in the back of my mind of what I’m gonna do after wrestling because a part of me is saying I only want to wrestle until I’m 40, and that’s only six years away at this point. So ideally, I have about five years to really kinda maximize whatever I want to do in this.”

Impact signing:

Savannah has extended her deal.

Austin heat:

Stone Cold got some heat from producers for using his trademark double finger salute on three occasions during Mania. Pat McAfee says producers were frantically trying to get him to stop doing it at ringside, but he did not stop. Perhaps he didn't see them?

Vince match fought against:

Vince McMahon decided he was going to have what was likely his retirement match at this years WrestleMania, late last year. Top WWE officials have fought against the ''Terrible'' idea ever since, but Vince was steadfast, and got his way, after a compromise, that being his opponent would wrestle someone else, and the Vince match would be booked as an impromptu bout on the night.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022


New champ:

The Attraction are the new Women's Tag champs for NXT.

Bischoff  retired:

Eric Bischoff says he will not make a full time return to wrestling...

“No. No I wouldn’t. Look, I’m a realist. As much as I enjoy performing and getting out there to make an appearance, that ship has sailed. That’s why we’re here. I’m grateful for it. I’m happy to get up every morning and look at rear view mirror and think about the things that I’ve been able to do, but I’m fortunate to not feel so connected to it that I have to have that back in my life.”

MJF recalls racist abuse:

MJF was speaking to a Jewish newspaper about his rise to the top of the sport, a rise that went through some ugly streets, he recalled suffering antisemitism from fans and co-workers from the very start...

“It’s not the cool thing to talk about, cause we’re not the cool minority. I’m going to keep bringing it up because I think it’s bullshit. When I was 19 and 20, and I was getting booked in the biggest promotions that you could on the independent circuit, there were much older guys who were livid. Did the wrestler who keyed my car think I was white, or did he think I was a Jew?. I am a minority. Because millions of my people were viciously murdered simply because of our religious beliefs.”


Rock has relaunched the XFL on social media today.

NJPW sign top US indie:

NJPW have sealed a partnership with Warrior Wrestling.

HOF'er in fatal accident:

Sunny may face criminal charges over her involvement in a 3 car crash which took the life of a man in a car she rear ended, causing him to plough into the car ahead of him. He was pronounced deceased at the hospital shortly after the incident on March 25..

Accused wrestler released:

WWE have let Nash Carter go. He has been at the centre of a storm of accusations from his former wife, the groundbreaking Kimber Lee, who has achieved so much in her own career. She says during their relationship he was physically and emotionally abusive, and also outed him as anti-LGBTQ.

Faction moving up:

WWE plan on moving their all German faction, Imperium to the main roster.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022



Dean Ambrose has a hamstring injury.

Bianca BelAir suffered an eye injury at Mania.

Edge faction:

Tommaso Ciampa and Rhea Ripley are set to join Edge's group over the coming weeks.

New champ:

Bron is the new NXT champion. Taking the gold from Dolph Ziggler on Raw.


Elias is now Ezekiel. He was unveiled under his new gimmick, the younger brother of his former rolem on Raw last night.

King to reclaim throne:

Jerry Lawler is returning to the Raw commentary booth for a few weeks. He is standing in for Corey Graves as he goes off the road to get married.

Cody acknowledges relationship breakdown:

Cody Rhodes says he and Tony Khan were drifting apart towards the end of his AEW run, but would never go into detail of what finally pushed him out of the promotion...

“Unfortunately I can’t comment on the personal matter itself but it really just came down, Tony Khan who I have genuine respect for and I hope history is really kind too because he bank rolled the entire grassroots movement that was starting in ROH and then All In happened and of course AEW happened and then he was able to buy that footage back, I felt like we were drifting apart. Had I asked him for this, that was a story that I saw, I asked him for something and I didn’t get it. Had I asked him, he’s the type of man that he would’ve given it to me. It just genuinely felt that it was time, can’t comment on the personal nature of it but there was nothing nefarious or scandalous, we just couldn’t’ agree. Nothing but respect for him and his family, the infrastructure. I put on the bus, I have a watch collection that I just started and the first nice watch I ever got was from him. I gave him one last year as a return gift and I thought do I not pack this chapter over and I packed it because it’s never over. Part of who I am is from those 10 years in WWE and those last 6 in AEW. I don’t know if he’ll ever share really what ultimately what went down but it was nothing crazy, just a rather easy decision.''

