Saturday, December 31, 2016

Today's News

2017 starting big:

WWE have announced The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels will be on Raw on January 9.

HOF'er supports return:

Booker T says he will 100% back a 2017 WWE return for Hulk Hogan.


Tito Ortiz was at a WWE event last night. Meanwhile Ronda Rousey was soundly beaten in her latest MMA fight, lasting less than a minute. Her WWE switch may be getting closer.

WWE reunion:

A number of WWE stars trained at Ezekiel Jackson's gym this weekend.

Major return in UK:

The iconic World Of Sport is back on UK TV. A special two hour debut episode earlier tonight ended a 30 year break. A new WOS title was unveiled, and was won by Dave Mastiff in controversial circumstances, which led to a rematch, and a new champion. This time TNA's Grado got the gold. WWE HOF'er Jim Ross was on comms and Alum DH Smith made a surprise appearance in a battle royal.

Finally... Thank you for another year supporting the page... hope you all have a happy, healthy and prosperous next one... see you on the other side...


Friday, December 30, 2016

Today's News

WWE 2016:

WWE have listed their best 25 matches of the year...

  1. The Revival vs DIY (NXT-Toronto)
  2. Sami Zayn vs Shinsuke Nakamura (NXT-Dallas)
  3. Sasha Banks vs Charlotte (Raw)
  4. Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn (Battleground)
  5. Cedric Alexander vs Kota Ibushi (Cruiser Classic)
  6. AJ Styles vs Dean Ambrose vs John Cena (No Mercy)
  7. Kevin Owens vs Seth Rollins (Raw)
  8. Charlotte vs Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks (WrestleMania)
  9. John Cena vs AJ Styles (SummerSlam)
  10. The Miz vs Dolph Ziggler (No Mercy)
  11. Johnny Gargano vs Tommaso Ciampa (Cruiser Classic)
  12. Roman Reigns vs AJ Styles (Extreme Rules)
  13. The Revivial vs American Alpha (NXT-Dallas)
  14. Seth Rollins vs Finn Balor (SummerSlam)
  15. Sasha Banks vs Charlotte (Hell In A Cell)
  16. The Miz vs Cesaro vs Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn (Extreme Rules)
  17. Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins (Money In The Bank)
  18. Dolph Ziggler vs Triple H (Raw)
  19. New Day vs Y2AJ (Raw)
  20. Asuka vs Bayley (NXT-Brooklyn)
  21. AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho (Fastlane)
  22. Alberto Del Rio vs Cesaro vs Chris Jericho vs Dean Ambrose vs Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn (Money In The Bank)
  23. New Day vs Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows (Raw)
  24. Team SmackDown's Men vs Team Raw's Men (Survivor Series)
  25. Triple H vs Dean Ambrose (Roadblock)

Young Bucks talk WWE and TNA snubs:

Nick of the Bucks has revealed why he and his brother turned down both WWE and TNA this year...


"The schedule was perfect for us and the family and we still have rights to sell the Young Buck brand, as well as a lot of freedom. We also have a lot of input in what we do, and that is priceless. We love ROH and NJPW and they also gave us a very healthy raise. We're as happy as can be. If fans are disappointed that we didn't sign with WWE, I understand why—but family comes first and I hope they can understand that. But to WWE fans, well, never say never."


"We would've loved to have been on 'Total Nonstop Deletion,' but we were in Japan when they filmed it. This feud is just an organic, natural thing. Our career paths are very similar and we always get compared to them. It's the one feud we've always wanted and I am happy that it's happening."

Matt added that the match will happen in the new year.

Ricochet talks 2017 goals:

"I would love to be Intercontinental champion in 2017. That would be exceeding my goal. I've met Triple H a couple times, and he and William Regal are awesome guys. I would love to be with NXT. I feel like the Performance Center has a bunch of tools that I could benefit from – all the classes they have available could make me better. I don't have a contract at the moment, but I want to focus on New Japan. It's a super cool place, it's gaining steam, especially with AJ and Nakamura coming from there to WWE. And I really want that junior heavyweight belt."

