Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Today's News

Rollins on the road again:

Seth Rollins will return to the WWE live tour this weekend.

Sheamus goes home:

Sheamus is in Ireland for promotional work for his Turtles movie.


WWE had the entire roster on the stage for a 10 bell salute for deceased American military personnel, and aired a VT of some of the roster reciting a presidential speech.

AJ Styles turned heel on John Cena, and reunited with The Club.

WWE return:

Goldberg has been named as the man teased on social media. He is this years featured legend on the WWE game. He taped an ad, which was played on Raw last night. This is the first sign of an easing of tensions between he and WWE since he left the promotion in 2004.

He has signed a deal with 2K, not WWE, but, as with Ultimate Warrior and Sting in the past couple of years, this may be a stepping stone to doing something with WWE later in the year.

Hall Of Famer pops for champ:

Ric Flair says WWE are right to go with Roman Reigns as the top guy...

"You really don't know what the crowd is going to do until you go out there through the curtain, right? You can have something all planned out and they're not going to buy it. I mean, that's the great thing about having Roman. I think they struggled with him at first, but with Roman, they've got the best of both worlds. They've got a guy that one day can wrestle Seth Rollins and be the hottest bad guy in the business, which that match will be huge when they have it or he can go out and wrestle Hunter and whatever, right? He's good! Yes, he is versatile, which is a good thing, I think."

Foley predicts match:

Mick Foley says he expects John Cena vs AJ Styles will main event SummerSlam this year.

TNA Hall Of Fame:

TNA have decided this years Hall Of Famer, and will make the announcement next month.

Check 1:

Cody Rhodes has secured the first of his wish list matches. He will go with Kurt Angle in New York on August 27.


WWE have announced another Performance Center fan axxess event for July 25.


Velvet Sky says she wants to join WWE. She confirmed this ambition is why she ended her 10 year relationship with TNA this year.

Limited edition merch:

In what may have been a clerical error, WWE have sent the retired John Cena shirts to fans who pre-ordered before the legal threat by Pabst. This will mean the attire will be rare, and probably a future collectible.

NXT lives:

WWE officials have confirmed NXT will continue. They pulled the SummerSlam special event yesterday as they are working on a re-branding of the group, to coincide with the new brand split. A new logo is coming for the August 20 Brooklyn special.

WWE movie:

Six WWE stars, led by The Miz, started filming 'The Marine 5' today.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Today's News

Vader vs the Indies:

WWE official William Regal has blogged on the spat between Vader and a couple of indie stars over the weekend, and he took the side of the younger men...

''I watched the match and was shocked.You need to start doing real stuff like people from my era like kip ups,flying head scissors,cart wheels and criss crosses.Get a grip!. When I started the job in '83 a lot of the older fellas used to say that Marc Rocco and Marty Jones (who were the real pioneers of the CW style) had killed the business because they did to much. Although they may not admit it anymore, most of the heavyweights in Europe thought the brilliant lightweight and middleweight wrestlers were bad for the job because their style was "not believable enough".. Every country I worked in before I came to the US had different styles and ways of doing things. As long as there's effort then it's right. If the people paying you are happy and you get reactions then make your stuff as good as it can be with what skills you have.May not be for everyone but that's ok. In the match I saw two fellas who looked like fighters having an excellent,hard competed match in a different style. Win win!.''

Shelton Benjamin also tweeted support for the indie men.

Mania celeb vs MMA:

Floyd Mayweather has breathed new life into his spat with UFC man Conor McGregor, by tweeting this image.

Owens trolls fans:

Kevin Owens pulled off an audacious stunt at a live last night, and took great pleasure in the result.

AJ Lee:

AJ Lee has completed her first book. She also proudly announced she wrote it without any help from ghost writers.

Raw tease:

John Cena will return to WWE tonight. Here is the offical tease for the show...