Styles tried to talk Undertaker into one more match:

AJ Styles says he tried to call Undertaker after their Mania match, to challenge him to a casket rematch, but he would not pick up the phone,..

“I think we all knew that once the Boneyard match got the reaction that it did, that might be it. I called, and he didn’t return my calls. Because he knew, ‘hey, he’s going to convince me to have another match.’”

Heel turn:

MVP dropped Lashley on WWE TV last night, and has sided with Omos. This is the start of a major push for Omos.

WWE producer quits:

Pat Buck has confirmed his departure from WWE, by posting a written statement. He informed the company on Monday afternoon, just hours after producing the main event matches at Mania 38. He says he felt he achieved his goals, and now needed to focus on family.

2 job Joe:

Tony Khan says Samoa Joe will be on the roster of both AEW and ROH.

Monday, April 4, 2022



  1. The Uso's defeated Shinsuke Nakamura and Rick Boogs.
  2. Drew McIntyre defeated Happy Corbin.
  3. The Miz & Logan Paul defeated The Mysterio's.
  4. Bianca BelAir defeated Becky Lynch.
    • New Red Women's Champion.
  5. Cody Rhodes defeated Seth Rollins.
  6. Charlotte Flair defeated Ronda Rousey.
  7. Stone Cold Steve Austin defeated Kevin Owens.
  8. RK Bro defeated Street Prophets and Alpha Academy.
  9. Bobby Lashley defeated Omos.
  10. Johnny Knoxville defeated Sami Zayn.
  11. Sasha Banks & Naomi defeated Carmella & Queen Zelina, Rhea Ripley & Liv Morgan and Natalya and Shayna Baszler.
    • New Women's Tag Team Champion.
  12. Edge defeated AJ Styles.
  13. Sheamus & Ridge Holland defeated New Day.
  14. Pat McAfee defeated Austin Theory.
  15. Vince McMahon defeated Pat McAfee
  16. Roman Reigns defeated Brock Lesnar.
    • New Undisputed Champion.

Crowd trouble:

A fan fight broke out in the crowd during Charlotte vs Rousey.

Rhodes returns:

Cody Rhodes is back with WWE, returning to face Seth Rollins on Mania Saturday.

Ronda denies heat:

Reports that Ronda Rousey felt humiliated by her match not headlining night one of Mania, after her going on TV and saying she was going to do just that, are false, she says.

Entrance nixed:

A special entrance planned for Drew McIntyre was dropped at the wrestler's request. He said an over the top show did not fit with his character at this stage, and he wanted to connect with fans.


  • Rick Boogs tore his quad and patella in the opening match of the two night show.
  • AJ Styles cut his face after walking into the WrestleMania sign at the top of the ramp, on his way to the ring to face Edge.

New faction:

Damian Priest is the first recruit for Edge's new heel faction.

Vince trolled:

Vince McMahon has taking a lot of ribbing online from a botched attempt at delivering a stunner.

HHH retires oldschool:

Triple H, a master of the game, as we all know, retired in the old tradition of leaving his ring boots in the middle of the ring at the start of night 2 of WrestleMania. Signalling the end of his impressive career, which he had announced in the weeks before Mania, due to his health challenges.

AEW stars in WWE doc:

Cody (Before his AEW departure) and Dustin Rhodes are involved in an upcoming WWE documentary on the extraordinary life and career of their HOF inducted father, Dusty.

UFC star upset at not being invited:

Conor McGregor says fear was the reason WWE did not ask him to be involved at Mania, Becky Lynch responded with an invite to next years show on social media.

Record Mania:

WWE say they have earned their highest revenue and attendance records from this past weekends WrestleMania.

The Rock:

A plan to have the Rock come to the ring to confront Roman Reigns to start a long burn Mania feud for next year, did not come to fruition. Rock has some business ventures launching in the very near future, and he was too busy to attend, it is feared his schedule may delay the match until Mania 40 in 2024.

Stardust expunged:

As demanded during contract talks on his new multi year WWE deal, the company have removed all mention of Stardust from their roster page, replacing his profile and bio with up to date images and name. His show has not yet been set, but is expected to Raw.

Also in the contract was a tour bus, given to Cody so his family can travel with him.

WrestleMania 39:

WWE have confirmed WrestleMania is going Hollywood next year. As SoFi Stadium in LA, California will host a  2 night show.