HOF'er blasts WWE:

Billy Graham was angered by WWE's dis-respect of Dusty Rhodes on Raw this week...

''Last Monday night, December 26th, I took a break from painting and watched a little TV. RAW came up so I stopped to see what was happening. The backstage segment with Goldust, R-Truth, Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson and Bayley had just started. Bayley, with all of the working emotion she could pull up was giving Goldust a Dusty Rhodes-themed stuffed animal. Telling Goldust how much she LOVED Dusty. The American Dream's son Goldust, tried to get a few sniffles going while clutching the stuffed doll. Gallows and Anderson burst into the scene and one of them grabs the doll. I honestly don't know who is Anderson and who is Gallows, that is how impressed I am with them, nothing personal, I am just not impressed enough with them to know who is who. One of them then proceeds to rip the head off the Dusty Rhodes stuffed doll and they both start laughing and walk off the set. Very funny to be making a joke off a dead WWE icon, The American Dream, who had more charisma than the entire WWE roster put together. Cody Rhodes tweeted that "He was not gonna say something mean or blow a whistle" about this segment. He wont, but I will. It made me totally nauseated and was the ultimate in disrespect to the man, not only to one of the greatest performers ever in the business of pro wrestling. I also think that the writer who came up with this disrespectful segment is a total piece of s--t and should be fired for getting away with having the WWE air this disgusting segment. How low will the WWE continue to go is the question? I personally don't want to see. RIP Dusty who passed away on June 11, 2015.''

Brand switch:

Sasha Banks is teasing a switch of brands in 2017.


Bo Dallas was hurt during a match last night, but continued.

Hardy Boyz:

Matt Hardy has revealed he will become a father to a second baby boy in 2017.

Viral vid causes heat?:

A video of Roman Reigns breaking into a laughing fit during a match with Kevin Owens, because Owens was having an argument with fans as he was beating him up, has seemingly angered John Cena, who tweeted a dig at the former Shield man's response tweet to the post. Reigns snapped back that he was a stranger to WWE, and had no clue about what was going on. A clear jibe at how rarely he appears nowadays.

WWE royalties:

Trent Baretta has posted his WWE royalties cheque this year. He said he is now rolling in his riches of $73.89.

WWE dropped:

WWE talent are tweeting about a problem in the States. NBC are in a dispute with one of their partners, who are threatening to black their Network, including WWE, out.

Lilian Garcia:

Lilian Garcia will sing the national anthem on new years day, at an NFL game. She will dedicate the performance to her recently deceased father.


Mr. 450 needs $10,000 to repair the damage to his knee, reportedly done competing for WWE this week. He has raised almost $4,000 with a T-shirt campaign parodying the 205 logo. Some feel WWE should pay for the op for him, but he is not asking for that, possibly because he went into the match already hurt. Footage has emerged of him limping during a WWC match from a couple of weeks ago.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Today's News

Curtis Axel:

WWE brought back AxelMania on the live tour this week.

Heath Slater:

Heath Slater says he has been cleared from his recent injury, but is still in pain.

Legend at live:

Jerry Lynn visited WWE at the live in Nashville this week.

No more Cena's:

Ryback claims HHH confided in him that WWE will never make an icon out of one of their stars again, because they don't want one talent to have all the power and earning potential...

"Hunter told me directly that WWE does not want young talent to have economic freedom. He goes, 'we never want another marquee name here in the WWE.' This was during my first contract negotiations. Yeah, legit told me, he goes, 'we're never going to have another John Cena.' And if you look, that's why they book guys the way they book them. They don't want guys to have too much power anymore."

Foley refuses money:

Mick Foley has asked fans not to support a fan made fundraiser, set up to help him get the money for his hip surgery. The campaign has now been deleted from the site.

Money In The Bank:

MITB 2017 has been assigned to the SmackDown brand.

Major name seals return:

Kurt Angle is telling indie promoters he will not be available from April of next year, as he will be back with WWE by then. This probably means WrestleMania, which is on the 2nd.