  • What does John Cena have planned for his return?
  • Will former 'brothers' Rollins and Reigns collide?
  • Can The Showoff out-grapple The Lone Wolf?
  • What's going through Charlotte's mind?
  • Is Dudleyville 'S.A.W.F.T.'?
  • Who will emerge as the final Money in the Bank Ladder Match participant?

The Rock:

The Rock is a super-hero. He has landed the role of Doc Savage in a new comic book movie today.

John Cena:

John Cena hosted 'Today' this morning, and was taught how to ''Booty pop'' (I don't want to know what that means, please don't tell me...).

Austin talks ''Real bad'' Raw segment:

Referring to the break up of the Flair's last week...

''That was just a real bad segment and that thing, Ric kind of spilled the beans. Whoever wrote that, and you know Ric is one of the best promos in the history of the business and you don't need to be writing for Ric Flair. Just let him go out there and do his thing. But, so he's going out there and he's trying to memorize this script that someone wrote him and he spilled the beans, started tripping all over himself, and then, it only got worse from there. And then, Charlotte's trying to recoup and she gets lost a couple of times and goes at the crowd and then kind of misspeaks and then it was extremely awkward and it was hard to watch because I'm such a fan of the Flairs."


Ticketmaster have pulled tickets for the pre SummerSlam Brooklyn NXT show. This, coupled with the title of the next special being ''The End'' is leading fans to speculate if the brand is coming to a close. It was initially thought that the title referred to the end of the long feud between Finn Balor and Samoa Joe over the NXT title, but, with the impending brand split, NXT's spot in the grand scheme of things is questionable. These other hints will be worrying for fans of the brand. If it is confirmed it is likely that some of the NXT roster would be culled, as not all would be promoted to the main roster, but WWE are promising their biggest talent pool in history, so hopefully most of them would be given the chance to step up.

WWE have also pulled the event from their schedule, but Triple H has revealed the NXT live tour will continue into July.

Jim Ross:

JR says his biog should be out next year.

WWE games:

This years WWE game is scheduled for release on October 25.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Today's News

Cody Rhodes:

Cody Rhodes has published a list of matches he wants, now he is free of WWE (Photo). He also revealed his no compete clause ends on August 19.

In response to Cody's list, Wade Barrett published his own.

WWE vs Pabst:

WWE have re-designed John Cena's new attire, after a legal threat by Pabst over the original design.

Vader vs indies:

Vader took a dislike to a match between Ricochet and Will Ospreay over the weekend. He felt there were too many high spots, and no story telling. He also said he could take two high school gymnasts and put on a better show. The two indie men said the sport had evolved since his day, and he was out of touch.

New gimmicks:

WWE are teasing a new character on social media, the reveal will be on Raw, and Bray Wyatt is teasing the impending debut of Sister Abigail.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Today's News

WWE movie:

'The Marine 5' will begin taping in Canada on Tuesday. Six stars will be leaving the road this week to star in the film.

Legend at live:

Hall Of Famer Larry Zbyszko was at the NXT live in Florida last night.

Summer Rae:

Summer Rae threw the first pitch at Wrigley Field yesterday.

Tony Schiavone has new job:

"I'm training to be a barista at Starbucks. The reason I'm doing that is because they have great benefits, it's a great place to work, I've always loved Starbucks. I've got time and I want to fill up my time working, I really do, I want to stay busy."


Murphy suffered a stinger at an NXT show last night. He struggled, but did manage to walk to the back unaided.

WWE back down:

WWE have pulled the new John Cena merch, after beer company Pabst threatened legal action over breach of copyright.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Today's News

Injury returns:

Enzo Amore and Sasha Banks will return from concussions this weekend on the live tour, meaning Sasha must have passed her impact tests this week.

John Cena ready to move on?:

"As a 39-year-old adult, I certainly would love to be a bad guy or to push the limits of the broadcast, but that is not my job. My job is to work for a company that produces PG television and do the best I can. In redefining my brand, I'm looking for opportunities outside of the WWE because I realize I have to play within certain goalposts. When I came in in 2002, it was more like the Jerry Springer show and now it's really a good family program. So I've had to change the tools in my toolbox and adapt to my surroundings yet stay authentic to myself. My experiences in the wrestling ring have set me up for what I'm trying to do outside."