Saturday, April 2, 2022


Happy WrestleMania weekend everyone... :)

First thing to report is Iron Sheik has made it to the ring in time for tonight's WrestleMania... (Barry Horowitz style pats on the back to everyone that understands that reference!)


Eric Bischoff has revealed he and Tony Khan have heat...

“What really bothered me was when Tony Khan said ‘well, if Ted Turner knew as much about booking as I do, WCW would’ve never failed.’ That pissed me the f-ck off. That was so disrespectful and I gave an honest response to an honest question and that honest response kind of, you know, created an opportunity for Tony to feel his need to respond, which I understand. I don’t hold it against him. But that’s where it kind of escalated. It doesn’t have anything to do with my feelings about AEW. I’m a fan of AEW. I’m excited about AEW. I want them to succeed. I see a lot great things. I said that long before our little hussup. We kind of would talk about Dynamite on the 83 Weeks podcast and I would point out the things I enjoy about AEW more than WWE. But at the same time, if I’m asked a question, I’m going to be honest in my critique. But it’s not meant to be a shot.”

Foley hurt by HOF speech:

Mick Foley's daughter Noelle felt slighted by the Undertaker not mentioning her father, during his HOF acceptance speech, feeling their iconic rivalry deserved a nod, however she did concede her dad forgot to thank her mum during his speech.

Joe pushed for WWE to buy ROH:

Samoa Joe says he lobbied WWE hard to buy the Ring Of Honor video library while he was with the company.

The man himself has just been announced as an AEW star.

New Champs:

MSK won the NXT Tag gold last night. Dakota & Raquel did the same for the Women's Tag.

Triple H match nixed:

Kevin Owens says he and Triple H expected that they would, one day, dance in the ring at a WrestleMania. Sadly, we know now, that will never happen, due to HHH's illness.

Inter-promotional wedding:

Andrade and Charlotte Flair will marry this summer. Andrade accompanied Charlotte to the Hall Of Fame last night, despite his employ being with a rival promotion.

Friday, April 1, 2022


Hall Of Fame:

Tonight The Undertaker, The Steiner Brothers, Sharmell, and Vader will be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame, with Shad Gaspard receiving the Ultimate Warrior Award. Congratulations to all...

AEW debut:

Toni Storm has debuted on AEW TV.

King no more:

WWE have edited out the word King from Xavier Woods profile page on their site.

JR was threatened:

Michael Cole says he has had a long, rocky relationship with Jim Ross, which he feels is because the HOF'er was threatened by him when he first appeared in WWE...

“Now you have this guy coming from the news and knows nothing about sports entertainment. I think Jim felt a bit threatened at the time, and he shouldn’t have been. Jim was a greatest of all time. So there was a little bit of competition between us in the beginning. But it flattened out rather quickly, and Jim really helped me understand what it meant to be an announcer in WWE. The little things you had to do, the intangibles, to become a much better announcer, that’s what Jim helped me with. To me, Jim Ross is the greatest wrestling commentator of all time because Jim understood and was able to convey emotion. In order to be successful as an announcer in this business, you have to be able to feel the product. Since I didn’t come from the wrestling world, it took me years and years and years to understand how to feel WWE. When I was able to feel the product, it took me 10 years, that is when I think I was ready to make the next step in my career. Jim is the best ever when it comes to emotion. There’s no doubt about it. Even today, at his age, Jim is able to make you feel something that no one else can make you feel about a particular move or a spot or a story. Jim is so awesome at that. That is what I think I learned more from Jim than anything else is how to become so attached to this product that it oozes out of you when you talk about it.”


WWE have unveiled a life sized statue of the Undertaker at Axxess today...

Orton shoots hard on NXT:

“There’s an art to what we do, and a lot of guys have lost that art. Now instead of selling a punch, because you need to sell a punch, now I’m protecting myself because I don’t want to get my f—ing jaw broken. That’s unfortunate, but the art to professional wrestling, like when Vince was on he talked about your number one priority above all being protecting your opponent, that’s not taught necessarily in NXT. I know that because I’ve been in the ring with guys that came from NXT and they don’t know what the f–k they’re doing. It’s unfortunate but I think that is just kind of how things are changing.”

Hall Of Famer in surgery:

X-Pac is to have bicep surgery.

Relationship repaired?:

Tony Khan seems to have repaired his damaged relationship with Chavo Guerrero. He has announced that Chavo will be involved at the ROH special tonight.


