Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Name change:

Austin is now to be known simply as ... Theory...

Rhodes and Rollins to dance again:

WWE have confirmed Cody vs Seth II will be at Backlash. Cody's wife Brandi, is teasing coming back to WWE, and may be with him at the show.

WWE UK PPV confirmed:

WWE will host their first UK based PPV event in 30 years on September 3 in Cardiff, Wales. The promotion confirmed the booking, but not the event name, today.

Absences explained:

Rey Mysterio missed Raw this week due to a medical issue.

Rhea Ripley is off TV due to unverified protocols.

Jake The Snake says Warrior cost him a WWE title run:

Jake The Snake claims he was booked for a championship run with Ultimate Warrior in 1991, claiming their feud over the gold was due to start after his SummerSlam heel turn... (Issue being, Warrior lost the gold at Royal Rumble 7 months earlier....but why let facts get in the way of a good story...?)

“Here’s where the problem began. Back in the day, I was working with whoever, and we’re in Orlando and Blackjack Lanza comes up to me and says, ‘call Vince, he wants to talk to you.’ I’m thinking, ‘oh my god, did I flunk a p*ss test,’ trying to remember because it had happened. I called him and Vince tells me, ‘Jake, I think you’re ready.’ ‘Ready for what?’ ‘I think you’re ready to work with the champ.’ ‘Warrior? I’m gonna work with Warrior?’ ‘No, no, no I’m not saying you’re going to because here’s what you’ve got to do. You’ve gotta go to his dressing room and talk to him, and see if he’ll work with you.’ ‘Excuse me?!’ You had to ask his permission to work with him. ‘Are you f*cking ribbing me?’ ‘No, Jake, go talk to him or else it’s not going to happen.’ I’m a little bit p*ssed right now, and I went to his locker room and knocked, and he cut a promo on my ass. Told me he didn’t care about me, he didn’t care about my family and if he’s going to work with me, I had to be on f*cking time, I had to be sure not to miss any shots and I better not f*ck no damn drug test yadda, yadda, yadda. He just ran the riot act. Never did look at me in the eyes, just stomped around the room in a circle, back and forth, marching around. I’m like, ‘OK!’ then he goes, ‘OK, get out!’ He dismissed me. And I come back, and I still had to call Vince, and I said, ‘He said he would.’ And I was so f*cking angry the way he’d treated me. Then we started doing all these vignettes. I had to take time off, which meant no money. Do these vignettes because we’re gonna line it up and work with the Warrior. And what happens? At SummerSlam, in the Garden, he holds Vince McMahon up for $1 million. They had to bring $1 million in cash to him at the arena. Cash. And they had to have two guards to get that money out of there to wherever he wanted it to go before he would go to the ring. Now I’m hearing this stuff going, ‘this is not cool. This is not good,’ knowing that tomorrow, I start my program with him. Tomorrow. But, after his match, it was announced that there was not going to be a tomorrow because Vince McMahon was standing right beside me when he fired him. ‘You’re fired, get the f*ck out of my building!’ Vince looked at me and said ‘you’ve got the worst friggin’ luck there is!’ Hogan, couldn’t do it. People chanting the wrong thing. Work with ‘Macho’, got to cut it short, and now this. Well, I was friggin’ furious because now I’ve lost another championship run.”

He says Warrior apologised to him the night they both went into the HOF, just 24 hours before Jim Hellwig died...

Velasquez speaks out:

Cain Velasquez has spoken publicly for the first time since his arrest...

“To everyone that has expressed your support, my family and I will never be able to thank you enough. From the bottom of our hearts and the depths of our souls, we are forever grateful for your love. Your selfless gestures and kindled words have given me strength in my darkest times. This story is complex and slowly unraveling as we speak. To the true victims of this case, may God give you the strength to come forward. Though it is most difficult to relive the pain that has happened to you, in speaking the truth, justice will be served and your own true healing will start. I will never stop helping or loving my community and all of you. Thank you for loving me.”

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