Friday, May 26, 2017

Today's News

WWE community:

Dana Warrior has presented an Orlando school teacher with an NXT replica title to thank her for her charity work.


Ember Moon is back in action for NXT, but Tommaso Ciampa needs surgery after worsening his injury during the last NXT special.

Anderson in training:

Karl Anderson has posted a video of him training his 5 year old to wrestle, on social media.

Ryback mad at fellow Alum's for the stupidest reasons you will ever hear:

On Bad News Barrett liking ''Black girls'' too much...

"I popped because I didn't know Wade did commentary for the What Culture and I always liked to give Wade a hard time, good old Stu Bennett. He has been a big fan of the black girls over the years, which I guess we're allowed to say. I just did. But his girlfriend now is black and he's notorious for always having black girlfriends and that's the type of woman he prefers. And I really appreciated him getting a few… putting Brandi Rhodes over more than anything in a match numerous times during that. Then when Brandi took the bump through the table with Cody, I seriously thought old Stu Bennett was going to get out of the announcers' desk and help her to safety and leave Cody out there to set up for Stu Bennett's big in-ring return."

On Cody Rhodes telling people he did not know there was a 'Terminator 1' film...

"Old Cody did an interview with somebody in which I had a few tweets over, which he did a legit interview for one of the dirtsheets, which I hate people doing interviews with dirtsheets, first of all. But whatever. And in a serious interview, he does the thing, the Terminator 2 deal, where him and Daniel Bryan, and in this, he doesn't say anything about this being a joke, but he says that I believed that Terminator 2 was because there were two terminators. And it is f--king hilarious, absolutely. And because I didn't know there was a Terminator 1. I thought that was Terminator 1 and it was just T2 because the good guy/bad guy terminators. They're the reason why I quit riding with people altogether, it's just annoyed the f--k out of me. It makes me look like a dumb f--king piece of s--t. And I was like, 'Cody, like, I get it. It's funny, but say it was a f--king joke!' because you have to understand the audience you're playing to, they don't understand what is a joke or not and it doesn't help my reputation at all when you tell it."

Terror venue WWE show cancelled:

WWE have cancelled their NXT live at the Manchester Arena, the site of this weeks terror attack. They are offering full refunds, and fans can go to the Leeds show the next night and trade their tickets in for a free ticket to that event. The talent will still go to Manchester. They will visit victims in local hospitals, and will present a financial donation to the We Love MCR fund-raising campaign.

Broken setback:

Matt Hardy has had his bid to TM his broken gimmick refused.


Gunner has seemingly confirmed he is joining NXT. He said he thought about retiring, but is now ready to takeover.


X-Pac's drug charges have been dropped.

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