Sunday, August 18, 2019

No more Nation, Top team quits, Alum turns heel, Dr. Tom buries WWE run, and more...

No more Nation:

D'Lo Brown says the Nation Of Domination cannot work in the modern world...

"I don't think today's culture would allow a group of militants like we were to exist and not be struck down by different parents groups or whatever. It was controversial then, and in today's politically correct climate I don't think it would work today. I wish it could; it would be amazing to see a new version of it, but I don't think it would fly today. The backlash would be so severe right now, so it wouldn't be worth the effort. Sponsors and networks don't want any part of that today, so I think it would be met with a ton of resistance."

Bella signing:

Strictly dancer, Artem Chigvintsev, has joined the cast of 'Total Bella's'. He is dating Nikki.

Alum attends:

MVP was backstage at this weekend's blue brand live.

Impact quit:

LAX have confirmed they have worked their last match for Impact. WWE and AEW are interested in their services.

Santino talks end of WWE career:

"I was in charge of that realization where it's been a couple of years and I thought I was getting better and then I kind of tripped. I put my hand down and it just didn't feel good at all. I ended up calling the WWE where I told them that I am waiting just like they are if this is going to get better but it's not getting better and it's been two years, so I told them that I don't think I can wrestle anymore. Then we were talking about a non-wrestling role like a General Manager or something like that and that was the plan. All the time during your injury that you have, they can add that on to your contract. So, I was off for like two years and my contract would have been expired by that time but I figured, okay, I have two years because I was off for two years and that is what they told me. And then one day they called and said that they weren't going to exercise their option to extend it so my contract will be up next month. It was crazy."


WWE Alum, Kenta, turned heel and joined the Bullet Club last night in Japan.

Tom Pritchard buries WWE run:

Dr. Tom says the BodyDonna's was the worst period of his career...

"How about this? What if we take the hottest chick in the whole deal [Sunny] away from you guys? I mean, you know what? We're going to give you a new manager. Hey, get this, how about a transvestite? Hey, it'll be a guy dressed up as a girl and guess what we're going to call her? Oh, this is the great part. Guess what? We'll name her Cloudy? How clever is that? Oh my God! I just sat there and Chris actually said, 'I think it's the stupidest f***ing thing I've ever heard.' I didn't say a word. I just sat there and took it like, oh my God, I just want to go home. I just want to go, you know, it was terrible. But that was a bad time for a lot of people, I think."

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