WrestleMania plans:

With a 100 days to go, current WrestleMania plans look like this...

  • Big Show vs Shaquille O'Neal.
  • Triple H vs Seth Rollins.
  • Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg.
  • The Undertaker vs John Cena (WWE title?).
  • Multi woman match for Raw Women's.
  • Roman Reigns vs Braun Strowman (Who is currently favourite for the Royal Rumble).
  • Chris Jericho vs Kevin Owens.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Today's News

New champions:

American Alpha took the blue brand Tag gold from the Wyatt's on SmackDown last night.


Sami Zayn has a damaged eye and Heath Slater was hurt during the 4 way Tag title match last night. 
Alexa Bliss is also getting huge props for popping her arm back into place after dislocating it at the elbow during her match last night (Photo). Meanwhile guest performer Mr. 450 blew his knee out on 205 Live.

Royal Rumble:

John Cena has issued a challenge to the WWE champion for the Royal Rumble PPV. The belt is currently held by AJ Styles, who has accepted the challenge.

Feud on:

The Miz and Dean Ambrose will fight out the first SD title match of 2017 next week, for Miz's IC gold. Speculation is still rising that a mixed tag match between the two men and their real world partners is planned for somewhere further down the road.

TNA cuts almost cost them star:

Mahabali Shera has revealed he was quizzed by border patrol officers when he first came to America to work for TNA. He says they asked him to prove he was joining TNA, and decided to check their roster page for his profile. However, due to funding issues, TNA had, by then, removed the roster section from the site, and they could not find him. He saved the situation by telling them to look him up on his previous employers site, and on there, they found him, and he was allowed into America.

Alum coming back:

Tajiri will re-debut with WWE on the first 205 Live of 2017, next week.

Alum to speak:

Alex Riley will talk publicly for the first time since leaving WWE this week. He is on JR's podcast.

Cena going PT:

John Cena says he now regrets things he said about The Rock during their feud. He now thinks of himself as a part-timer and realises how stupid his personal attacks on him were.

NXT star working lives:

Liv Morgan is working the Raw tour this week.

Chris Hero:

Kassius Ohno will be in San Antonio for Royal Rumble weekend. Speculation is he will return to WWE at either the NXT special, or the Rumble itself.

Blow for HOF'er:

Mick Foley cannot have his much needed hip replacement surgery because his health insurance has been revoked. He needs $60,000 for the op. He also hints that he may not be able to continue to be the Raw GM because of the problem...

''The constant travel means constant pain. I love being the Raw GM, and I will miss it when it's gone. But my quality of life will probably improve when Stephanie and WWE decide to go in a new direction.''

WWE star dies?:

Big Show is not dead. A hoax has been going around the internet and WWE have grown tired of the speculation and released a press statement confirming he is alive and well. A fake news report claimed he was killed in a car accident on December 10 and for some reason WWE were keeping it secret. He wasn't, they weren't, he is fine.

WWE star models:

Sin Cara has landed a modelling gig for Krown clothing.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Today's News

Steph rips Punk:

Stephanie McMahon scored a bazinga on the Chicago fans on Raw this week. As she entered the arena she was met by CM Punk chants, to which she replied...

"If you could keep that up for 2 minutes and 15 seconds, you'd last one second longer than Punk did."


Goldberg will start his Royal Rumble angles on Raw next week.


ROH star Scarlett jobbed to Nia Jax on Raw last night.

Royal Rumble:

"Blow Your Mind" by Ohana Bam is the official theme song of next months Rumble PPV.


Enzo Amore has deep bruising to his knee.

205 Live:

Neville will challenge for the Cruiserweight title on 205 Live tonight.

JR critical of WWE angle:

Jim Ross says the new angle with Miz and Renee Young is doomed to fail...

"Talents involved in reality based storylines will often times register with the TV viewer but will also become afterthoughts if there is no clear cut road to a 'pay off.' I.E. will Renee Young eventually get physical with Maryse? I'd watch as many of us enjoy the occasional 'train wreck.'"

