Saturday, September 30, 2017


Alum remembers deceased celeb:

Torrie Wilson has credited Hugh Hefner, who died this week aged 91,  for her wrestling success...

"He definitely helped my popularity while I was with the WWE. Playboy was a huge opportunity for me and kind of brought me to the next level."

Ahmed reveals backstage fight with NOD colleague:

Ahmed Johnson has revealed he once got into a fight with The Rock because he cowered to racial insults from DX members HHH and HBK...

"What happened was, he was back in the locker room and I was already back there on the other side of the lockers, so, he couldn't see me. And he walked in there with Triple H and Shawn, and they were all talking and they were making black jokes, and they didn't know I was there. When Triple H said, 'Man, we were joking Rocky, we were joking,' and Rock said, 'That's okay, people look at me and think I'm black. I'm not black, man. My mom had an affair on my dad with a white man. That's my dad. The white guy is my dad.' He was serious as a heart attack. So I stepped from around the locker and said, 'What you just say?' He said, 'Aw, aw, nothing, man, you know just here bulls--tting,' and I said, 'Yeah, I heard you over there selling that bulls--t, man. What did you say about your dad? You mean to tell me this man bust his ass for us to be in this federation, and you're denying him?' Then he got cocky and said, 'Man, this ain't none of your business' Once he said that, we went for blows. After that, Ron Simmons and Papa Shango broke it up."

He then threatened WWE HOF'er Teddy Long...

"That b---h. First of all, I don't even know this punk motherf--ker. Ain't never met him once in my life. Never. Never ever been in the same room with this fool. And I'll tell you right now, straight up, if I ever see him cause he's got himself going around with churches and being a Christian, I swear to God if he ever comes to Houston, I'm giving you my word, I'm going to that church where it is he is, and I'm gonna go to him and I'm gonna slap him in the f--king face. And I mean that with all my heart. He's going to be more elderly when I get done with him."

And finished with condemnation for New Day's booking...

"Now come on, don't one of them got a doctorate degree or something? Come on, man. But Vince got you acting like a clown on a clown car. I think it is shucking and jiving for him. I just think that especially homeboy with that degree, they can find something better for him. He could be like a Clarence Mason, like a black wrestling Clarence Mason."

Fan incident:

A fan rushed the ring at an NXT live last night, and caught a kick to the face from Kyle O'Reilly for his trouble. He was then dragged away by security.

WWE test Angle:

Kurt Angle has revealed he is in the WWE drug testing programme, despite not being a wrestling talent.

Nattie at the plate:

Natalya threw the first pitch at a Boston baseball game last night.


Jinder Mahal met with Vladimir Kozlov in China last week, Kozlov was in China promoting his new movie, and went backstage at a live.

NBA star joins WWE charity:

Steph Curry has been supporting the Connor's Cure charity on social media.

Vince cast:

Bradley Cooper has been offered the role of Vince McMahon in the upcoming biopic of the WWE chairman. He has not confirmed he will take the part. Producers of the film want to get a big name on board as soon as possible, to speed up the process of getting the film made.

Titus legal fight:

Titus O'Neil is trying to get a million $ court case he faces for assaulting a cameraman during a WWE Network taping moved to either Florida (Where he lives) or Virginia (Where the alleged incident happened) rather than California. He is accused of kicking the former WWE cameraman after being pranked on 'Swerved' and the cameraman claims injuries he suffered have left him unable to work since.

Friday, September 29, 2017


Young Bucks:

After receiving a cease and desist letter from WWE Young Bucks are auctioning off their ring attire with the too sweet gesture. They will donate the monies raised to charity. They aren't rolling over to WWE though, here is their newest shirt (Photo).

Marty responds:

Marty Jannetty says he is taking legal action against media outlets for attacking him over yesterdays story about he and his daughter. The post suggesting he wanted to start a sexual relationship with her was, he says, made by a hacker six weeks ago, and that he had not made comment until now because the situation was in the hands of his lawyer. He went on to say he did not know why internet sites and mainstream media had picked up the story now, but is not happy that they have...