Ace Austin has re-signed.

New faction:

WWE plan to form a new heel faction around Edge as the figure head.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022



Shane McMahon vs Seth Rollins may be back on. Shane is coming to WrestleMania. The match was on the long list early this year for Mania, but after Shane took a walk was dropped, it seems there is a chance it is back on, although it is still widely predicted to be Cody Rhodes that walks the aisle to meet Mr. Freakin' Rollins.


Undertaker has named Kane as his greatest rival...

''“But I am going to say probably the battles with Kane, I think. It was just, I think a storyline that people, whether you were a wrestling fan or you weren’t, you understood just because of sibling rivalries. And I think people identified with that,” he said. “And Kane was always such a physically dominant athlete, that he always brought the best out of me. So I am going to go with the Brothers Of Destruction.”

Sasha Banks talks quitting WWE:

Sasha Banks has discussed the mental health battle that led to her offering her resignation to WWE...

“I felt so sad every day and I didn’t know why. I had to take myself away from a situation and such a fast world where I had to stop and realize who Mercedes was and who Sasha Banks was. I had no time off. I never got to see myself, my family. I took that time to figure out what I loved besides wrestling.”

New shows:

DDP has announced a new show he will front called 'Change Or Die' a number of people will move into a house and DDP will try to help them make desperately needed changes to save themselves. Announced for series 1 are Brawl For All contestant Butterbean and WCW star Buff Bagwell.

Miro is currently in New York working on a pilot for a show called 'East New York'.

AEW reek of desperation:

Seth Rollins says AEW's constant references to WWE shows why they are not on WWE's level...

“They can do whatever they want, I find it very tacky and very low-brow, personally. I think it looks and reeks of desperation and I just don’t think it’s anything on our television show that we need to go there and talk down about those guys. They’re doing their thing, they’re doing it very well, we’re very happy for them, I am, at least, personally. Are they on our level? No, they’ve got a long way to go to catch up to us and that’s fine and they know that. They do things differently but for me, my perspective, it’s just a little step down for us to kind of use it as an insult. That’s my perspective on it but people may not share that opinion.”

KO follows Sami in sharing reason to stay with WWE:

“A big part of it, honestly, was that Vince McMahon made it pretty clear to me that he wanted me to stay. And, you know, I’ve been in WWE for seven years at this point. You know, I have a lot of friends everywhere else in wrestling, but there is a whole side of WWE that people don’t get to see, whether it’s the production crew, you know, the camera people, the stage manager, the creative team, all these people. They’re all very special people and you know, they’re a part of my family. My extended family now. My professional family, if you want to call it that. So that, those were all factors that, that, that led to me, you know, staying put, because Vince made it clear he wanted me to stay. It feels like my home and all those other people there that, you know, if I wasn’t there, I wouldn’t get to see anymore and that was just like, you know, it just seemed like the right move. That’s really all there is to it.”

Daniels fires Stunt:

Christopher Daniels has informed Marko Stunt that AEW has no interest in renewing his contract, which ends in May.

John Cena talks WWE:

“I miss it every day. Every single day, But I’ll be 45 on April 23rd, and I was very fortunate to make it as long as I did with only a minor list of injuries. Nothing that has changed the trajectory of my long term health. I’m strong, flexible, and in really good shape externally, internally. I think now, being a full-time touring performer might start to hit that point of diminishing returns, and I have to be realistic when I look at that.”

So, he is saying he is going to be doing what he hated The Rock for doing, during their feud and legit heat, being a movie star that comes back when he has something to promote.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022


Match made:

Lashley vs Omos is booked for Mania this weekend.

New Day vs Sheamus' new faction is also official.

Team pulled from TV:

Gable and Otis were pulled from Raw during the show this week, with no reason or explanation made.


Seth Rollins will have to wait until WrestleMania to find out his opponent, who will be hand-picked by Vince McMahon.

NXT wedding:

NXT's Harland married his long term girlfriend over the weekend. Huge congratulations to both.

I'm ready:

Bayley's ring return is imminent.

Lana blasts toxic WWE:

''On my birthday I was able to film & celebrate being alive & healthy another year with actors that I have looked up to for years! I am so beyond grateful, I can’t believe how far life has come in a year & how brain washed I was from the toxic environment that I had worked in for 8 years. I allowed it to define my identity & self worth. Change can be hard friends but let me tell you, if you keep pushing forward no matter what, if you refuse to have one human’s opinion define your destiny, if you refuse to be put in a box by a corporation or society & you keep the blinders on and walk by faith then your life will become more then your wildest dreams.''