Cody upset by WWE spot:

Cody Rhodes took great offence to a spot on Raw last night. A teddy dressed like Dusty Rhodes was ripped apart to set up a match. He tweeted his distaste at the skit...

''Not gonna' say something mean or blow a whistle. All I can that whoever produced that, I hope they never know what this feels like''

3MB reunion:

Drew Galloway may be on his way back to WWE in 2017. He has revealed he is free of TNA in the early weeks of next year, and that he is considering offers that have already been made. He added he would be open to talking to TNA, but wants to establish his and his families futures, hinting at taking the bigger money job with WWE, although he doesn't name them as the interested party.

SmackDown tease:

  • How will AJ Styles adapt to the free-for-all, will Ziggler or Corbin be able to capitalize?
  • Which tandem will leave with the SmackDown Tag Team Titles?
  • What will John Cena have to say to the WWE Universe?
  • Will Becky become the first two-time SmackDown Women's Champion?

Christmas spirit alive and well:

Kofi Kingston did not have a good week this week. He left his laptop on a plane and then lost his wallet in a gas station. He however has had both items returned to him. Some children found the wallet and took it to the WWE show he was in the town for, then gave it to one of the other talent as they were going inside, and asked them to hand it back for them.


TNA are preparing to officially announce their takeoever by the owners of the Fight network.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Today's News

Jerry Lynn remembers first time in WWE locker room:

"One Man Gang, he's wearing a Mickey Mouse shirt and playing with a yo-yo. Standing next to him was Rick Rude and Curt Hennig, waiting for their turn to play with that yo-yo. I'm sitting there watching this and at first I'm thinking, holy crap these guys are big! I'm thinking, if the fans could only see this."

Diva refuses return?:

Lilian Garcia has been taken off the WWE active roster, four months after leaving, and transferred to the Alum roster. She met with Vince McMahon and Triple H at the recent Troops event, where she sang the anthem. Vince told her she was missed, but if they wanted her back they must have failed, because they have finally gotten around to removing her profile from their active talent list since the TTTT taping.

WWE list 10 best debuts:

WWE have made a video acknowledging the 10 best debuts of 2016...

Cena's return:

John Cena will return at MSG tonight.


Here is the official tease for the last Raw of the year...

  • Who will face Braun Strowman's wrath?
  • Can Chris Jericho overcome his fear of heights before Royal Rumble?
  • Is Bayley our next Raw Women's Champion?
  • Will Neville's callous new attitude continue to pay off?
  • How will Enzo Amore & Big Cass retaliate against Rusev and Jinder Mahal?

Not so merry Christmas:

Lilian Garcia's father died on Christmas Day. He had been ill for some time.

Rock awarded:

The Rock has been named person of the year by USA Today, in the movie category.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Today's News

Hope you are all enjoying your day...

Vader talks traumatic medical news, reveals he will still wrestle:

"I had a rollover car accident. I was in my company car, was actually coming back from Costco and there was a series of turns. I caught a turn too late, an overturn coming back, and it actually rolled. I rolled the car twice, the whole top of the car was caved in where my head was. My head looked like it might -- My eyes were black and blue, my nose was so swollen, my forehead was swollen, my head was probably close to twice the normal size. I probably should have died in that accident, it was probably just two or three weeks prior to that accident I was seeing a doctor. I was in the medical center and I was seeing my doctor, who is actually an MD, and heart specialists came into my room. They said 'We've been looking at your heart' and I said 'Who are you?' I didn't recognize the guy. He said 'You have two years to live. We've been looking at your heart, and that's the deal.' It wasn't much longer than that when he came back in the room -- cause he left and obviously I had a bunch of questions and I'm in the process of answering those questions at this point. So for me to start talking would probably be premature at this point. I've been in the gym, I feel okay, I've been feeling pretty good actually. I don't know exactly what he's talking about or if something will show itself up in weeks to come, but right now I'm still trying to figure out exactly what's going on But Yeah I've got bookings now, and I'm in the gym preparing for those bookings. Autographs, wrestling matches, and maybe I can get a match with Kell (Chael Sonnen)."