Miami have submitted bids for WrestleMania 34, 35 and 36. They would host the show out of the Miami Dolphins stadium, if successful.

Macho catness:

Lanny Poffo says his brother, Randy Savage, rescued a cat weeks before he died, and called it JYC (Junk Yard Cat), in memory of Junk Yard Dog. The cat still lives with Randy's second wife.

He wins again:

Hulk Hogan has scored another victory over Gawker. A judge has ruled there will be no reduction in his damages, and there will be no new trial.

Also Peter Thiel has confirmed he did bankroll Hogan's case against the site.

McMahon's deposed:

Big Vito and former developmental star Evan Singleton have filed the concussion case against WWE today, and have named Vince, and Stephanie McMahon, as well as Triple H, current WWE doc's Chris Ammam and Joseph Maroon, and concussion specialist, and former WWE star Chris Nowinski, who have (Or will) been deposed to appear in the court.

WWE had fought against Stephanie appearing, and agreed for Vince and Hunter to represent WWE in the court, but she was officially deposed by the court today, much to the company's chagrin.


Paige got a new tattoo on her finger, dedicated to her new beau Alberto Del Rio today.

Mike Tyson:

Mike Tyson has joined the cast of Batista's 'Kickboxer' movie.

Austin on return of title:

Stone Cold is dead against a return to a second World title in WWE...

"I absolutely think that the world champion ought to travel back and forth between RAW and SmackDown. If the champion is on RAW, Reigns, who has the championship, goes to SmackDown, to me, that in and of itself creates something that I want to see."

WrestleMania battle royal:

DDP has revealed 12 legends had been invited to WrestleMania for the battle royal, to make up for no surprise entrants in the Rumble this year. He added that Vince personally selected the two legends that got spots, and unveiled the celeb entrant as Shaq, who was taking practise bumps in one of the training rings backstage. He did not name any of the 10 unlucky legends that missed out.

WWE exodus:

Six stars will be written off TV soon. The Miz, his wife Maryse, Heath Slater, Curtis Axel, Bo Dallas and Naomi will be making the WWE Studios movie 'The Marine 5.'

Beer company vs WWE:

John Cena unveiled new attire, as he prepares for his Raw return, but, WWE have earned the ire of beer brand Pabst, who claim they have ripped off their logo, and will seek a cease and desist writ to stop them using and selling the gear.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Today's News

WWE get sporty:

Sheamus threw the first pitch at a baseball game last night, and Dolph went to an NBA match.

Nattie's new skill:

Natalya is learning to shot put. Her coach is her father Jim Neidhart, who held a record at the sport during his high school days.

Rosa's new role:

Rosa Mendes has landed a cooking show on a mother's website.

NXT return:

Hideo (Kenta) Itami is within weeks of a WWE return. He has been benched for over a year after a shoulder injury.


Summer Rae suffered a concussion on the Euro tour, but has now been cleared to return.

Apollo fooled:

Apollo Crews was told he was going to be promoted to the main roster on the pre Mania Friday. That day was April Fools Day, and he believed he was the victim of a prank, until he was promoted...

"I didn't find out until the Friday before that. It was April Fools'. I thought it was a joke. But when it really hit me and I realized what was going on I just started breaking down crying tears of happiness. It was cool for me because I don't remember the last time I shed a tear of any kind of emotion. So it was cool just to see my dreams come true. ... It's the most satisfying feeling ever."


Hornswoggle says he did not fail a WWE wellness test, a fail that led to the end of his career. He says he was unable to produce a urine sample...

"I couldn't pee very simply. I couldn't pee for the test in the allotted time and that was against the Wellness Policy. I get that. I fully agree. My only gripe was the wording of it. When you say it's a failure of the Wellness Policy, it comes off as I'm a drug user and that is something I am not. I'm not a drug user. I don't do that. I have a son at home and that's what really upset me is that it got put off as though I'm a drug user. And I have a son and a future to look forward to, so I just think the wording could have been a lot better."

