Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Slam match dropped to TV, New champs, SummerSlam change, Big red return, and more...

Slam match on TV:

A plan to have four way for the Women's Tag at SummerSlam was dropped last night. The match was on Raw instead. The match and titles were won by Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross.

McIntyre talks preferred finish:

"I've got to wear my opponent down enough where it calls for it. It's a case where I can do it to everyone. I know I can do it to Braun Strowman. But to actually get someone worn down enough to get hooked into the Reverse Alabama Slam takes a second. With the Claymore, as you've seen over the past, it hasn't been years, but a year and a half I've been back — it can come from literally anywhere, and I think I've hit more of my Claymores on the floor outside the ring than I have inside the ring. I'm 6'5 legit — with my boots on I'm about 6'7 — and at 265-270 [pounds], and when I'm coming at you full speed, kicking through the air and kicking you in the face, that's a pretty effective finish. It can come from any time, on the turn, off the ropes, on the floor — it can take anyone down."

WWE tribute:

WWE dedicated their show last night to recent victims of a number of gun massacres in the States.

Inter-promotional heat:

Matt Riddle has kicked off at a number of legends on social media, most notably Chris Jericho...

"Jericho, you came at me! I don't know why you're saying, 'Listen and learn, kid.' I'll beat the s--t out of you. I don't understand that; I don't get it. You're soft as hell. Maybe back in your prime but even then, I would have beat the s--t out of you then, so listen and learn from me, bro. Shut your mouth.''

This came after Jericho advised Riddle to read his book and to learn from it, in relation to his comments on Goldberg.

New champs:

R-Truth is 24/7 champ again. He took the gold from Mike Kanellis, after he pinned his wife, Maria, during a medical check up.

SummerSlam change:

Goldberg has replaced Miz as Dolph Ziggler's SummerSlam opponent.

Big red return:

Kane is coming back to the ring this month. WWE have added him to some lives for later in the month.

New signing:

Curt Hawkins wrestling school partner, Pat Buck, has joined WWE as a producer after impressing during a guest coaching spot at the PC recently.

SD tease:

  • Kevin Owens invites Shane McMahon to "The Kevin Owens Show"
  • WWE Champion Kofi Kingston to respond to Randy Orton in exclusive interview
  • Who tried to run down Roman Reigns?
  • Will Aleister Black respond to Sami Zayn's challenge?
  • Is Charlotte Flair ready for Trish Stratus?

Iconic title change was a mistake:

Brutus The Barber says WWF should not have had Dream Team lose the Tag belts at Mania 2 to the British Bulldogs...

"It was brilliant and a very good plan. I loved the Bulldogs but I don't think they were ready to run with the belts and that was a mistake. They should have kept them on us but it is what it is."

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