Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Today's News

Cook for the King:

The King Jerry Lawler is offering franchise opportunity's for people to open new restaurants using his branding.

Sheamus talks item missing from his WWE CV:

"The only thing I haven't won is the Intercontinental Championship. Now that it's back on WWE Raw, I would love to hold both the Intercontinental Championship and Raw Tag Team titles at the same time."


Dolph Ziggler vs Shinsuke Nakamura is now official for the next blue special.

Joe exceeds:

Samoa Joe has confirmed that he would only be used with NXT when he first signed for WWE...

"I think the initial idea was, 'let's just bring him in for NXT' and we got such a good response with everything that it kind of really blew up even beyond that and here I am on the main roster." Joe said, "and really to the company's credit, it wasn't something that was set in stone. Like, the scenario that was laid out before me was like, 'listen, we can use you here in NXT, but we don't really think that it'll go much beyond that.'"

No Vince movie:

Linda McMahon says fans should not expect the biopic on Vince McMahon to be made. She may have a point, since the man himself got control of the script several themes of the film have already been thrown out, including discovering Roddy Piper in jail, Andre The Giant at a restaurant, the Junk Yard Dog at a construction site, and Jimmy Snuka while watching an adult movie, with Snuka being a porn actor.

HOF movie:

WWE movies film on the life of Gorgeous George has moved a step closer. The script is complete, and the writer has confirmed it will be targeted for a release next year.

Twitter spat:

One of the members of Kings Of Leon tweeted a dig at adults that watch pro wrestling this week. A number of stars of the biz shot back, some teased, some were legit angry. He finally responded today, blaming a friend for using his phone without his knowledge.

Who owns Broken?:

Impact filed trademark claims for all of the broken gimmick names on April 28, Matt Hardy did the same on March 1st. Impact claim they actually filed in January, but a judge may now decide who owns the gimmicks, leaving the Hardyz a chance to reclaim them.

Heat on JBL:

JBL has caused more offense, this time with a comment on the WWE Network...

"I'd rather be waterboarded than to sit down and talk wrestling with Sami Zayn. I would rather be captured by ISIS than have to have dinner with Sami Zayn."

WWE Euro trip:

WWE have confirmed an 11 night Euro tour for November.

Mooney comes home:

Sean Mooney has hosted a three disc DVD set for WWE.

Triple H saved my boy:

An 8 year old that met Triple H 10 years ago is celebrating his 18th birthday this week. The boy had severe medical issues before the meeting, but has in the years since, and credited to the meeting by his family, made massive improvements, including learning to walk and talk. The family were guests of WWE at this weeks SmackDown, were Hunter gave them a lifetime invite to attend any WWE show they wish as his personal guest.

Mania snub:

WWE stars will be angry with this years Mania DVD. All matches on the pre show have not been included on the DVD release, apart from on the UK version.

Cena reveals why he isn't around much:

"I would do both at the same time, but the movie guys are a little weird with their insurance. They don't want me to go smashing my face up. I'm excited for all the opportunities outside the WWE ring, only because it raises awareness of the WWE. I take great pride in my profession, but I'm very aware of the perception of it. I think a lot of people think we are just what we are, and that's it. There's nothing wrong with that. But there are plenty of talented people who travel with the WWE and produce wonderful entertainment every week. We do live sports entertainment, and it's like no other. To be able to do stuff like this outside of the norm and for people to say, 'Wow, that's pretty good,' that bodes well for getting more eyes on the ring."

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