''BREAKING NEWS FOR ALL MEDIA!!! NO SEX WITH DAUGHTERS!!! (I put that 2nd line in to grab your attention as you need to see whats going on with this) : I will be limiting what I say here due to attorney's advice & lawsuits in progress. Several major newspapers in major cities in America(and countries, Canada, Australia & the UK, so far) have recently written articles on me about my daughter, suggesting we wanted to have sex together. Well please share this and write an article about this(as I know you won't because it's not something negative on me) ITS FAKE NEWS!! My site was hacked or it came from a fake account, which Im constantly having Facebook remove them. (Had been hacked 7 times b4 since on FB) All the newspapers other than the NY Post(I think thats the one)(its definitely a top NY paper though) have written the article AS FACT. The NY Post did say at the end of the article that they didnt know if the story was true or hacked. BUT, they wrote it anyway. This morning I found a big piece of evidence where this came from. I always tell my people on Facebook about losing my phones which happens a lot(Dude, where's my phone) Well heres how I know a recent one was stolen and not lost. I got up this morning and saw my phone had 8 FB messages that came in from 4:30am when I went to bed and 8:30am when I woke up. I checked into them and they were all people asking why I looked so sad. There was a pic sent to many people in my FB messenger of me>>looking horrible!!! IT TOLD ON THE CULPRIT! The picture is of me close up and wearing my reading glasses and looking tired as can be(which I was) BUT, that pic came while I was setting up Skype and didnt mean to take a selfie, evidently I touched a wrong place. But I saved that pic to THAT PHONE to occasionally look and remind myself Im getting real old. Point being, it was saved to that STOLEN phone. Not FB, not my laptop, tablet or computer. JUST THAT PHONE. AndI always leave my FB open on my phone so that person was able to go all through my FB account. That person must hate me. Why else would they do that crap to me? My biggest disappointment is no one(that saw it) caught on that it was obviously fake and at least ASKED me about it rather than take it as true. EXCEPT, for a few on my fan page. Thats how I originally found out about it. Its a 6 weeks old thing that I was keeping quiet about so as not to harm the investigation. BUT recently,for some odd reason, newspapers are suddenly reporting on it.(we know why) But NOW you all know the REAL on this. Sorry Bianca AND Wendy that y'all are getting dragged into my messes. I love yall, this will be fixed!!''

Neville blasts WWE:

Neville has told his fans not to buy the ''Atrocity'' of a shirt WWE have released for him.

Shelty responds to Uso's story:

Shelton Benjamin has shared his side of Uso's hazing story about him and Charlie Haas...

"Before shows, me and Charlie would get in the ring with extras and work out, and do all these things in the ring because that's what I was programmed to do. I figured I was strong enough. I lifted Big Show once and I'm like, 'if I can lift him, I'm good.' The misconception when they say their first week on the road, the misconception when most people hear that is that their first week on the road as WWE Superstars and the truth is, they're referring to when they first got on the road, their uncle, Umaga, brought them to Houston and we worked out with them. This was long before The Usos even had a tryout. That's how long that was going on. Most people think it was after they had their first tryout. No, this is before they were even signed. So yeah, they were pretty easy to intimidate them because they had no clue what they were getting into, especially with Charlie!"

Nikki Bella:

John Cena will support Nikki Bella at next weeks 'Dancing With The Stars.'

Lawsuit stops play:

Lawsuits by Buff Bagwell and Raven are delaying the additions of WCW Thunder and Sunday Night Heat to the WWE Network. They are suing for royalties.

Impact exodus:

A round of talent cuts from Impact is expected within the next few weeks. Robbie E was the first cut today.

Cole staying home:

Michael Cole will miss Raw next week. Tom Phillips will sit in. He is attending his son's wedding. WWE say it is only the second time in 20 years that ''The voice of WWE'' has missed a week of TV's.

