Sunday, May 28, 2017

Today's News

TE loser to WWE roster:

Patrick Clarke is the second loser of the last series of Tough Enough to beat the winners to the official WWE roster. He is The Velveteen Dream.


Cameron says she was fired by WWE over the telephone...

"I get this 'ding' and Mark Carrano says 'Can you call me?' And I just knew, so I called him and he told me. It was shocking, but at the same time, that's just where we were. I'd given my all and things just weren't progress, so, it hit me, and I thanked him for my time. This is one experience I'm never ever going to forget, unfortunately, it's not a fairy tale ending."


WWE have asked a World Of Sport talent to take part in this years women's tourney. This is a direct dis-regarding of her exclusive deal with ITV. They may be testing the waters, to trial the loyalty of WOS talent to the promotion, or may be a way of offering Viper a way out of the mire that things have gotten into since it was launched in December, including the debut block of taping's being cancelled last month.

Indie fight back:

A group of indie stars stopped a multi man top floor spot during a match in Texas this weekend. One shouted ''Wait, Wait, Randy Orton is on Twitter.'' Then they all jumped down, hit RKO's and posed ala Randy in the middle of the ring. This is clearly in response to Orton's dig at the indie scene last week.

Book gets wish:

Booker T will be staying on the Raw announce team for the rest of the summer. His initial 6 week run to sub for David Otunga was set to end at Extreme Rules.

JR admits addiction:

Jim Ross says he was addicted to drugs, but quitting smoking helped him stop...

"I was addicted to Ambien and Xanax, together, with Crown Royal. I was on Uranus, and Pluto, and Neptune, and everywhere else late at night. I had severe sleep apnea – and still do - I stopped breathing 99 times in an hour in a sleep test. So I wasn't in real great shape with that deal."

Bret Hart remembers 'Simpsons' appearance:

"They approached me about doing a voice as a wrestler, but not Bret Hart It was the Mad Russian or something. I said, "I don't want to be the Mad Russian, I want to be Bret 'The Hitman' Hart!" We went back and forth for a while and they eventually said, very politely, "This is the way it's written, take it or leave it." I agreed, and flew down to FOX Studios. They had blocked off this huge chunk of time for my three lines, and were saying things like, "We need you more mad," "Okay, not quite that mad!" I did my lines about 100 times in two minutes! I went outside to wait for my limo that had gone to get gas, and I signed autographs and took pictures for 45 minutes. The guy that was in charge of my episode came up to me and said, "I had no idea you were this big of a star! If we haven't already started the artwork, we're going to draw you in as yourself." That's why the voice doesn't really sound like me, because I thought I was playing a crazy Russian!"

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