Tuesday, April 19, 2022


New Champions:

Dana Brooke won the 24/7 title during her TV wedding on Raw last night. Theory beat Finn Balor to win the US title on the show too.

Kushida leaves WWE:

WWE expect Kushida to return home to Japan, specifically New Japan after he let his WWE deal run down and left them this week.

Sunny faces legal action:

Sunny is to be sued over her involvement in a fatal car accident. The family of the deceased want $30,000 for her alleged negligence.

WWE celebrate Orton:

WWE are marking 20 years of Randy Orton across their platforms this week.

Jake concerned he has caused Dragon health issues:

Jake The Snake is concerned his DDT on concrete is behind Ricky Steamboat's health difficulties...

“To be quite honest with you, I know Steamboat’s having issues right now. I hope to hell it wasn’t what I did. I really do man, because that haunts me. That’s beginning to haunt me a lot. Ricky, if you’re listening, you know I never meant to do that. I didn’t want to do that. I begged you not to do that. I just pray for you man. He’s a good dude man.”

100% ready:

Stone Cold Steve Austin says he is 100% ready to be involved in WrestleMania 39, in some capacity, but probably not as a wrestler.

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