Triple H:

Triple H is booked to compete at a live in Portugal on the next Euro tour.

Orton jealous of KO:

After admitting he is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain his physique, as he gets older, he said of Kevin Owens...

"I guess Kevin Owens has it figured out. He started fat and he'll finish fat. He's trying to get himself over as the fat guy that can fight. Bless his heart, that's great. I'm jealous."

He also admits to being sick of being a face...

"I love it and I'm gonna use that, hopefully sooner than later when I turn heel again because I'm sick of this babyface thing, that's for sure."

Thursday, September 28, 2017



Adam Cole made his WWE in ring debut against Eric Young last night.


WWE are working on making the Club vs RNR Express happen. They have also confirmed they do not plan to air the event.

Sex with my daughter... why not?:

Marty Jannetty has received a mauling in mainstream media for a social media post he made stating he wanted to make love to his daughter. He claims he recently found out that the girl he raised from being a child is not biologically his, and now sees no reason why he can't act on his fantasy...

"If you loves me as much as I loves you, you will give your opinion,,just did DNA (2 weeks ago)..she's NOT my daughter..we both held out of sex because you don't do that..but now that we ain't???? From a guys side.. SHES F****N HOTT..but..she's been daughter.. I want to too, but can't get past that.."

Enzo looking at moving on:

Enzo Amore is interested in launching a rap career, externally of WWE.

WWE want Alum back:

WWE's ears were pricked up by the news Kaitlyn has started training for a ring return. They were very saddened to have lost her, and now hope she will be open to a return to their employ.

Brit to WWE:

Johnny Moss is moving to the states to work as a coach for the WWE PC.

Invasion response:

Young Bucks say they were served with new legal papers from WWE, one day after they invaded Raw this week. This time they demand the indie greats stop using the too sweet hand gesture. They have also been served by Comedy Central for producing a parody shirt based on their 'Rick & Morty' show.

WWE are threatening $150,000 fines for every item they sell, picture they take, or reference they make to their intellectual property.

Is legend retired?:

Kane has addressed his wrestling status...

"We have a saying in the WWE: never say never. So, I can't answer that question."

Bryan hints at ring return:

"We don't need to talk about why I'm growing my hair out. It may or may not be because I want to do apuestas (Hair vs Mask) matches in Arena Mexico. It may or may not be that."

He also voiced his distaste at a story on 'Total Bella's or Diva's' this week. He was not happy with Bella family members fighting over which of them would get custody of his and Brie's daughter should they die. Bryan said he would want his sister to have the honour, as she has a stable marriage and 3 children of her own, and was angered that they did not air his views on the matter, Brie dis-agreed, she feels one of her family should get Birdie.

Jack Gallagher:

Jack Gallagher is coming home in November to attend the premiere of a documentary film of his life.


NJPW are bringing back the Young Lions cup after more than a decade.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017



The Club have called WWE Hall Of Famers Rock N Roll Express out for a match at Starrcade later this year.

Hell In A Cell:

AJ Styles vs Baron Corbin for the US is official for the next blue special. New Day vs Uso's will be in the cell, Randy Orton vs Rusev and Bobby Roode vs Dolph Ziggler are also booked.

Attendance issues:

This weeks SmackDown drew less fans than last week (Photo).

Nikki survives:

Nikki Bella survived again on 'Dancing With The Stars' despite scoring her lowest score yet for her Samba (18), which was danced to 'Despacito' by Luis Fonsi. Singer Debbie Gibson was the second star cut...

JBL talks WWE status:

"I'm still part of the WWE family which I'm thrilled about. I've been there for twenty-one years. I'll still be going back for WrestleMania and Tribute to the Troops. I had no chance to come to places like India and visit Magic Bus, and do some things that I really wanted to do, as long as I was doing commentary every week. So, I got a chance to back off and do a few big events every year which I love doing. Love seeing Ron Simmons from the APA. He comes to all the big events too. But I love being able to come out here and visit with the kids and learning what people are doing, which to me is the most important work in the world."

