Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Injuries, New Slam match, Big match dropped?, New kicks, and more...


Bobby Lashley has had bone spurs removed from his elbow, and is benched until November. Ruby Riott has had as second surgery on her shoulder injury and Rachael Evers was also under the knife today.


Drew Gulak vs Oney Lorcan for the Cruiser is official.

Reigns attacker named:

Roman Reigns was repeatedly attacked by Erick Rowan, this was apparently to set up a match vs Daniel Bryan at Slam, but nothing was announced on TV this week.

WWE games split:

2K and Yukes, who have made video games, including for WWE, together for 20 years have announced they are parting ways. Yukes blame a loss of passion and an unwillingness to modernise, with a safety net attitude, of if it ain't broke don't fix it, from 2K as their reason to pull away.

Script ripped again:

Vince McMahon tore up the SD script for the third week in a row last night, after the main event and Roman's attacker reveal leaked, possibly killing the Reigns vs Bryan match as a result.

Kim hot with WWE:

Gail Kim has accused WWE of wasting their Asian talent...

"Wow..... so sad when they have the most talented asian female wrestlers on the planet. Wake up WWE and stop wasting all of them. Utilize their talent!"

WWE shoes:

WWE and Converse have teamed up for a new line of superstars sneakers, at the moment, exclusive to Foot Locker in NYC. (Photo).

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