He however added that he backs the policy fully...

"I am fully on board with the Wellness Policy. Even after being suspended by it, I'm fully on board with it. I think it's really keeping people healthy in general. Yeah, 100% I think it is working. I really do."

Hawkins = good egg:

Hornswoggle has revealed fellow WWE Alum Curt Hawkins reached out to him, and other stars cut this month, to help them adjust to the world outside of WWE. 'Swoggle said within three hours of being fired Hawkins had scored him 10-12 gigs on the indie scene, and provided him with lots of advice, and support.

ROH vs Flair:

Former ROH boss Cary Silkin says he will be at a Ric Flair appearance in July, where he plans to demand Flair pay him the $41,000 he claims the HOF'er owes him.


Dixie Carter says she will talk to some of the recently axed WWE stars, but added that TNA didn't need them...

"Many believe that our actual roster and their wrestling are best in the business. So we are always on the lookout for new talent. In the last few years, we focused on growing home-grown talent. A lot of new talent like EC III, Rock star Spud, Eli Drake, and Bram, there are so many and I could go on. They've grown so much but I think we also did a fantastic job with people like Drew Galloway who was at the WWE and came in and completely relaunched himself. There are definitely some incredibly talented wrestlers on the market right now and some will be available at some part of this year. And I do see ourselves talking to them. I think it would be exciting to bring a few into TNA."

She also addressed the TNA financial issues...

"You can't react to the rumors about the financial situation. That's the difficulty about being in my position. There's so much incorrect information out there about the financial situation of TNA. We are putting out some of the best television our company has ever put out and if you watch it you can tell, great things are happening to our company. We just announced some associations in the Middle East, we just announced Vietnam and a lot of similar announcements are rolling out."

Styles speaks out:

AJ Styles has been disturbed by the fan reaction to his recent foe Roman Reigns...

"I think he's a better athlete than a lot of people realize. He should get a lot more credit for his athleticism. He's unbelievable, he can do a lot of stuff. I think he's been able to showcase that with me. We're doing something right – I don't think people gave Roman a chance; in fact. I think a lot of fans jumped on the bandwagon when someone started booing, instead of taking the chance to see what he could do in the ring."

Brand split:

WWE will go back to having dueling announce teams when the brand split returns.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Today's News

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Alberto Del Rio vs Zack Ryder (MITB qualifier).
  • Rusev vs Kalisto (US title).
  • Dana Brooke vs Natalya.
  • Fandango & Tyler Breeze vs Goldust & R-Truth.
  • The Miz vs Cesaro (IC title).


  • The show was hampered by audio problems. Which may mean at least one segment could be cut from the final show.

Jake The Movie:

Jake The Snake's documentary is now available to purchase via his website.

WWE announcer quits:

Eden told WWE last night that she was following her husband out of the company. Last night's SmackDown taping was her last, as WWE confirmed they had agreed to allow Cody Rhodes wife to go with immediate effect, after the broadcast had concluded. She says she has another job lined up.

Rhodes exodus?:

Despite the departures of his younger brother, and his sister in law, Goldust says he has no plans to leave WWE.


Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy and Bobby Lashley vs Drew Galloway for the TNA title has been announced for TNA's biggest event of their year.

WWE make huge announcement:

WWE have announced SmackDown will be aired live from July 19, and that the roster split is coming back for that date. The show will have it's own roster and angles, but it was not mentioned if they would have their own championships, or if the two shows would share the gold. Shane and Stephanie McMahon are teasing having one show each.

A draft will take place between now and the first live episode, to determine who goes to which show.

The show will also be live in the UK, on Tuesday nights.

It is also strongly rumoured that WWE will bring back a second World title.

New baby:

Randy Orton and his wife have announced they are pregnant.

