Monday, May 30, 2016

Today's News

Vader vs the Indies:

WWE official William Regal has blogged on the spat between Vader and a couple of indie stars over the weekend, and he took the side of the younger men...

''I watched the match and was shocked.You need to start doing real stuff like people from my era like kip ups,flying head scissors,cart wheels and criss crosses.Get a grip!. When I started the job in '83 a lot of the older fellas used to say that Marc Rocco and Marty Jones (who were the real pioneers of the CW style) had killed the business because they did to much. Although they may not admit it anymore, most of the heavyweights in Europe thought the brilliant lightweight and middleweight wrestlers were bad for the job because their style was "not believable enough".. Every country I worked in before I came to the US had different styles and ways of doing things. As long as there's effort then it's right. If the people paying you are happy and you get reactions then make your stuff as good as it can be with what skills you have.May not be for everyone but that's ok. In the match I saw two fellas who looked like fighters having an excellent,hard competed match in a different style. Win win!.''

Shelton Benjamin also tweeted support for the indie men.

Mania celeb vs MMA:

Floyd Mayweather has breathed new life into his spat with UFC man Conor McGregor, by tweeting this image.

Owens trolls fans:

Kevin Owens pulled off an audacious stunt at a live last night, and took great pleasure in the result.

AJ Lee:

AJ Lee has completed her first book. She also proudly announced she wrote it without any help from ghost writers.

Raw tease:

John Cena will return to WWE tonight. Here is the offical tease for the show...

  • What does John Cena have planned for his return?
  • Will former 'brothers' Rollins and Reigns collide?
  • Can The Showoff out-grapple The Lone Wolf?
  • What's going through Charlotte's mind?
  • Is Dudleyville 'S.A.W.F.T.'?
  • Who will emerge as the final Money in the Bank Ladder Match participant?

The Rock:

The Rock is a super-hero. He has landed the role of Doc Savage in a new comic book movie today.

John Cena:

John Cena hosted 'Today' this morning, and was taught how to ''Booty pop'' (I don't want to know what that means, please don't tell me...).

Austin talks ''Real bad'' Raw segment:

Referring to the break up of the Flair's last week...

''That was just a real bad segment and that thing, Ric kind of spilled the beans. Whoever wrote that, and you know Ric is one of the best promos in the history of the business and you don't need to be writing for Ric Flair. Just let him go out there and do his thing. But, so he's going out there and he's trying to memorize this script that someone wrote him and he spilled the beans, started tripping all over himself, and then, it only got worse from there. And then, Charlotte's trying to recoup and she gets lost a couple of times and goes at the crowd and then kind of misspeaks and then it was extremely awkward and it was hard to watch because I'm such a fan of the Flairs."


Ticketmaster have pulled tickets for the pre SummerSlam Brooklyn NXT show. This, coupled with the title of the next special being ''The End'' is leading fans to speculate if the brand is coming to a close. It was initially thought that the title referred to the end of the long feud between Finn Balor and Samoa Joe over the NXT title, but, with the impending brand split, NXT's spot in the grand scheme of things is questionable. These other hints will be worrying for fans of the brand. If it is confirmed it is likely that some of the NXT roster would be culled, as not all would be promoted to the main roster, but WWE are promising their biggest talent pool in history, so hopefully most of them would be given the chance to step up.

WWE have also pulled the event from their schedule, but Triple H has revealed the NXT live tour will continue into July.

Jim Ross:

JR says his biog should be out next year.

WWE games:

This years WWE game is scheduled for release on October 25.

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