Thursday, May 5, 2016

Today's News

Steve Austin chastises WWE man:

"My thoughts on that are, Gotch, when you're throwing a man through the ropes at that short of a distance, you back off the horsepower. You threw him in with way too much force. I know it was unintentional I know you were excited, but when you're that close, you've got to slow the horsepower down, and, basically, you just kind of guide him. Give him a little bit of momentum, but you threw him so hard, so close, he couldn't control anything that resulted in that wicked bump. And, one more mistake: you went and picked him up by his head when he was really in a bad position [and he] looked bad. You've got to be able to sense that. So, two messages. Don't use that much horsepower that close to the [ropes]. It's dangerous. And don't pick a man up by his head if you have an inkling that something went wrong."

He also revealed his recent shoulder surgery is the reason he is missing the next Stone Cold podcast. His doctors have advised him to rest, and he says he will take their advice not to travel.

Gabe Sapolsky talks WWE / Evolve tie up:

''WWE got into a very progressive mindset when it came to the independents and started looking into where talent was coming from. When they did this, they looked at Evolve and guys like Dean Ambrose, Luke Harper, Kalisto, Neville and several other talents that came from Evolve, and they looked at me personally from my time at ROH when I booked guys like Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, and CM Punkgoing way back… so they looked at the track record and realized it was in their interest to support us and make sure this independent undercurrent of talent keeps flowing. At the same time for them, they benefited from having this pipeline of talent. So, there was a natural synergy there and it made a lot of sense. It's giving us a great deal of exposure and getting the talent ready to go for them and perform on a big stage. The relationship started slowly and is still slowly developing… we're all in uncharted waters here, going step by step to see what possibilities make sense, and there's really no telling what the next phone call or email will bring.''

TNA signing:

TNA have re-signed Jesse Godderz.

Heyman protects family:

Paul Heyman has adamantly refused to allow his proposed new reality show makers to include his teenage children in the show. He says while they may be referenced from time to time, they will never appear on camera.

Mania New York:

A bid from the New York market for WrestleMania 34 is unlikely to be successful. Barclay's Center has a long term contract to host SummerSlam, and WWE would not likely have two of their biggest shows in the same area, in the same year.

Return delay:

Randy Orton's rehab is going slower than expected, and his return date has been pushed back to mid June.

WWE tournaments:

WWE are planning to host a second running of the Dusty Rhodes tag classic, and then a women's wrestling competition, after the Cruiserweights competition they are currently working on finishes.

Alum blasts WWE talent:

Val Venis has questioned the intellect of two current WWE stars. Namely Ryback and Cameron. He is not happy with their recent criticisms of their employers.

Adam Rose censored?:

Adam Rose has removed all of his critical tweets regarding his WWE ban, including yesterday's doctors note, he posted as proof that WWE knew he needed the drugs he was taking.

Eric Young:

Eric Young has not yet signed a WWE deal.

Injury return:

Chris Masters has started accepting bookings again, after a six month injury lay off.

WWE star bullied:

Cameron has blogged on the cyber bullying she is regularly receiving on Twitter. She says the problems have gotten worse in the last couple of days, since she backed Ryback's attack on WWE, and that her tormentors live in their mother's basements.

New stars:

Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows have joined the official WWE roster.

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