Wednesday, April 13, 2022


Veteran drops to NXT:

Natalya has joined NXT, transferring from SmackDown.

Sasha rewards herself:

Sasha Banks has bought herself a new diamond studded mouth grill to celebrate her WrestleMania win.

Lesnar out of Backlash:

Brock Lesnar is out of Backlash. He was advertised for the show, but WWE have pulled him/

Brawl For All?:

Buff Bagwell and Butterbean almost got into a fist fight at DDP's house this week.

Good Bro's contracts:

The Good Brothers Impact deals are soon to end, with no plans confirmed for a new deal, or a move away from the former TNA.

New Age Outlaws:

Road Dogg says he and Billy Gunn were a great team, but were never friends...

“The first night we roomed together, he woke up and I was peeing in the air conditioner. Right, wrong, or indifferent, that’s exactly what I was doing. I had a little too much, partied too much and that was the story of my life for a bit, to tell the truth. That was our first night in a hotel room together and it was the last night in a hotel room together for a really long time. We’re two different human beings. I just figured we butted heads a lot, he has this thing where he works out, it’s his whole life, it’s a lifestyle for him to go to the gym.”

Couple lied to get to WWE:

Killian Dain and Nikki Cross denied their real world relationship to get their WWE jobs, Big Damo has confirmed today.

New belts:

New NXT Men's and Women's belts have been presented and debuted on TV.

Pretty Deadly have won the vacated NXT Tag gold.

AEW game:

AEW have brought forward the tentative release date of their new video game to this September.

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