Hogan may reject return:

Hulk Hogan says he does not know if he would accept an invitation from WWE to return to the company, should it ever come.

Heat on WWE:

Some outlets have criticised WWE for announcing Nia Jax's weight before matches. She and Kurt Angle have defended the decision by saying she is proud of her weight.

Austin Aries enters political row:

Austin Aries pulled no punches in his condemnation of Donald Trump's spat with NFL...

''Trump has to be a little more self-aware, especially when you look at the sports he's attacking. He's basically telling them, 'Hey you owners, get your slaves back in place and you tell them when they stand and when they kneel and if they don't, you fire them. If they want to make money off of us, then they do what we say. Except for those very fine people in NASCAR.' And NASCAR only has one minority driver full-time, just one black driver."

He also said WWE talent would never join the protests...

"It's a little different I think, in some ways. I think my point is that in the NFL right now, if you take a stand and if your owner doesn't like it, you've got 30 other teams you can go play for. And your performance and how good you are would base, it should unless your Colin Kaepernick, if you have a spot or not. In our situation it's a little different because you don't have those luxuries, so more guys might toe the line there for fear of not having a job."

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


New talent:

Montez Ford, Riddick Moss and Tino Sabbatelli have been added to the NXT roster.

Raw invasion:

Young Bucks shouted through a loud speaker, calling for Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows and Finn Balor to come out and join them as Marty Scurll flipped and jumped off the top of the limo, while Cody Rhodes recited the presidential speech from 'Independence Day' in the parking lot as Raw was taping last night...

205 Live:

205 Live closed and main evented Raw last night, for the first time. Enzo Amore turned heel, as the rest of the division turned face against him.

Cena gets movie:

John Cena has signed on for a buddy cop movie.


Curt Hawkins suffered cuts to his back on Raw this week.

Nikki Bella:

Nikki Bella scored a personal best 21 on last nights 'Dancing With The Stars' she danced the waltz to 'Come Away With Me' by Norah Jones. Barbara Corcoran of 'Shark Tank' was eliminated. Another elimination will take place tonight. Charlotte was the WWE star on hand for support...

SmackDown tease:

  • Shane McMahon reacts to Kevin Owens' official statement
  • Will Shinsuke Nakamura respond to Jinder Mahal's controversial comments?
  • Will Baron Corbin make Tye Dillinger regret his actions?
  • Rusev to be honored during Pride of Bulgaria Celebration
  • The Hype Bros call out The Usos

Deal falls through:

Crazzy Steve left Impact this year to try out for WWE, and impressed, but after waiting for their call all summer has now returned to the indie scene. The offer seemingly never came.

Jeff Hardy:

Jeff Hardy is expected to be out for 6-8 months.

WWE games:

This years DLC stars are...

  • Ruby Riot
  • Elias
  • Drew McIntyre
  • Lars Sullivan
  • Rock N Roll Express
  • Beth Phoenix
  • Aleister Black

Monday, September 25, 2017


No Mercy:


  1. Elias bt Apollo Crews (Pre)
  2. The Miz bt Jason Jordan
  3. Finn Balor bt Bray Wyatt
  4. Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins bt Sheamus & Cesaro
  5. Alexa Bliss bt Bayley, Emma, Nia Jax and Sasha Banks
  6. Roman Reigns bt John Cena
  7. Enzo Amore bt Neville to win the Cruiserweight
  8. Brock Lesnar bt Braun Strowman


  • Cesaro had his two front teeth knocked out during his match, but kept wrestling, which earned him a standing o from the talent backstage.


Asuka will debut on Raw on October 22.

Heat on Enzo:

The 205 Live roster were openly hostile on social media to the title change last night. With TJ Perkins going as far as saying he will not acknowledge Enzo as champion of his division.