Billionaire backed Hogan:

A billionaire funded the legal case Hulk Hogan fought against website Gawker. That is the claim of the New York Times. They allege that pay-pal co founder Peter Thiel, who was outed as gay by the site in 2007, was that backer, but there has been no conformation from anyone involved.

TNA issues:

TNA scored their lowest viewing figures since moving to Pop this week.

Sasha Banks:

Sasha Banks will be impact tested this weekend. They hope she is cleared, as they want to start an angle going into the summer between her and Charlotte, which will culminate at SummerSlam.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Today's News

WWE to Hall Of Fame:

WWE will send Big E. to represent them at the Tragos / Thesz Hall Of Fame induction ceremony in July.


Sami Zayn, Cesaro, Chris Jericho, Dean Ambrose and Kevin Owens qualified for this years Money In The Bank match, Enzo Amore returned from injury, and Charlotte turned heel on her father Ric Flair, on Raw last night.

Money In The Bank:

Roman Reigns will give Seth Rollins the chance to regain the title he never lost, as they finally have the match that was originally booked for Survivor Series last year at MITB next month. It will be the main event.

A Money In The Bank match will also happen of course, so far five stars have earned spots.


Cesaro will challenge for the IC title, and Kalisto will have his rematch against Rusev for the US tonight, taped for SmackDown.


Shane McMahon revealed his father cried after his match at WrestleMania, to Mick Foley last night, and shared this photo today, to prove it.

Owens vs the Restaurant 2:

A podcast host has discussed Kevin Owens recent falling out with a Montreal eaterie, as he has a friend who owns the establishment. Owens upon hearing of this retorted that his facts were either incorrect, or a flat out lie, and that he was not trouble making for the sake of it, he only wanted to take his wife for a meal, and was treated badly, so wanted to warn others of his experience. He also said the restaurant did not handle the social media situation well.

TNA to India:

Dixie Carter is in India for business meetings this week.

WWE get political:

Dolph Ziggler will represent WWE at the Republican and Democratic national conferences.

WWE vs Cody:

WWE are furious with Cody Rhodes for his accusations against members of the WWE creative team, and his heat is nuclear. He may have a long time to wait before they ever work together again.

Cody has also made an interesting tweet about his wife. He says she will make a statement within the next 24 hours.

Fight on:

CM Punk's opponent says he hears his MMA fight vs CM Punk will be late this summer.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Today's News

Extreme Rules:


  • Baron Corbin bt Dolph Ziggler.
  • The Club bt The Uso's.
  • Rusev bt Kalisto to win the US title.
  • New Day bt Vaudevillains.
  • The Miz bt Cesaro, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn to retain the IC.
  • Dean Ambrose bt Chris Jericho.
  • Charlotte bt Natalya.
  • Roman Reigns bt AJ Styles.


  • Seth Rollins returned in the main event, attacking his former Shield brother Roman Reigns.
  • A couple got engaged in the crowd.

Ryback makes interesting tweet:

Ryback asked his followers if it was time for him to make an Impact in the Zone, a clear reference to TNA. He is still employed by WWE, although is sitting at home due to a contract dispute.

Raw tease:

  • Will Rusev reassert himself as the most fearsome Superstar in WWE?
  • Who are the next challengers for The New Day?
  • What route will Gallows and Anderson go next?
  • Who can overcome Charlotte with Dana Brooke watching her back?
  • Seth Rollins returns to RAW

Campaign continues:

Kevin Owens and Tyler Breeze have extended their GoFundMe for the Canadian wildfire victims. Increasing the goal from $30,000 to $100,000. They are currently on $67,000.

WWE vs Cody:

WWE are said to be playing hardball with Cody Rhodes. They are angry that he has decided to leave, and want to make sure he does not go to another promotion. It is reported that they will hold him to his contract, plus the 90 day no compete clause, after it ends. There is bad blood on both sides, as Cody is angry about broken promises over gimmick changes.

Hall Of Famer seriously ill:

Million Dollar Man says George The Animal Steele is battling serious health problems, and is asking for prayers for his friend.

