Thursday, August 15, 2019

Breakout star, Angry Alum, Exec sells big, WWE title goes to indie, and more...

Cody defends tough peer mentor:

Cody Rhodes Bob Holly was just what he needed when he started in WWE...

''I would say so. Took me to the gym...a lot. Was protective of me in the ring too. Also, didn’t sugarcoat how green and unprepared I was. I needed that.''

NXT breakout star:

Jordan Myles has won a shot of an NXT title of his choosing, after winning the WWE brands Breakout Star tournament.

Conor McCheapshot:

Heat grows on the controversial UFC star, whom WWE are very keen on bringing in. The latest issue, a CCTV video of him assaulting an elderly patron of an Irish pub from April this year. In the video Conor McGregor enters the bar and starts lining up glasses in from of everyone at the bar, one gent pushes the glass away, indicating he did not want to join in the whiskey drinking, CM puts another glass down, gent does the same, so McGregor punches him in the face and gets pushed out of the pub by his minders, before the older man has time to react...

A complaint to police was made, and has been getting investigated since, but no charges have yet been filed.

Angry Alum:

Batista has fumed at AEW's Chuck Taylor, after he put the iconic Ribera Steakhouse on blast...

"I went to Ribera with goddamn Okada and they didn't give me one of those coats that place can suck one."

Batista demanded he delete the tweet...

"My friend I offer this advice in complete sincerity. Delete this tweet immediately. Our history and tradition with that place is something that's beyond your years. I'm asking you not to disrespect that over a jacket you didn't receive."

Taylor has since complied with the request.

Top exec sells big:

WWE's co-president, Michelle Wilson, sold over $10 million of WWE stock, almost 80% of her shares, for personal reasons today, leaving just above the threshold qualifying her for a spot on the board of directors.

Titus talks having a tough time forgiving Hulk:

... Over his racism storm...

"It was fine and I finally had a chance to have a separate conversation with Hulk. Obviously, I had put out a statement about the apology and how I received it and how others might have received it too. But I had a private conversation with him long before the Be A Star Rally and heard from his perspective. At that moment I realized the situation he was in where he clammed up and started rambling. He could have been more concise and contrite with his message. But at the end of the day, I'm not one to put anybody in a doghouse forever. I'm not saying he was in the doghouse with me, but I like for men to be men and women to be women and both be transparent, truthful and honest with me.''

WWE title to indie:

Drew Gulak will put the Cruiserweight title on the line, vs Kushida at Evolve later this month.

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