Thursday, April 7, 2022


Roman Hollywood:

A senior backstage official has shared that WWE are working on transitioning Roman Reigns into Hollywood now, wanting to get preparations in early to allow him the best chance of making it.

Raw vs SmackDown:

Corey Graves hopes to have an interbrand match vs Pat McAfee at Survivor Series.


Layla Hirsch was hurt working AEW Dark last night.

Top star calls Raw obnoxious:

Seth Rollins says 3 hours is far too long, he also criticised Mania's 7 hour running length over the two nights. He feel it is asking too much of fans to stay with a show for those times.

McMahon signs:

Shane McMahon's son Declan, has agreed a commitment for Indiana to play American Football.

Big return?:

Rumours ars circulating that Lacey Evans will return on SmackDown, after taking time out to give birth.


Rick Boogs had his WrestleMania injuries surgically repaired earlier this week.

Kurt Angle is getting double knee replacement surgery soon. He faces an extended period in a wheelchair afterward, and will need to learn to walk again after, with a walker, but he says it is about time, and he wants to get it over and done with.

Finished at 40:

Johnny Gargano says he will retire when he turns 40, in 6 years time...

“It’s hard because obviously, the name Johnny Gargano around wrestling is always going to be beneficial money-wise. People are always going to want to see me or meet me, want to see me wrestle, want to learn from me, so in reality, I have a job for life. I could back and be a producer, go back to WWE and be a coach, I could go do whatever. I could train people. I have a great relationship with everyone there. I’m very lucky that I have that. Because that’s always in the back of my mind of what I’m gonna do after wrestling because a part of me is saying I only want to wrestle until I’m 40, and that’s only six years away at this point. So ideally, I have about five years to really kinda maximize whatever I want to do in this.”

Impact signing:

Savannah has extended her deal.

Austin heat:

Stone Cold got some heat from producers for using his trademark double finger salute on three occasions during Mania. Pat McAfee says producers were frantically trying to get him to stop doing it at ringside, but he did not stop. Perhaps he didn't see them?

Vince match fought against:

Vince McMahon decided he was going to have what was likely his retirement match at this years WrestleMania, late last year. Top WWE officials have fought against the ''Terrible'' idea ever since, but Vince was steadfast, and got his way, after a compromise, that being his opponent would wrestle someone else, and the Vince match would be booked as an impromptu bout on the night.

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