Rose released:

WWE have done the inevitable and fired Adam Rose, although in a brief statement say he asked for the release today. Rose had been banned for a drugs fail, and was then arrested for a domestic incident with his wife.

Good news for TNA:

Pop TV say they are not cancelling TNA, and the show will be renewed in September.

Titus talks ban:

"It's done and over with, that was my mistake. I made a mistake... I'm back in the ring getting excited about moving forward with both my in ring and outside the ring career and we'll see what happens. I don't think (It will hold me back) I think that my punishment was served. I handled it with class and I'll continue to do that and as I've said time and time again I'm a very blessed individual, I have a million things that I can do and I look forward to trying to do those things in WWE but if it doesn't happen I'll be fine."

Kane moving on?:

Kane is reportedly interested in running for mayor in Knox County, TN in 2018. He says he will run as a Republican, but will not make his final decision until after the next US President is elected. This would of course mean the end of his WWE, and wrestling days.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Today's News

Cody Rhodes released:

WWE have granted Cody Rhodes the release he requested yesterday.

In what may be an unrelated incident to his decision to quit WWE, Cody and his brother Goldust left the arena at this weeks SmackDown taping, before they started filming. There are said to be no issues between Goldust and WWE.

Cody has been upset by what he says are inaccurate reports about his reasons for leaving, and wanted to make a statement, but delayed until WWE made up their minds if they were going to allow him to go. Stories that the resignation was kayfabe, for an angle, or that he was trying to blackmail WWE to change his gimmick, or that he heard he was on a list of cuts and decided to jump before being pushed, irked him. WWE eventually did release him, and he then said he quit because of creative frustrations, and not wanting to play the Stardust gimmick. He added that he has been agonising over it for a long while. He also blasted creative members for being more obsessed with hitting on the diva's than making good content.

Lesnar to UFC:

Brock Lesnar was back on the UFC roster, for several hours, last night. He was added to the UFC roster on their website, but was taken back down this morning.


Sienna has been named as a member of Team USA for the AAA World Cup, which starts next month. Team TNA will be ECIII, Tyrus and Eli Drake, and Rockstar Spud will also be involved with a different team.

Rey Mysterio critical of WWE:

"I'm not going to hate, I was a part of that show. But even when I was on it, I couldn't sit back and watch a show for three hours. When I was on the road with WWE, I'd come home and the last thing I'd want to hear about is wrestling. That was a no-no in the house."


Cedric Alexander has had a tryout for WWE, and may be in the Cruiser Classic. He recently quit ROH.

Fight on:

UFC TV are following CM Punk's opponent Mickey Gall, as he prepares to fight the former WWE champ, likely meaning the fight is still on. Speculation Punk may never fight has been gaining momentum in recent days, with people close to his camp saying he is broken down.

Vince sick of fans:

Vince McMahon fed JBL a line on Raw this week, after getting tired of the fan chants against Roman Reigns. He had JBL say "If you love him or hate him, you're very passionate about him."

Rose released?:

Adam Rose has been removed from the Social Outcasts entrance video.

Kofi goes home:

Kofi Kingston has been given the weekend off again, to be with his family, and newborn baby.

Extreme Rules:

Tonight is WWE Extreme Rules. All main roster titles will be up for grabs.

Mick Foley and his daughter are taping their new Network show backstage, and Eden is working the show, despite being sick this week, and Cody quitting.

In an interesting, and potentially SPOILER!!! note, Seth Rollins is backstage for the show, and may return, as he was cleared by WWE medics at the PC earlier this week.

Enzo Amore is at the show. His first since his Payback injury.

WWE good deeds:

The Miz is playing golf for the LAPD celebrity benefit tournament today. The event raises money for injured servicemen.

Finn Balor missed a show on Saturday to work with a children's cancer charity in Florida.


Sasha Banks is out with a suspected concussion after a freak accident last weekend. She was knocked loopy when she hit her head off the referee's knee during a bout.