Raw tease:

  • What will happen when Reigns is the guest on a special "Miz TV" to kick off Raw?
  • With a loss to Brock Lesnar, is Braun Strowman more dangerous than ever?
  • What will be the fallout from chaotic Raw Woman's Champion Fatal 5-Way Match?
  • How long is the Enzo Amore Era destined to last?
  • Will Jason Jordan get another opportunity at the Intercontinental Champion?

ROH debut:

Donovan Dijak worked this weekends NXT live tour.

Jeff Hardy:

Jeff Hardy has been working hurt for two months. He originally injured his shoulder at Great Balls Of Fire before exacerbating it on Raw last week. He will have surgery next week.

New baby:

Mike and Maria Kanellis have announced they are pregnant.

WWE games:

2K18 will be available on PC this year. The Hardyz have been confirmed as DLC characters.


Cody Rhodes, Eden, Young Bucks and other Bullet Club stars are parked outside Raw tonight in a limo.

Sunday, September 24, 2017


No Mercy:

Tonight Raw will present their No Mercy special.

Women to Rumble:

Charlotte is the latest star to call for an all female Royal Rumble match...

"If we have enough women absolutely. I think that would be great. I think that would be exciting. It's just a matter of having enough women."

Alum returns to the ring:

Kaitlyn is training for a return to wrestling. She worked a rusty match at a gym in Florida this weekend, but says she enjoyed it.

Cody signs:

Cody Rhodes has finally decided on his new exclusive home. He has signed for ROH. The deal has been described as the most generous contract in the promotions history, and is for several years.

Cena blasts WWE women:

John Cena's dad has taken aim at the women of WWE...

"If Sasha has got what it takes to make it work, then use it while you have it. I'm not a fan of Charlotte Flair's, I'll be right upfront with you. Alexa Bliss, what does she got? The looks and the body, that's about it. You know what? I'm gonna stop because I'm going to get myself in trouble."

Match on?:

Natalya is training one of the MMA 4 horsewomen to wrestle, potentially for a match at this years Survivor Series.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Today's News

Flair opens up:

Ric Flair has revealed the level of alcohol abuse he inflicted upon his body...

"I've done all my math, I was drinking between 3,700 and 4,000 calories worth of booze — soda, splash of cranberry — in my body every day. Like 20 drinks a day."

New champs:

Kenny King took the ROH TV gold at their big special last night. Motor City Machine Guns also secured tag gold at the show.

WWE feature Alum:

WWE have ran a feature on JBL's work with disadvantaged kids in Bermuda. JBL recently left WWE to concentrate on his charitable work.


MNM teamed for the first time in 10 years last night.

AAA support:

AAA are hosting a charity show to raise funds for victims of a recent earthquake in Mexico.

FloSlam black out:

FloSlam are refusing to air WWN promotions, including tonight's Evolve show, due to their legal dispute.


Jeff Hardy has a significant shoulder injury, and may need surgery.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Today's News

Relationship breakdown:

FloSlam have filed a lawsuit against WWN, who own most of the promotions they air on their channel. They claim WWN were less than honest with their IPPV buyrates and subscriber counts, going so far as to list the same names over and over again to make their numbers look better.

ROH ready to welcome WWE star:

ROH COO, Joe Coff, says he would personally welcome Daniel Bryan back to the promotion should he leave WWE to resume his wrestling career.

WWE help GFW, with strings attached:

WWE are sending Cedric Alexander to Evolve to sub for the injured GFW star Davey Richards, but they will not allow them to air the match.

WWE stars listed:

John Cena and Charlotte have made the Sports Illustrated fit 50 list.

New baby:

Elijah is the new baby son of Konnor.

Goldberg talks possible return:

"Hey, man, never say never, dude. Stranger things have happened. I did sit for 13 years and then suddenly appear back in the ring. Let's just say it ain't gonna take nearly the effort to get me ready again that it did last time. So, I'll see you on the rebound for damn sure."

Flair released:

Ric Flair has been released from hospital after more than a month battling with severe health issues.

GFW star blasts promoter:

Laurel Van Ness was angered by a recent indie booking request...

