Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Today's News

WWE to Hall Of Fame:

WWE will send Big E. to represent them at the Tragos / Thesz Hall Of Fame induction ceremony in July.


Sami Zayn, Cesaro, Chris Jericho, Dean Ambrose and Kevin Owens qualified for this years Money In The Bank match, Enzo Amore returned from injury, and Charlotte turned heel on her father Ric Flair, on Raw last night.

Money In The Bank:

Roman Reigns will give Seth Rollins the chance to regain the title he never lost, as they finally have the match that was originally booked for Survivor Series last year at MITB next month. It will be the main event.

A Money In The Bank match will also happen of course, so far five stars have earned spots.


Cesaro will challenge for the IC title, and Kalisto will have his rematch against Rusev for the US tonight, taped for SmackDown.


Shane McMahon revealed his father cried after his match at WrestleMania, to Mick Foley last night, and shared this photo today, to prove it.

Owens vs the Restaurant 2:

A podcast host has discussed Kevin Owens recent falling out with a Montreal eaterie, as he has a friend who owns the establishment. Owens upon hearing of this retorted that his facts were either incorrect, or a flat out lie, and that he was not trouble making for the sake of it, he only wanted to take his wife for a meal, and was treated badly, so wanted to warn others of his experience. He also said the restaurant did not handle the social media situation well.

TNA to India:

Dixie Carter is in India for business meetings this week.

WWE get political:

Dolph Ziggler will represent WWE at the Republican and Democratic national conferences.

WWE vs Cody:

WWE are furious with Cody Rhodes for his accusations against members of the WWE creative team, and his heat is nuclear. He may have a long time to wait before they ever work together again.

Cody has also made an interesting tweet about his wife. He says she will make a statement within the next 24 hours.

Fight on:

CM Punk's opponent says he hears his MMA fight vs CM Punk will be late this summer.

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