Thursday, August 1, 2019

Champ homeless, Team reunites, The King is dead, First champ, and more...

NXT surgery:

Karen Q is having an op to repair the injury she suffered on the lives over the weekend, today.

Lives axed:

WWE have cancelled three lives from the schedule for this weekend / early next week.

Homeless Hero:

Alex Shelley is coming out of retirement for ROH, but he has revealed the end of his last spell with them left him homeless, divorced, and broke.

Team reunite:

Fandango appeared at NXT last night, to reunite with Tyler Breeze. He had been on the long term injured list.

Old boy at PC :

Gangrel is guest coaching at the WWE PC this week.

Why Rhyno turned down big $ deal:

"That is true. Basically, I was talking with Mark Carrano, and Vince threw out a number. It was double my downside. It was more money than I would have made in wrestling altogether. I love being on the road whether it's working with independent promotions or with Impact, AEW, or WWE. My window of being on the road is closing. I realize that. My thing is I enjoy being in the locker rooms and helping people out. My goal is to find the next John Cena, the next Steve Austin or the next RVD. I can't do that if I'm sitting at home. I'm more beneficial to being on the road.''

The King is dead:

WWE HOF'er, Harley Race has died from lung cancer, aged 76. The news was broken by AEW.

Race will be remembered as one of the most talented and decorated stars to ever lace them up, and is rightly being hailed as a legend as social media is filled with tributes and memorials to the great man.

New champ:

AEW will crown their first female champion on their first TV show.

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