Matt's broken holiday sing song:

Matt Hardy has given a personal rendition of a classic Christmas song...

Ryback reveals why he never dated WWE co-workers:

"Joey Mercury used to tell us, early on in developmental, don't poop where you eat, but he used to use another word, essentially. Now you kind of see some of the other wrestlers dating the Divas and marrying them, which they take that to another level. For me, I tried to talk to all of them, [be] friendly with all of them. I always kind of remembered that early on seeing instances where it goes bad and it never ends up well. I felt like I was in a position if I wanted to go that route it wouldn't have been a problem or truly affected me, but I've seen it affect other guys."

Bob Holly:

Hardcore Holly has done an interview...

On terrible WWE (Sparky Plugg) ring name...

"People laugh at it. I'll tell them, what am I going to tell these guys?! No?! I guarantee you if they gave you that name you wouldn't tell them no, especially when that's been your goal all your life. You wanted to be in WWF. You would take whatever name they gave you, whether it's humiliating or not and just run with it."

On gift from Vince McMahon...

"He goes, no, I'm gonna let you have (Race car) it. I'm going to sell it to you. I think he was screwing with me. He had to have been. I was in a panic because I was like, oh my God how am I going to get the money to pay for this? There's no way. Even if they took it out of my pay I would end up with nothing for years and years and years. I was freaking out. So then he goes, I'm going to sell it to you for a hundred dollars. I'm like, excuse me? He goes, a hundred dollars. I said no, I will sell it and get you your money out of all this equipment and give it back. He goes, nope. It's yours for a hundred dollars. I insist. Stay on the phone with my attorney and we'll send you all the paperwork and blah, blah, blah, and he hung up. To this day I never saw that hundred dollars come out of my paycheck."

On the Matt Cappotelli incident...

"That was a huge oxymoron, wasn't it? I mean really. He was consoling him and everything. I'm like, are you kidding me...I was recovering so I never did talk to him. Bill and I probably had talked about it but I can't remember the conversation. Actually I know we talked about it but I honestly can't remember the conversation. It's not ballet what we do. It's a rough business. I did the same thing with Randy Orton on a nightly basis, because that's what they asked me to do. Randy, not one time, not one time complained about me being too rough with him. That's just the way I wrestle a lot of times, because I don't mind it back. If I'm going to do something to you, I'm fine with it back, and that's the way it is in wrestling."

On the concussion lawsuits vs WWE...

"I'm not worried about it. The thing is, that's what I chose to do. Vince didn't twist my arm and say, get in that ring and do this and this and this. I chose to get in that ring. I chose to have the matches, as far as how rough I was. I chose that. He didn't tell me to go out there and be rough. He didn't tell me to go out there and take a chair shot to the head, or anything like that. I chose that career path. That's what gets me. It's like, these guys chose this and some of them are even still wrestling. So how can they sit there and say they're having post-concussion syndrome when they're still wrestling? I just don't understand that. It's a crock of s--t if you ask me."

On changing his view on women...

"Women's wrestling has evolved so much. I honestly think they can carry a show. I really do. I think they can main event a pay-per-view now. It has evolved so much and the talent has become so incredible now."

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Today's News


The failed WWE spin off XFL franchise will get a Hall Of Fame. New York will host a one day celebration of the WWE American football league to coincide with a TV documentary about it.

Heat on Bucks:

The Young Bucks have been getting heat for a joke at the Undertaker's expense. They asked what the dead man had in common with Santa... they both only work one night a year.

New team:

WWE may finally be doing something with the recently returned Jinder Mahal. They will team him with Rusev on Raw next week to continue a feud with Cass and Enzo.

Booker T talks political career:

"I haven't, you know, declared, affiliated a party or anything like that. It's almost like Coca-Cola, you go in to sit down for dinner and they ask you what you want and you say give me a Coke. It's because, you know, that's what your dad drank, that's what your granddad drank will make a decision before 2019."