"Promoters, NO you can not just pay me what YOU think is fair. It's unbelievably disrespectful to assume you can pay me what YOU want. Why? Because I'm female? Women are now bringing to the table just as much, if not MORE, than any male. Women are drawing crowds. Women are putting on main events. So no, I will not take your $50 to go out there & put my body at risk, because you don't care to ask me how much I charge. Oh and, DEAR PROMOTER: Welcome to 2017."

No more Stone Cold:

Steve Austin says he is no longer Stone Cold. He says it has been 14 years since he last wrestled and it was time to move on from his wrestling name.

Alum talking to WWE:

RVD says he has been in talks with WWE recently.

No Mercy:

Apollo Crews vs Elias will be the kick-off bout.

Split confirmed:

Impact and GFW are splitting. The owners of Impact are now looking at another re-brand, and the possibility of moving the company to Canada, where they are based.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Today's News

Media going after racist WWE:

A reporter from the Washington Post is working on an expose on the racist themes of WWE gimmicks. She has asked for anyone offended by this weeks ''Mr. Miyagi'' comment to get in touch with her to aid her article. Other outlets have already criticised the promo, which was scripted by the office, as lazy and unnecessary. One took particular displeasure to Jinder Mahal using the letter ''R'' instead of ''L'' (A stereotypical jibe about Asians not being able to say the letter ''L'') when mocking Shinsuke Nakamura. He had said ''You rook rike Mr. Miyagi.''

WWE have released a statement defending the angle...

"Just like many other TV shows or movies, WWE creates programming with fictional personalities that incorporates real world issues and sensitive subjects. As a producer of such TV shows, WWE Corporate is committed to embracing and celebrating individuals from all backgrounds as demonstrated by the diversity of our employees, performers and fans worldwide."

Nia upset with TD:

Nia Jax has called Total Divas out for photo-shopping a graphic of her on the next series poster.

Horsewomen to collide:

A creative leak from WWE has confirmed WWE are interested in a battle of the 4 horsewomen of NXT and MMA. Survivor Series is the likeliest host of the bout as the wrestlers are split by the brand draft, so it would need to be a joint event.

WWE denial:

WWE have rubbished stories that Vince McMahon pre-bladed before his spot with Kevin Owens last week.

Paige branded:

WWE are working on Paige's return angle, which will be for the SmackDown brand.

Roman reveals wardrobe malfunction:

"The funny thing is, my zipper literally broke like two minutes before I was walking out (On Raw). Usually I do a last-minute check. Do I have boogers in my nose? Any like weird hair conditioner on my ears? Is my zipper up? I kind of push and normally you'll check your zipper to make sure the teeth are right in place. I actually pushed right through it. The actual zipper handle popped off, and once that happens, you have to go out there in two minutes. It's not like I'm just wearing trunks or something. I've got blousing straps at the bottom, and I would have to take everything off in order to get new pants on. John being John, if anything presents itself, which I feel is fair game if it's there to take it, and he did. Luckily, that's one thing of just over the years going back and forth in locker rooms, I have a quick rebuttal with little things like that. It was just something that, thank God I was ready for it, but really he shocked me in bringing up. I thought I had it closed up the whole time but apparently not. I was peaking at him, I guess."


Tian Bing is out with an un-specified injury.

Konnan talks heat with WWE:

"The Max Moon thing is very easy. When I had met Vince McMahon, I told him about this idea I saw in Japan for this animated robot. He was like, 'Alright, we'll do it,' and we did. "I had done this soap opera and rap record and it was doing good. I had crossed over into the mainstream and I was a big draw as a wrestler, I was getting paid. So when I went to TV, I was like, 'Bro, I'm the man in Mexico, why am I coming to WWE?' So I stopped going. Paul Diamond told Vince that he could fit into the outfit, and he could, so they gave him the persona. From then, supposedly I had this incredible heat, but when I've seen Vince backstage it's, 'Hey, what's up Konnan?' Stephanie, everybody. When they don't want you there, they let you know. I know that they've even stopped people from actually being in the dressing room, they've never done that to me. So I'm not sure if the heat is still there or what the deal is, but that's the story."

