Friday, May 13, 2016

Today's News

John Cena:

John Cena played chauffeur to athletes at the Invictus Games this week, he also made a speech and presented an award, at the closing ceremony last night.


King Cuerno of Lucha Underground needs surgery on a back injury. He will be benched for two months.

Nick Jackson was injured, and could not go on, during last nights ROH TV tapings. It is reported to be broken ribs, but that is as yet unconfirmed.

Bullet Club:

NJPW wanted more people added to the Bullet Club, to fill the gaps left by the recent WWE signings. NJPW official Gedo pushed for one of the new members, Adam Page, to be included in the faction.

Adam Rose:

Celebrity gossip site TMZ have obtained a video of Adam Rose's court appearance...

Also, a WWE official has confirmed his career is over, during an argument with a fan on Twitter. Road Dogg Jesse James was defending WWE from criticism from fans, who do not agree with the company's handling of the situation. He repeated that WWE have no tolerance for domestic violence, whatever the mitigating circumstances, and let slip that it had cost him his WWE career, as he became heated in his responses. He did though go on to wish Adam and his family well, and said they were in his prayers.

One more match:

Actor Stephen Amell says his WWE match was the most terrifying thing he has ever done, as he knows that WWE fans often want celebrities who get in the ring to fail, but is proud that he ''Pulled it off.'' He also confirmed he has other goals he wants to achieve in wrestling, including having that singles match vs Stardust.

Indie star snubbed:

Devon Nicholson, who is best known for his legal campaign against HOF'er Abdullah The Butcher, was invited to try out to achieve his dream of making it to WWE by Gerry Brisco, but WWE have, without providing him a reason, revoked the invite to the next tryout camp.


Bayley has been told she will not step up to the main roster any time soon, as WWE do not have faith in any of the other girls in NXT to carry the load as the top face for the developmental league.

WWE old boy ill:

Marc Mero's heart problems have returned. He has been battling a swollen and enlarged heart for a decade, and has been told he will need surgery at some point.

WWE Alum shocked by release:

Santino Marella has revealed he was in advanced talks to return to WWE as an on-screen talent, when news of his release broke. He admitted he was shocked by the news, but is excited at the new avenues that his release has opened up for him.

Triple H defends WWE policy:

Triple H has defended WWE, and how it treats former stars...

"We're a show, but the physicality of it is very real and we have a very advanced and probably one of the best in the world health and wellness programs for our athletes and our talent. And we're very serious about trying to keep them in the best shape possible and them staying in the best shape possible, but the physicality is real and you know that going in. You try to take the most risks possible. The thing about our business is the intent is to try to make it look as painful as possible and make it actually be as painless as possible and that's a fine line, but you do the best that you can. It's tough when people leave WWE. What they do with their lives, how they live their lives, you unfortunately we can't control that for everybody. And, unfortunately, lots of people in life, in any profession, make bad personal decisions. And we try to help people as much as we can, but, at the end of the day, people are responsible for their own personal decisions they make in their [lives]. But when you're working with WWE, when you are one of our talents and our athletes, you are part of a very stringent testing program, not only for drugs, but it's a wellness program, it's a health and wellness program that involves cardiac testing, concussion protocols, drug testing, every gamut of it. We want our athletes to be as absolutely healthy as possible at all times while they're working for us."

Anonymous GM:

A former WWE writer has revealed that Kevin Nash, who was still employed by TNA at the time, was originally going to be the anonymous Raw General Manager, but eventually plans changed, and in desperation to end the angle, a creative meeting collapsed into farce and laughter when someone suggested Hornswoggle should do it. One writer thought it was so off the wall that Vince would run with it, and he of course did. The angle was going to lead to a heel turn, and a film noir gangster style character for Hornswoggle, who would become a manager again. Hornswoggle however could not get the gimmick right, particularly the accent, and it went so badly that Vince personally apologised to Jerry Lawler for including him in it.

Sandow to retire?:

Damien Sandow says he is going on a thank you tour, and will then ''Burn his boots.'' Intimating he sees his future away from wrestling, but says he will never say never...

"When you say full-time, full-time in the WWE is very different than full-time elsewhere. I am not going to rule out anything. I don't want to limit myself. It's not like when I finish up my "Thank You Tour," I'm going to be burning my boots. It is an aspect of performance, and if I can use whatever avenue to perform. If the fans want it, and they're digging it, if it coincides with whatever project I decide to take, then I'm open to anything. It's a very exciting time, and I'm not opposed to performing in a wrestling ring. You never know."

New star:

No Way Jose has been added to the WWE roster.

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