Friday, December 23, 2016

Today's News


People Magazine say they have obtained a copy of Chyna's autopsy report, and that it confirms she died after a drinks and drugs binge.


Stephanie McMahon shares picture of her modelling a 1990's T-Shirt from the WWE catalogue (Photo).

HOF'er talks comparisons between his teams:

Paul Ellering on LOD vs AOP...

"Both teams have two totally different styles. Hawk's first line to someone with an amateur background was, "Can you take a punch?" The Road Warriors were brawlers and fighters. Rezar has a mixed martial arts background and fought for Bellator. Akam is a former Olympic freestyle wrestler. I believe The Authors of Pain have the balance and toughness to make it to the levels of success that Hawk and Animal reached."

Owens goes back to school:

Kevin Owens went to visit the Montreal wrestling school that trained him, this week. He took his belt with him and said he would not have it if not for their coaching.

Alum return update:

Mickie James had her medicals today, and if all is well will return to WWE SmackDown next month.

Foley Claus:

Mick Foley in Santa dress gave gifts to children at a cancer hospital today.

JR critical of everyone's favourite jobber:

"Can't figure out if James Ellsworth is a face or a heel...or does it matter? Seems like his 15 minutes are fleeting."

Flair deputised:

Ric Flair has been officially deputised as an honourary cop today.


WWE have announced an end of year two hour special of NXT for next Wednesday. It will comprise footage of the recent trips to Japan and Australia.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Today's News

Hall Of Fame:

Tickets for next years HOF go on sale on January 13.

NXT controversy:

WWE did air the NXT tag match with the horrible botch by Authors Of Pain last night.

NXT title:

Bobby Roode is now officially the number one contender for the NXT title.

Ronda Rousey:

Stephanie McMahon has followed her husband in telling Ronda Rousey the WWE door is open to her, when she is ready...

"Our fans love Ronda. Ronda has this cross platform appeal in terms of all forms of entertainment. We would welcome her with open arms. She is the total package."

WWE spinner title gets new owner:

CM Punk has had the old spinner belt he held for over 400 days in his possession since it was retired. He has it no longer. He gave it to WWE old boy Domino as a Christmas present this week.

Rey Mysterio talks WWE return chances:

"You never say never. but I am very, very comfortable in the position I'm in with Lucha Underground. I love their schedule, I love their style, I love what they have to offer. I don't think there will ever be another company that has what Lucha Underground has. It's very unique, exciting, and fresh—this is really something new."

TNA confirm UK future:

TNA have confirmed they will launch an app for fans in the UK and Ireland to watch their shows, but at a larger price than first proposed. The app will cost £4.99 per month. The app launches on January 5.

Indie great confirms return / blasts internet writers:

Chris Hero is angry that Dave Meltzer broke the story of his WWE return before it was cut and dried. He says he wanted to tell promoters he works for, in person, but was robbed of that, and good friends of his found out he was leaving the scene via the internet. He also says his bookings have dried up because employers thought he was already gone, but he has not received his start date with WWE yet, and can still work the indies. He has now confirmed he will be back with WWE, doing so at a PWG show last night.

BA Billy wants return:

Billy Gunn says he wants to return to his old WWE PC job...

"Of course I would. I loved coaching. That is my thing – I love teaching people that want to learn this business. I would go back in a minute if asked. Coaching was such a different avenue for me, and I didn't think that I had it in me. When Paul hired me, he goes, 'You can't be one the boys, and we've got to trial run to see if you'll be a good coach. Just because you're good in the ring doesn't mean you'll be a good coach.' There are different personalities who you have to coach, and you've got to be able to adjust. For me, a big part of coaching is having a trust for the students that are in your class. If they trust you, and you don't talk beneath them, you can create an even playing field. Yes, what I say goes, but there has to be an open discussion. As long as they trust me, then they're going to listen to me and then they'll learn. If they don't trust me, then what I say goes on deaf ears and they go out there and do whatever. As a coach, I had to have a relationship with every one of my students. I would love to go back."