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Today's News

Hell In A Cell:

Charlotte has won a shot at Natalya's blue Women's gold for the next blue brand special. Uso's have invoked their rematch clause on New Day for the blue tag.

Rare appearance:

The Undertaker will appear at a fan convention in New York on December 8.

TV troubles:

Both Raw and SmackDown this week had poor attendances. Last night was much worse than Monday, entire sections of the arena were tarped off, and the fans that did attend were coralled in front of the hard camera positions, to make the visible seats look full.

Roman reaches out:

Roman Reigns embraced a fan after this weeks TV's and told him ''We are brothers now'' before giving him his gloves. The fan became emotional as Reigns was talking in his ear. They then both went backstage for an impromptu photo shoot.

Heat on Jinder:

Jinder Mahal has been told he went too far in his promo last night. He called Shinsuke Nakamura ''Mr. Miyagi.''  Which has caused some racial offense. The spot has been cut from replays of the show on the Network and social media.

Flair blames booze:

Ric Flair has vowed to never drink again, as he blames years of alcohol abuse for his recent health scare.

Hulk talks WWE firing him:

Hulk Hogan has recalled the night WWE fired him for his racism incident...

"When I heard this was going to happen, I called them on a Thursday or a Friday. As I hung up the phone that night, they fired me in the morning. It really caught me off guard, I didn't expect it because the WWE knows who I am. I'm not that person, that's not who I am and that's not what I do. It was tough, it hit me hard. When you look at a 40-year career, it's just gone."

He also revealed why they did it...

"I think they did what was best for business. They were worried about losing sponsors and network support."

Rey Mysterio:

Konnan says he is trying to repair the break down in talks between Impact / GFW and Rey Mysterio.

WWE buyout:

WWE are asking fans if they would like to see TNA  / Impact / GFW or ROH footage added to the Network. Possibly to gauge interest before making another offer for the promotion(s). They are also talking about scripted dramas, like GLOW, which has been huge for Netflix, and audio only programming.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Today's News


Bayley returned, Sheamus & Cesaro (Tag) and Jason Jordan (IC) earned title shots for No Mercy, and Goldust wrestled out of gimmick on WWE TV for the first time since 1998 in a show dedicated to Bobby The Brain Heenan, last night.

No Mercy:

As well as the number 1 contender winners noted in the previous story, Bayley has been added to the Women's title match. To make up for missing her chance at SummerSlam.

Nikki Bella:

Nikki Bella scored a solid 20 out of a possible 30 for her debut dance on 'Dancing With The Stars'. She danced the tango to 'So What' by Pink and ended her routine with a nod to WWE. She slammed and then pinned her partner. All of the contestants were given a reprieve from elimination this week, but a double elimination will take place next week. Brie was in the crowd supporting.

Here is her routine...

SmackDown tease:

  • AJ Styles defends the United States Championship against Baron Corbin tonight on SmackDown LIVE
  • Shane McMahon to address Kevin Owens' vicious attack on his father
  • Natalya to host a "Celebration of Women"
  • The New Day to revel in their championship victory with the WWE Universe
  • Jinder Mahal to address his controversial comments from last week.

Rhodes invited back:

Michael Hayes has responded to Cody Rhodes criticism of the return of Starrcade by inviting him to compete at the show.

WWE awarded:

Dana Brooke won the female award at Olympia this week.

WWE games:

WWE have named non playable stars for this years game...

  • Lana
  • Paul Heyman
  • Ted DiBiase
  • Paul Ellering 
  • Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.

Young Bucks reveal WWE stars talk about leaving:

Matt and Nick Jackson say WWE stars reach out to them about life outside of WWE...

"Oh yeah … It seems like a lot of the guys these days in the WWE talk to us. They ask us questions and want to see how we're doing, and they see that we're doing well. So, I think that it opens up their mind like, 'hey, there's life after WWE.' If, for some reason, they get fired or they want to go away, they know there's a place to go where they can make a good amount of money."

