Monday, April 18, 2022


ROH sign off:

ROH have aired their last show on Sinclair.

IRS talks his boys ring futures:

IRS refused to confirm his sons, Bray Wyatt and Bo Dallas are retired, but says their focus is currently pointing them away from wrestling...

“They’re definitely not maybe done. I don’t know, they’re kind of got their foot in and going with a couple different things, trying to see what’s available. So, you know, maybe you’ll see them back. Maybe you won’t, I don’t know yet, but I don’t want to speak for them either because I know they’re trying to reach out and get some different things going.”

Bischoff recalls first encounter with Steiners:

“Shortly after I joined WCW in 1991, it might have been my very first pay-per-view actually, and I showed up, everything was new to me. I didn’t know any of the talent. Everything was new and exciting and I was intimidated by most of it, and at that pay-per-view, we had to use that wrestling mat room as our dressing area. I show up, I find a cornerback away from everybody because I was intimidated, just wanted to keep my head down, keep my job, not upset anybody. I’m in there in the corner dressing getting ready and I look over, and the Steiner Brothers are torturing this referee, I mean, torturing him. Stretching him, bending him, squeezing him, breaking him until they got tired of it, and they wrapped him up like a mummy in gaff tape and left him in the corner. I’m thinking to myself, ‘this is going to be fun. I can’t wait to work with these two guys.’ That was my first impression of the Steiner Brothers.”

Lynch wants movie role:

Becky Lynch has revealed her excitement at a movie script that was sent to her recently. She says she relates to the subject matter, and wants to play the main role of an Irish female boxer, trying to make her name in the United States.

Network show back:

WWE are filming new Table For 3 episodes this week.

HHH maintaining relationships with ex-NXT talent:

HHH has wished the originals of NXT well, and revealed he maintains contact and hope WWE will work with them again, even those that are now with AEW...

“I like all those guys. They helped us get where we needed to get, and I’m thankful for it. The truth is there was a period of time where we were trying to build NXT. We built NXT. Then we were trying to build a brand that could get a television show and sustain it. All those names helped us get there. Whether anybody believed or not they fit on Raw or SmackDown, those aren’t necessarily my decisions solely, and they’re Vince’s decisions and fans’ decisions; and then, can we continue to do business with them? If they have great gigs, I’m happy for them. I stay in touch with almost all of them,” he said. “I like to think they came into us here, we taught them a lot, got them to a higher level where they learned how to do television, how to be professionals and all that to be successful there. At some point, they might come back with us, or they might never because they don’t fit our brand as well, but that’s OK. They got us to certain places, and I’m thankful for that, and they’re thankful for that, and they’re off to different things. But that doesn’t stop the train. People leave football teams, move to different teams all the time, and it’s great.”

DDP wants ECW legend to sign up:

DDP has called on Sabu to sign up to his support group. He has not yet responded.

Mick Foley reveals first WWF deal:

Mick Foley has discussed the risk he took to try himself out at the perceived highest level in wrestling, WWF/E...

“The contract I signed for WWE, I was guaranteed five matches a year, at $150 (thousand) a year, for five years. So, if they’d chosen not to push me, I could have been in a position where I can’t go anywhere else, I’m locked in for five years. But this is the place to go, WWE.”

New school:

Jerry Lynn is opening a wrestling school.

Twisted Bliss

Alexa Bliss has told friends and WWE colleagues she is frustrated at her lack of use and creative direction in WWE. She has not been on TV since Elimination Chamber, every angle proposed since has been shot down, including her offering to work Mania. There is no word on her status at this time, but plans on her returning are yet to emerge.

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