UFC star talks WWE interest:

Conor McGregor has confirmed WWE have approached him...

"I can go out and conquer the boxing scene as well. That's a very serious thought. That's a very serious conversation that's happening. I've got those wrestling guys trying to contact me as well. I've got Hollywood trying to contact me as well. I've got so many options."

Corgan staying in sport?:

Billy Corgan has held a meeting with ROH.


Ryback, who met the Hardyz for the first time last night (Photo) has claimed Colt Cabana apologised for CM Punk putting him on blast on his podcast...

"Recently, Colt Cabana and myself had a talk, and he was very apologetic, even though he never said anything. But it meant a lot to me because we always got along in the few encounters we had. I will never know why Punk chose to say the things he did, and it definitely didn't help my career at that point. All I know is he was very banged up and miserable during the periods we worked together. I think people have to look at it this way: How many other people are out there saying that about me? I was always respectful of him in his time there, and before our runs together, he was always good to me. Working in the WWE, though, has a way to bring out the worst in everybody. I have made jokes about Punk over the years via social media, as it is fun to get a reaction from his followers from time to time, but if I were to ever see him, I would tell him, "If I really did ever hurt you, I truly am sorry, but I don't think it was the right thing to do to say the things you did." Life is too short to hold grudges, and I truly wish him the best in his life."

HOF feud resolved:

Alundra Blayze says she has harboured bad blood with Mick Foley since he blasted her when she put the WWF Women's title in the bin on WCW TV, but they have recently cleared the air...

"A lot of wrestlers, they were drinking the Kool-Aid and just followed the whole thing, saying I was a piece of crap, 'how could she do that? She ruined women's wrestling. She disrespected us and she's nothing but trash. And she should jump in the trash along with that belt.' And a lot of wrestlers went on WWE and said that and I'll tell you the name. You want a name? I'm going to give you this name. So it just really hurt because this guy and me went way back. And I couldn't believe he was drinking the Kool-Aid. He admitted, he's the one who said it. He's the one that said he drank the Kool-Aid. And he really apologized, 'I'm sorry, Madusa. I was running on everyone's bandwagon saying it was bad when it wasn't.' Mick Foley. Mick Foley was a big man when he came up to me and apologized just recently and it took 20-something years. And I said, 'wow.' And he said, 'I just want to tell you that I've respected you from day one and you're one of the best.' And blah, blah, blah. And just, he goes, 'I'm sorry I drank the Kool-Aid.'"

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Today's News

WWE star takes challenge:

Dana Brooke has again entered the Arnold challenge. She placed 13th twice in the past couple of years.

Vince idea rubbished:

Vince McMahon came up with the idea of Sasha tapping out at Roadblock with seconds left in the match. Producers and members of the creative team felt it would not work, and was a bad idea, but of course no one told him.

SD title matches:

Wyatt Family will put their Tag gold on the line in a fatal four way match next week. The Uso's, American Alpha and former champs Heath and Rhyno will be the challengers. As well as this AJ Styles will give Dolph Ziggler and Baron Corbin a shot at his World gold.

Rowdy Renee:

Renee Young has been talking recently about being open to getting in the ring at some point. That angle may be starting. She slapped Miz during an interview yesterday after he made an off colour remark about her love life. This has led to speculation that her man, Dean Ambrose, would team with her against Miz and his lady, Maryse, at some point in 2017.

Double booking for WWE man:

Xavier Woods has agreed to judge next years anime awards. He may have forgotten to check his diary though. The ceremony is the same night as the Royal Rumble.

Rock celebrated:

The Rock has been named as one of 
the world's 50 most creative people of 2016.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Today's News

New belt:

Mick Foley unveiled the new World Tag Team Championship belts on Raw last night (Photo).

Hulk Hogan:

Hulk Hogan was mentioned on WWE TV this past week. Michael Cole referred to him at Roadblock.

Royal Rumble:

Kevin Owens vs Roman Reigns for the Universal title, with Chris Jericho locked in a cage above the ring, has been confirmed for the Royal Rumble next month.