Hogan on TV:

Hulk Hogan will discuss his court battle with Gawker on 'Objectified' this week.

Bobby Heenan:

Bobby Heenan died of organ failure, caused by his long battle with throat cancer.

Jericho snaps at WWE:

Chris Jericho was not told they were using an old interview by him for a skit on 'Story Time' last night. He said they should have at least mentioned it to him first.

Rock 'N' wrestling:

Chris Jericho's cruise business will launch on October 27. An ROH event called 'Sea Of Honor' will be held. Jim Ross, Raven, Rey Mysterio, Mick Foley, Ricky Steamboat and Diamond Dallas Page will be on board. 3 Fozzy gigs will be held and 3 taping's of Jericho's podcast will be recorded. Prices range between $1,299 and $8,381.

Bella business:

Chris Jericho is not the only star launching an external project. The Bella's own wine is now available through their website.

NXT event cancelled:

An NXT event planned for this week has been cancelled because of the recent storm in Florida.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Today's News

Hall Of Famer dies:

Listen up ham and eggers, you humanoids... I've got something to tell you, and it's going to make you sad. Bobby The Brain Heenan is dead. Arguably the greatest manager / announcer / weasel in the sports history (Ask him, he'll tell you) succumbed to a decade long battle with throat cancer yesterday. The wrestling world have poured tributes all over social media to the legend.

A friend in need really is a pest, but a wrestling world without a Brain is going to be a sad, sad one indeed. You will be missed Bobby Heenan. RIP sir.

Raw tease:

  • Nia Jax aims to knock Alexa Bliss off her pedestal
  • Will it be Roman Reigns or John Cena who gets in the final word before WWE No Mercy?
  • Braun Strowman shows no mercy
  • Brothers-in-arms, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose, stand triumphant
  • Will Enzo Amore get even with The Miz?.

Bella ban:

WWE have banned the Bella twins from posting footage of Brie's ring training, for a potential return, to their YouTube site. Brie's husband Daniel Bryan is coaching her, and WWE will not allow them to use footage of Daniel taking bumps. They were particularly perturbed by his taking of a middle rope dropkick. Brie has apologised to her followers for not being able to post the promised footage.

WCW event returns:

WWE have announced they are bringing back Starrcade. The event will be a live special event held in November. No word if the show will air on the Network as yet.

Rhodes family members Cody and Brandi have criticised WWE for not bringing it back while Dusty, the creator of the show, was alive, and for not having Goldust booked on the card.

Nothing left for Nikki to do but dance:

Nikki Bella's dancing contest begins tonight. Her opposition are...

  • Barbara Corcoran (Shark Tank)
  • Debbie Gibson (80s pop singer)
  • Derek Fisher (NBA)
  • Drew Scott (Property Brothers)
  • Frankie Muniz (Malcolm In The Middle)
  • Jordan Fisher (Singer)
  • Lindsey Stirling (Violinist)
  • Nick Lachey (Singer)
  • Sasha Pieterse (Pretty Little Liars)
  • Terrell Owens (NFL)
  • Vanessa Lachey (TV personality)
  • Victoria Arlen (Paralympic swimmer).

GFW /  Impact split:

Impact have removed all mention of GFW from the promotional material for Bound For Glory, as they confirmed the show will be held in Ottowa.

The location has cost them the services of Jim Cornette. He has not been into Canada since being turned away at the border in 2010. He has chosen to leave the company, rather than miss the event.

Cena blasts Mahal as unworthy:

John Cena's dad is not happy with Jinder Mahal being WWE champion...

"I don't think he's a good champion, I don't think he's a worthy champion. I think they need to get somebody in there that can get people involved in the championship matches... I don't think he's the man for the job."

Paige back at work:

Paige is back at the WWE PC preparing for her ring return.

Clash Of The Champions assigned:

SmackDown will host this years Clash in December.