Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Today's News

IC title:

The Miz is number one contender to the IC gold.

NWA owner confirms takeover:

''I am very excited for the future of the NATIONAL WRESTLING ALLIANCE. As everyone knows by now - Billy Corgan and I have agreed on principle regarding his acquisition of the NWA brand. This decision comes after many weeks of negotiation and deep consideration. Although Billy Corgan may be a fresh face to wrestling - he is an extremely successful businessman and has a deep admiration and respect for the NWA. He is also putting together a very strong team. With the capital and business acumen that Billy Corgan brings to the table - I am confident that he has the ability to take the NWA to the next level. And I have promised to do all I can to help him succeed. I ask you to join me in supporting the new NWA regime in the future. I am not leaving wrestling - but after four years at the helm of the NWA - I look forward to stepping back and allowing someone new and passionate to take control of this great and noble organization. Thank you to everyone who has supported the NWA over the years and during my tenure. I also want to publicly thank Billy Corgan for his confidence and respect for this iconic brand. The next few months are going to be really exciting for the National Wrestling Alliance - but most of all for the fans!''

Alum arrested:

X-Pac was arrested for carrying drugs in LA airport over the weekend. He was on his way to the UK for a booking. He has since paid a $35,000 bond to be freed. Police believe he was planning on dealing the drugs in the UK, due to the amount he had in his possession, including three cannabis chocolate bars, two THC liquid cigarettes and a total of 38 meth/amphetamine capsules. He also had an amount of US money. He faces up to 4 years in prison if convicted.

Bray Wyatt admits Mania upset:

"I was in a very bad place at last year's WrestleMania 32, emotionally and physically I was a little beat up. But it was like all that rage an anger is what kind of drove me this year and brought me to where I am now." Wyatt continued, "that's the thing. I want to be The Rock. I want to be the next Rock. Being in there with him and seeing the energy that he can cause the fans to go through, it's an amazing thing. But I don't want to be the guy that gets beat up by The Rock. I want to be The Rock. I want to be better than The Rock."

SmackDown tease:

  • Jericho and Owens square off in WWE Payback rematch for United States Title
  • Naomi & Charlotte try to break up the welcoming committee
  • Will Orton be looking for payback on Mahal?
  • How will Breezango follow up on their huge victory?

World Of Sport:

The WOS tapings have been cancelled for the time being due to contractual problems. Instead of announcing new dates today, they have instead offered refunds to ticket holders.

Diva stalked:

Carmella says she has been getting stalked...

"I had like this crazy stalker. When I first moved out there I had no where to go. Like, I had no where to go so I was just staying in a car. Maybe about a week or so, so it wasn't crazy but um... or like staying on my friends couch or like living off of you know Easy Mac and just like whatever I could do to just try to get by. Then like I said when I was living out there, I did have this crazy stalker at the time but nothing came of it. But I ended up first like they hacked into my phone and my everything and I ended up going to the police because at the time... so I literally just made the cover of the Lakers Girls calendar, which was kind of a big deal because they only had two calendars, I was like the cover girl or whatever. The day after was when I had like got these phone calls from this guy that was stalking me and so I went to the police in LA and I'm like, 'so I just got the cover of this calendar.' I was afraid I was going to lose my job because this guy was just like being crazy and they were like, 'mam, this is LA, we can't do anything for you.' So I was like okay... it was just like it was like it was nothing... I'm knocking on wood I have not heard from him or anything."

Jericho going back to music:

Fozzy have released their new music video...

ROH lose star:

Adam Cole is now a free agent.

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