Gargano talks leaving WWE:

“I felt really good, I felt just complete and like I said I felt that way for a long time. Being able to end that story on my own terms and have that match and promo segment to where I was able to say goodbye which a lot of people don’t get to do nowadays and I was very lucky to be given that chance. It’s so funny because so many people thought that I re-signed obviously because no one gets that treatment to where they’re able to do their match and then come out the next night on live television which is wild. It’s live television, I could’ve literally said anything I wanted and they kind of let me say anything I want. I sat down with one of the writers but all the words that came out were my own, I wrote my own thing, I wanted to thank people and I wanted to do things like that. Like I said I think I just have such a good relationship and good rapport with everyone in NXT and everyone in WWE in general that the saddest thing, and you can see the footage, I was crying. I was crying for a particular reason when I walked out it’s because I gave two presents, one to Matt Bloom and I gave a present to Shawn Michaels. I told Shawn the caveat was he needed to open his present in front of me right before I went through the curtain. Shawn's an emotional guy, we have a great relationship. I gave him this present and he opens it and he started crying and in turn that made me start crying. So when you watch the show I’m crying already because we had that moment right before I went through the curtain.”

Lita on why she rebuffed AEW:

''Their roster had a long way to grow and they’re still kind of getting their feet under them about how they want to present as a company, and then around that same time, WWE is talking to them. And just knowing how deep their roster already is, it just seemed like more possibilities and a better fit. Not to mention, like, it is home for me, right? I’ve been there since I was a kid. So, it was like, I wasn’t thinking about either company when I was, you know, when I was first approached and then Cody had reached out and I was like, ‘oh well, let me watch the program more from an aspect of maybe being there and seeing how I could fit in besides like catching it when I catch it’.

Heated row:

Tony Khan and MJF had a heated discussion over the weekend, after MJF made no secret of his interest in one day joining WWE on multiple media outlets, with office knowledge or approval.

Paul Stay-man:

Paul Heyman says he signed a long term contract with WWE late last year.

Ricochet warns fans:

Ricochet says he will no longer interact with fans who invade his privacy. He said he is tired of people waiting for him at airports and hotels. He went on to say he will not hesitate to interact with people he meets naturally, at the mall or gym or on the street, but feels hoards of people following his movements and waiting on him is too much.

Bring back the polka dots:

WWE Hall Of Famer Gerry Brisco has called on Cody Rhodes to bring back his dad's famous polka dot ring attire.

WWE set age limit:

WWE are setting their sights to the young, officials have confirmed they are looking at stars under the age of 30, as they progress into the future.

KO worried about recent spot:

Kevin Owens was concerned about his dress up as Stone Cold but on TV this week, but says it seems it worked out pretty well...

“A couple of people have done it and done it pretty well, but I had, you know, it felt like I was stepping out of my comfort zone a little, but I figured that was the most impactful thing I could do going into this match or this confrontation, or whatever you want to call it and it ended up being a lot of fun. I think I pissed a lot of people off, which is delightful.”

AEW chase WWE releases:

Toni Storm, Ember Moon and Tegan Nox are in talks or on the radar of AEW. Toni is expected to debut as soon as her 90 days is up.

Monday, March 28, 2022


TNA manager offered TNA job:

Trish Stratus, who debuted in WWE as the manager of Test & Albert (T&A) says she was approached by TNA after retiring from WWE, offering her a return to the ring...

“Like there was a point where, you know, TNA had reached out to me and they wanted — it happened to be around the time when there was a new women’s championship was being introduced. It was around that time and it was a storyline pitch like that because it was like, ‘Hey, women are a viable part of the show and we would like you to be a part of it.’

Blood feud:

WWE are planning to make The Rock vs Roman Reigns the headline bout of next years WrestleMania 39.

Hall Of Fame:

Rick and Scott Steiner will be inducted into the WWE HOF this year.

WWE deal:

WWE have signed a partnership with Fanatics to improve their fan experience and digital product.

Why I stayed:

Sami Zayn has conceded that his friendship with Kevin Owens influenced his choice to stay with WWE, but added...

