Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Today's News

McMahon to tell all:

Shane McMahon is promising to tell all when he appears as a guest on Mick Foley's podcast on May 23. The podcast will air on the WWE Network. Foley will be standing in for Steve Austin, who cannot appear that night, due to a prior booking.

WWE star in surgery:

Tamina Snuka suffered ligament damage during the Euro tour, and had surgery to repair the tears last night.


Sin Cara's mask came off during a Main Event match last night. There is some speculation that he was hurt in the incident that cost him his mask, but that is not confirmed.

Rose receives medical support:

As promised Adam Rose has received, and released, a note from his doctor. The note shows his medic informed WWE last year about a medical condition that needed to be treated with drugs, Rose is angry that he was banned last month for use of the legal, and prescribed, medication. (Photo).

Kofi on dad duty:

WWE gave Kofi Kingston last night off, to go home to be with his newly born child.

Cameron facing heat:

Cameron responded to Ryback's blog attacking his WWE status last night, and backed her (Former) colleague's criticisms of the promotion. WWE will be pleased.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • The Miz vs Sami Zayn.
  • Social Outcasts vs Vaudevillains.
  • Becky Lynch & Natalya vs Charlotte & Emma.
  • Rusev vs Zack Ryder.
  • Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows vs The Uso's.
  • AJ Styles, Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows vs Roman Reigns & The Uso's.


  • Bob Backlund has returned to TV, he will manage Darren Young.


A group of WWE talent, including Seth Rollins, are in LA working on this years WWE game today.

Bruno Sammartino honoured:

Bruno Sammartino has been given a street sign in his honour, in his home town of Pittsburgh, PA.


Bobby Lashley is number 1 contender for the TNA title, and Abyss debuted a new look on last nights Impact. He dropped his mask in favour of face paint, to match his current tag partner.

Hall Of Famer ill:

Bobby The Brain Heenan has been taken into hospital care.  He suffered another fall at his home.

Prince - wrestling fan:

A documentary on WWE Hall Of Famer Koko B. Ware was found in the vault of recently deceased musician Prince. It was one of a number of pro wrestling related items in his possession.

Presidential HOF'er:

Donald Trump has taken a huge step closer to his goal of winning the presidency of the USA. His last two rivals to be the Republican candidate withdrew from the race last night, leaving the WWE inducted man as the last standing.

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