Friday, May 27, 2016

Today's News

Injury returns:

Enzo Amore and Sasha Banks will return from concussions this weekend on the live tour, meaning Sasha must have passed her impact tests this week.

John Cena ready to move on?:

"As a 39-year-old adult, I certainly would love to be a bad guy or to push the limits of the broadcast, but that is not my job. My job is to work for a company that produces PG television and do the best I can. In redefining my brand, I'm looking for opportunities outside of the WWE because I realize I have to play within certain goalposts. When I came in in 2002, it was more like the Jerry Springer show and now it's really a good family program. So I've had to change the tools in my toolbox and adapt to my surroundings yet stay authentic to myself. My experiences in the wrestling ring have set me up for what I'm trying to do outside."


Miami have submitted bids for WrestleMania 34, 35 and 36. They would host the show out of the Miami Dolphins stadium, if successful.

Macho catness:

Lanny Poffo says his brother, Randy Savage, rescued a cat weeks before he died, and called it JYC (Junk Yard Cat), in memory of Junk Yard Dog. The cat still lives with Randy's second wife.

He wins again:

Hulk Hogan has scored another victory over Gawker. A judge has ruled there will be no reduction in his damages, and there will be no new trial.

Also Peter Thiel has confirmed he did bankroll Hogan's case against the site.

McMahon's deposed:

Big Vito and former developmental star Evan Singleton have filed the concussion case against WWE today, and have named Vince, and Stephanie McMahon, as well as Triple H, current WWE doc's Chris Ammam and Joseph Maroon, and concussion specialist, and former WWE star Chris Nowinski, who have (Or will) been deposed to appear in the court.

WWE had fought against Stephanie appearing, and agreed for Vince and Hunter to represent WWE in the court, but she was officially deposed by the court today, much to the company's chagrin.


Paige got a new tattoo on her finger, dedicated to her new beau Alberto Del Rio today.

Mike Tyson:

Mike Tyson has joined the cast of Batista's 'Kickboxer' movie.

Austin on return of title:

Stone Cold is dead against a return to a second World title in WWE...

"I absolutely think that the world champion ought to travel back and forth between RAW and SmackDown. If the champion is on RAW, Reigns, who has the championship, goes to SmackDown, to me, that in and of itself creates something that I want to see."

WrestleMania battle royal:

DDP has revealed 12 legends had been invited to WrestleMania for the battle royal, to make up for no surprise entrants in the Rumble this year. He added that Vince personally selected the two legends that got spots, and unveiled the celeb entrant as Shaq, who was taking practise bumps in one of the training rings backstage. He did not name any of the 10 unlucky legends that missed out.

WWE exodus:

Six stars will be written off TV soon. The Miz, his wife Maryse, Heath Slater, Curtis Axel, Bo Dallas and Naomi will be making the WWE Studios movie 'The Marine 5.'

Beer company vs WWE:

John Cena unveiled new attire, as he prepares for his Raw return, but, WWE have earned the ire of beer brand Pabst, who claim they have ripped off their logo, and will seek a cease and desist writ to stop them using and selling the gear.

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