“I was already in a very good place with WWE. They made it very clear that, and not just when it was time to negotiate but in the last year and a half, I’ve definitely got the impression and they’ve said as much that I’m a valued part of the roster. And I feel valued. I get a lot of television time. I’ve been very happy. I’m stimulated creatively even, which I know is a difficult thing to get in WWE at times. With so many moving parts and so many talented people, sometimes inevitably you kind of get left behind. I haven’t felt that way in a very long time with WWE. That was really the main factor in driving my decision to stay. I felt valued, I felt appreciated, and it was reflected as such in the amount of television time I got. For me, it was a bit of a no-brainer to stay right now. I’m happy here and I’m happy to keep doing my thing.”

HHH back at work:

Triple H is back at work for WWE. He says his new focus is on making the future of WWE the best it can be, although admits he still has health challenges...

“My foot’s not off the gas. I suppose in some manner I’ve got to step back a little bit. I’m still in recovery and my endurance is not exactly quite what it used to be before, but right now, I’m back. I’m at the office. I am fully focused on recruiting and development of our talent in the future and, whether that’s building more performance centers, whether that’s finding the next young stud that’s out there, male or female, like Gable Steveson, who recently became a two-time NCAA Champion.''

Tony Khan talks mixed feelings about ROH PPV:

He admitted concerns over going up against Mania weekend, but wanted to honour the card and the fans...

“It’s just not been something I thought would make sense for AEW to do. But it was already scheduled for Ring of Honor and there were tickets sold. They already made agreements with the Pay-Per-View providers and these were some of the same Pay-Per-View providers we work with, like Fite for our international distribution and the cable and satellite carriers. So I didn’t want to screw over those people, especially not the fans. So I decided we would go ahead and do the show and I would make it a great event. A great Pay-Per-View. I really believe it’s going to be a great event.”

Sunday, March 27, 2022


Becky detained:

Becky Lynch says she was detained by Canadian border officials this week, with her child. She says the border guard told her, Trish Stratus had asked them to.

New belt:

Anna Jay has called on AEW to introduce tag team belts for the women.

Brief return:

Kairi Sane's return to the ring was brief. She was injured over the weekend working in Japan. She suffered a damaged eardrum in her first post WWE match.

Goldust suffered the same injury working for AEW this week.

No heat:

Alexa Bliss has denied leading a group of WWE women in a gossiping campaign of heat vs Ronda Rousey. It was claimed some of the roster, including Bliss, are critical of her for being dangerous in the ring.

WWE list:

WWE have listed the 38 most important WrestleMania moments...

38. Roman Reigns defeats The Undertaker

37. Andre the Giant slams Big John Studd

36. Snoop Dogg performs Sasha Banks’ WrestleMania entrance

35. Brock Lesnar defeats Kurt Angle

34. The Dr. of Thuganomics returns

33. The Ultimate Warrior defeats Hulk Hogan

32. Randy Orton’s super RKO on Seth Rollins

31. Kane attacks MLB legend Pete Rose

30. Triple H saves his career against Batista

29. Stone Cold and Mr. McMahon join forces

28. Ronda Rousey submits Stephanie McMahon

27. The Rock defeats Erick Rowan in fastest WrestleMania match

26. Edge wins first Money In The Bank match

25. D-Generation X vs. The nWo

24. Randy Savage wins the WWE Title

23. The Hardy Boyz surprise return

22. Roman Reigns wins WWE Title from Triple H

21. Razor Ramon wins iconic ladder match

20. Mr. McMahon gets his head shaved

19. Bianca Belair wins SmackDown Women’s Title in main event

18. John Cena wins first WWE Title from JBL

17. Ricky Steamboat wins Intercontinental Title

16. The Undertaker retires Shawn Michaels

15. Daniel Bryan and Yestlemania

14. The Rock beats John Cena

13. The Undertaker returns as The Deadman

12. Charlotte Flair ends Asuka’s undefeated streak

11. Stone Cold wins first WWE Championship

10. Edge spears Jeff Hardy in mid-air

9. Rey Mysterio wins World Title for Eddie Guerrero

8. Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth reunite

7. Kofi Kingston wins WWE Title and Kofimania

6. The Rock defeats Hollywood Hogan

5. Shawn Michaels beats Bret Hart in sudden death after 60-minute Iron Man Match

4. Becky Lynch wins first women’s main event match

3. Hulk Hogan slams Andre The Giant

2. Seth “Freakin'” Rollins surprise main event cash-in

1. Brock Lesnar ends Undertaker’s undefeated streak