Thursday, May 4, 2017

Today's News

Trish Stratus:

Trish Stratus has been named as a member of this years Ontario sports HOF class.

Jericho thanks fans:

Chris Jericho has designed an exclusive tee to thank fans for their support during his recent WWE run. Proceeds will go to children with diabetes.

Four Horseman to WWF:

Arn Anderson says there were talks in 1989 to bring the iconic group to WWF...

"There was discussion about that. Before Tully and I left there was a lot of grey area on if Crockett was going to sell the company? Were they going to go bankrupt? It was all rumors and it didn't come from any of the Crocketts but all rumors start somewhere. So there was discussion about Flair coming and as it turned out I don't think anybody truly believed that Tully and I were going to make the move. There was some inside wrangling that wasn't benefiting us and we couldn't get an answer on some stuff so our thought was this: If a big hole goes in the middle of that ship there are only going to be so many life jackets. There had been feelers sent out over the years that Vince would like to have us and we felt that timing was everything and we did make that move. Ric decided against it but there was some discussion and everybody has to make their own business decisions and he made his and we made ours."

Diva hacked:

Charlotte is the latest WWE star to have nude pictures stolen and posted on the internet.

Shane supports:

Shane McMahon went to the NYC opening of Batista's new film last night.

Former writer reveals top angles that never happened:

Kevin Eck has named his best WWE stories that were rejected by the company...

Mental Asylum romance...

"My idea was for Bryan's plan to have AJ committed actually succeed. We'd take her off TV for a little while before bringing her back in dramatic fashion. She would return with her new boyfriend (Dean Ambrose), whom she had met while both were patients in the institution. Ambrose and AJ would wreak havoc, becoming WWE's version of Bonnie and Clyde (or Mickey and Mallory, to use a less-dated analogy). Vince McMahon had a different vision. The WWE chairman and CEO loved the AJ character and decided to make her the new "Raw" general manager after she called off the wedding to Bryan. AJ as GM didn't get over, and her run as an authority figure lasted just three months."

Indies invade...

"My idea began with former ECW star Tommy Dreamer being named the head of WWE's scouting department. As someone who paid his dues on the independent scene and didn't have the traditional WWE look, Dreamer's goal was to give guys with similar qualities an opportunity. On "Raw 1,000," Dreamer would formally announce Ambrose, Rollins and Ohno were now part of the WWE roster. They would go on to compete that night in a six-man tag match against three lower-card heels and go over in impressive fashion. After the match, Ambrose, Rollins and Ohno would call Dreamer into the ring, seemingly to thank him for what he's done for them. Instead, they turn on him and deliver a brutal, three-on-one beat-down to the lovable veteran. On the following week's show, they explain that they just used Dreamer to get their foot in the door in WWE. They say Dreamer wanted them to work their way up the card and do things the right way, but they're not going to play by his rules. They reveal that their leader is someone with a background like theirs who knows success is achieved by any means necessary: Bryan (who was a heel at that time)."


"Rhodes and Goldust were a babyface tag team at the time, and I suggested we play off the fact the veteran Goldust was getting a bigger reaction from the crowd than his younger brother. Feeling that Goldust is hogging the spotlight, Rhodes turns on him and becomes Stardust. It's revealed Brandi was the one who planted the seed in her husband's mind that his brother was using him to stay relevant and keep him from becoming the star of the team. Brandi's plan is for Stardust to become bigger than Goldust ever was, and she adopts a look and mannerisms that are reminiscent of Goldust's former wife/valet, Marlena."

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