TNA legend debuts:

Austin Aries made his first main roster appearance on Raw last night. He called a cruiserweight match.

TNA live:

TNA will host a live PPV on January 6.

Alum says WWE killed his love for sport:

Wade Barrett says working for WWE crushed his lifelong love of wrestling...

"I've had a lifelong passion, and really obsession, with professional wrestling since I was a very small kid. That passion never left me. I was always inspired to be involved and be part of good TV and do projects that would inspire me professionally. Unfortunately, in 2015 and again in 2016, I was asked to play a character and perform storylines that I found thoroughly uninspiring. After making repeated attempts to change my career trajectory and having those efforts turned down, my passion for playing the role of a WWE Superstar went away."

SmackDown tease:

  • Luke Harper targets The Lunatic Fringe
  • Who will win a SmackDown Tag Team Title opportunity for his tandem?
  • When will the WWE Universe finally learn who attacked Nikki Bella?
  • Is SmackDown Women's Champion Alexa Bliss really injured?
  • What will actor Ryan Phillippe have in store for Team Blue?


The first WrestleMania feud is starting. WWE plan to build a Charlotte vs Bayley rivalry from now, through the Rumble and into the big one, where Bayley will score her first title win on the main roster.

Dolph Ziggler in ad:

Dolph Ziggler has starred in an ad for Cricket Wireless.

WWE edit Raw:

WWE cut a line Big E. made about Charlotte on Raw this week. He made a quip about how many times the Women's Championship has changed hands recently.

HHH talks plans for UK:

"That's the goal, is to become a weekly show. Hopefully we can make that work out, a weekly show that can feature the best of the U.K. talent and put that out there in a way that gives talent here a clear path into the WWE. Starting here and moving up the line and going through things. I think that's a huge opportunity and will help everybody down the line."

Styles cleared:

AJ Styles has been cleared from his injury, and will return to TV tonight.

WWE on TV:

New Day will appear on the Christmas special of US game show 'Let's Make A Deal' this week.

Take it to the streets:

An indie event in my home town of Middlesbrough was taken out of the arena and onto the streets over the weekend. The local paper covered the story here.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Today's News


WWE held their last PPV of 2016 last night...


  1. Rusev bt Big Cass (Pre).
  2. Cesaro & Sheamus bt New Day to win the Tag titles.
  3. Sami Zayn bt Braun Strowman.
  4. Seth Rollins bt Chris Jericho.
  5. Rich Swann bt The Brian Kendrick and TJ Perkins.
  6. Charlotte bt Sasha Banks 3-2 to once again become Women's champion.
  7. Kevin Owens bt Roman Reigns.


  • The 483 day record Tag title reign of New Day ended last night.


Neville returned to TV last night, turned heel, and announced he will be joining the cruiserweight division.

Young Bucks reveal WWE request:

Matt Jackson says AJ Styles asked him and his brother to go with him to WWE, but they had signed deals just weeks before...

"When A.J. was about to leave, he pulled us aside before anybody knew anything and he asked us about our contracts. At that point, it was December and we had just signed—we signed in November. He's like, 'You did? Ughhh.' The idea was he was going to try and get us to walk out with him and be the guys with him... If we never signed, there's a great chance we could have been walking out on Raw with those guys, I feel."

Zack Ryder:

Zack Ryder says he will be benched for 4-9 months with his knee injury.

Foley unhappy:

Mick Foley had to cancel his surgery after WWE called him in to work Roadblock last night. He was in tremendous pain, as travelling is taking it's toll on his damaged body. He needs hip replacement surgery and will have the op as soon as he possibly can.

CJ returns:

CJ Parker has ended his retirement. He will face Cody Rhodes in Japan in the new year. He had announced he was hanging them up after walking away from WWE.

Alum not happy:

X-Pac appeared on a podcast this week to blast the cruiserweight division. He does not like it's time slot, the change of ring ropes, the empty arena's and more. He said WWE are treating them like an afterthought and sideshow attraction, going so far as to compare them to the failed midget division.