Saturday, May 14, 2016

Today's News

New couple:

Alberto Del Rio and Paige have revealed they are dating. However, there is a lot of speculation that is kayfabe, as the photo's they posted are extremely awkward, and come across as very forced.

Blow for TNA:

Pop TV have dropped a TNA show. From this week there will no longer be a replay of Impact. The company have though announced a live TV episode, for June 14.

Rhyno seeks new job:

Rhyno has started his campaign to earn political office in Michigan.

Hall Of Famer in court:

Superfly Jimmy Snuka has appeared in court today. His mental competency to stand trial for the death of his former girlfriend is to be decided. His attorneys claim he is not capable of understanding what he is charged with, due to the toll his wrestling career has taken on his health. They played the infamous Roddy Piper coconut spot as proof that years of head shots have caused severe issues with his brain, included in that is his dementia.

Luke Harper:

Luke Harper is reportedly benched for 5-6 months. He is refusing to comment on the story.


AJ Styles has confirmed he will not compete this weekend, and says he has damaged his ankle.

Punk blasted:

Matt Brown of UFC has spoken out about CM Punk being signed by UFC...

"I didn't criticize him for having his surgery if it was something necessary to do. I criticized him for the fact that he's not a fighter. He doesn't deserve to fight in the UFC with no fights. I don't believe he deserves to fight in the UFC based off the name he made in pro-wrestling and I think he'll figure it out when he fights in the UFC, he'll figure it out the hard way. Or he can listen to me and that'll be the easy way to learn,"

ROH star quits:

Cedric Alexander has ended a five year relationship with Ring Of Honor today.

Internet rumours hurt WWE star:

Lilian Garcia has responded to stories that she has been released by WWE, and that her tale of caring for an ill relative is just to save face. She says her father's cancer has returned, and she wants to spend as much time as she possibly can with him, but, as she has repeatedly stated, will be back at work on Monday. Many wrestling news sources claimed she was released along with the large group last week, but WWE were keeping it quiet, out of respect to her. She categorically denies the story, and praised WWE for their support during her difficult time.

The radio host that started the story rolling, claims his WWE source has confirmed to him that WWE would not be renewing her contract, when it expires, and that she had gone off the road to sit her remaining dates out, before leaving quietly, while he still believes her time with WWE is coming to an end, he has offered an apology to Lilian for being premature with the story, and the hurt it has caused, at what is an already troubling time.

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