Thursday, August 22, 2019

NXT doomed by it's success, Punk wants WWE return, Injuries, Mania 37, and more...

NXT doomed:

Chris Jericho says Vince McMahon will take over NXT, now it is on TV, and it will lose everything that has made it what it is now, as a result...

"If it's another show on the USA Network - not on FS1, and not on the WWE Network. If it's an official, legitimate, nationwide cable show on the USA Network, do you think Vince McMahon is going to be involved in it? Of course he is!" Jericho exclaimed. "It's Vince McMahon; he is a genius. But here's the thing - I think the appeal of it is that it's its own little entity outside the WWE, and when Vince McMahon gets a hold of it and gets involved with it it is going to become another SmackDown and another RAW. I think you are going to see all three of those shows interacting with one another. I think it's going to be just another WWE show, so whatever the appeal is with NXT, whatever the specialness of it is is going to be changed to another RAW and another SmackDown. I think if you like RAW and SmackDown then you're going to like NXT on Wednesday nights. If you don't, then I don't think you're going to like NXT on Wednesday nights because there's no way that Vince McMahon is going to stay home and not be involved with it. That is what he does, so, great. I think it's another 2 hours of incredible WWE programming on Wednesday nights. If you love WWE then there's more for you to love, and if you don't, then I don't think it's going to make a difference."

Backstage news from the company adamantly denies Vince will be involved. HHH will be even more hands on than he is now, and will still be in charge. It was also noted that all of the NXT roster will have their contracts redrawn, to acknowledge their new statuses.

Punk wants WWE return:

CM Punk's agent has reached out to Fox expressing CM's interest in being part of the presenting show for the new WWE studio show, coming to their network. If he did join, he would be employed by Fox not WWE, but who would have thunk it, Punk back on a WWE show!


Jon Moxley has an elbow injury.

Kayfabe Injury:

WWE say Xavier Woods is injured, and can't compete. Big E. will though accept a challenge from Revival for Clash next week, and will seemingly defend his titles alone.

Old boy visits:

Eugene was at this weeks SD taping.

WWE Network:

WWE have signed a deal to launch their own podcast network. They will have their talent host a number of shows on the channel.

WWE aren't buying us:

Fite TV's owner has comprehensively squashed rumours that WWE are in advanced talks to buy them.

Mania 37:

Inglewood vs Las Vegas is the final for the rights to host WrestleMania 37 in 2021.

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