Thursday, May 11, 2017

Today's News

New babies:

Birdie Joe Danielson (Parented by Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella) and Piper Lee (Parented by Wesley Blake & Sara Lee) have both been welcomed into the world by their WWE parents.

Creative leak:

Roman Reigns' summer rival will be The Miz. The feud is set to start after the next Raw special, but with Strowman's injury may be brought forward.

Christian reveals who he banned from his car:

"He's banned from my rental car for life, by the way. Yep. It's a long story, so basically what happened, we were riding together. We had a show coming up, a Michigan loop, so Rhyno lived in Dearborn, still does, Dearborn Heights, sorry. So I call him, saying, 'hey, what time are you picking me up?' He goes, 'no, no, I can't pick you up.' I'm like, 'why not?' He says, 'because I have Edge and Baldo (Albert) coming with me.' And I was like, 'Baldo?' He's like, 'when did this happen?' 'Oh, he just called me and said that you live there, so I'm picking him up.' I was like, 'okay, I guess I'll get my own car then' and he was like, 'well, you're not mad?' I was like, 'nope, I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed.' So I hung up and we got to the town and he goes, 'you're not mad at me, are you?' I said, 'I'm not mad, but here's the thing, any rental car, you're banned from riding with me for life,' he was like, 'why would you say that?' and I was like, 'let me put it to you this way. If we had a loop here and you're flying into Tampa and we're going around Florida, I wouldn't say, 'oh, Tajiri, a guy I've never driven with before, I'll call you up and be like, 'jump in my car' and leave you behind."

No Mercy branded:

Raw will host No Mercy this year. It was an SD show last year.

Ranallo calls WWE dream job:

''AMAZING how fast things change. 2 months ago, I left my dream job Now, I'm about to be busier than ever.''

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