Friday, August 2, 2019

AEW vs WWE, Dead for life, Ring return, Who was the original HHH, and more...

Cody upset with Vince:

Cody Rhodes has responded to Vince McMahon calling AEW ''Blood & Guts'' during a media call recently...

"It was with a club and a whisper, these roots were planted long ago. They said we couldn't, and Matt and Nick and I said we could. And with All In, there's a satisfaction in proving people wrong. And then enter Kenny Omega, the Khan family, All Elite Wrestling. The fans said that we could, and there's an equal satisfaction in proving people right. So, what happens now? Plain and simple - wrestling fans and wrestlers alike have an opportunity to take back their space. Recently there were some very public comments made about us, where we were referred to as 'blood and guts.' Blood and guts. And it was said with such a braggart candor that you would think the person saying it felt that they're bulletproof. But I wonder before they said it if they tasted their own words before they spit them out, because the entirety of our business is built on blood and guts. Every man or woman who ever stepped foot in the ring, regardless of race, color, creed, political affiliation, sexual identity, felt blood and guts and passion, because if we don't care, they don't care. So if you say we are blood and guts, I say you bet your ass we're blood and guts."

Dead for life:

Undertaker has signed what is in all intents and purposes, a lifetime, exclusive deal with WWE.

Alum back in the ring:

Enzo Amore says he is coming back to wrestling. He will work an indie in NYC this month, as Nzo.

Lio Rush talks WWE future:

"I miss the fans, I miss doing what I love and like the saying goes never say never and I'm only 24 years old and of course I still want to wrestle and be a part of my dream company. I'm pretty sure it won't be the last time you see me in a ring. But it is pretty cool that I get to have this opportunity to spend some time with my family because I haven't been able to that much or as much as I'd like to since signing with WWE and also to take this time out to work on projects that I've always wanted to work on like this single that I just put out."

Would the real HHH please stand up:

Hulk Hogan says he pitched a heel turn and re-brand to WWF higher-ups at WrestleMania 6 in 1990, where he famously lost the Winged Eagle to the Ultimate Warrior. He wanted to be called HHH...

"When we did the WrestleMania thing, we did the build-up pretty good. Then it gets time to go over the finish, and whether I'm going over or not, I have the same two questions: Why are we doing this, and what happens next? When I was told to put the Warrior over, I asked those questions and Vince said, 'I think the red and yellow is over, we have gotten everything we can out of it.' And I was like, 'Damn, Vince what if after the finish I point to God, give him the belts and leave, but I do that slow Three Stooges turn, I go back and gaff his ass and call myself Triple H, Hollywood Hulk Hogan? He said, 'that would never work and you can't be a heel.' So, he squashed that."

During the interview he also claimed that it was the offices idea for him to into the ring with the belts, stealing the attention from Warrior, and having it himself...

"I knew if I slid back out there and grabbed that belt from Hebner, looked up to God and said okay and handed it to him, it would work. He is the one that pulled me in for the hug and he said, 'I love you'. Now, when I leave, I was betting on the people to follow me going down that aisle. And when you watch, every person is watching me down that aisle, not him celebrating in the ring."

Just FYI Huckster... I was watching Warrior...

Rock missing the biz:

The Rock told one time Mania competitor Maria Menounos that he wishes he could wrestle more on US TV today...

"I miss wrestling, I love wrestling. Yes, I do."

Bella's on TV:

The Bella sisters will appear on a celebrity version of 'Family Feud' later this month.

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