Sheamus and Titus O'Neil were at MSG today, for the premiere of the new Turtles film, which Sheamus is in.

NJPW star taking break:

Hiroshi Tanahashi is taking four weeks off to heal nagging injuries, before a big ladder match next month.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Today's News

New stars:

WWE have added some new stars to their roster today. Austin Aries, Cathy Kelley, Johnny Gargano, and Tommaso Ciampa.

Styles returns:

AJ Styles is back on the road this weekend, after taking last weekend off, to heal some nagging injuries.

NXT save the day:

Two PC students saved a small dog on their lunch break today. The dog was running in and out of traffic on a busy motorway, until the PC boys grabbed it, and made it safe. They took the dog to a local animal hospital. Local media featured the story, as they came upon the scene as they were travelling to another assignment, and interviewed the WWE men.

WWE congratulate old boys:

Zack Ryder and Dolph Ziggler share their congratulations with Mikey Whipwreck and Mikey of the Spirit Squad, as they are named as inductees into an indie wrestling promotion's Hall Of Fame...


BBC presenter Greg James is on his way to New York, to learn to be a WWE star, for a show. He says if it is easy, he may just stay there.


Alberto Del Rio went to this weekends Pro Wrestling Guerilla show.

Top WWE star quits:

Cody Rhodes has asked for his WWE release today. He said, via his personal Twitter account, that the ten years he had spent with WWE had been a ''Trek'' and that he would speak further about his decision in due course.

Ban it:

Tommy Dreamer says there should never be another chair shot to the head, due to concussions. He was discussing his wife's head injury, which happened three years ago, but still affects her life today, on a radio show, when he made the comment. The host pointed out that he had delivered and received more than anyone in wrestling, he said they did not know as much then as they do now, about concussions.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Today's News

New book:

The WWE Rulebook (And How To Break Them) will be released on January 17 2017, and is priced at $15.99 on Amazon pre-order.

NXT Takeover:

Austin Aries vs Shinsuke Nakamura is official for the next NXT special. The show has been named ''Revenge.''

Asuka will not now defend her title against former holder Bayley, NXT are currently running an injury angle with her, so Nia Jax will get the shot at the Japanese lady instead.

La Sombre named:

Manny Andrade will be named ''Andrade Cien Almas'' for WWE.

Restaurant scores KO:

Kevin Owens complained about a restaurant on Twitter yesterday, he waited for an hour, without being able to order, before leaving. The Montreal restaurant responded that they were John Cena fans, and didn't want his business.

Landmark for Owens:

Kevin Owens is about to make personal history. He will be only the second man in WWE to compete on all 12 PPV events, consecutively, in their first year on the main roster.

Two hour Raw's return:

SyFy will start to host a two hour version of Raw starting next Friday.

Paul London talks backstage WWE feuds:

Billy Kidman...

"I remember we were working I think Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore in New York, and I decided that we could start doing something where Brian (Kendrick) is on all fours, and I run, jump off his back, and do a Shooting Star off his back. So I started doing that in the matches, and it was getting really good reactions, how we were using them. And I remember Billy Kidman coming up to me, and he said, 'Hey man! You're gonna steal my move every night?! You're gonna keep stealing my move every night?!' I just looked at him and said, 'Do you do a running Shooting Star off the back?' He goes, 'uh... well no, but...' I go, 'Well... yeah.' Brian came up to me and was like, 'Man, what is wrong with you?! You don't talk to somebody like that! If I was him, I would've slapped you!' Well, it was kind of a d**khead thing to do to come to me and act like he owns every variation of the move when he can't even do it that well himself."

Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase...

"Ted DiBiase, Sr. pretty much lost all of our respect in a matter of seconds. We were sitting in the catering section, everyone had pretty much finished up eating and we were wrapping up eating as well. Million Dollar Man walks in there, and he pulls us aside, well he pulls them aside really, MNM, because I think we were wrestling again the night as a build-up match for the inevitable pay per view championship match. So we were kinda throwing around some ideas for that night, and Teddy walks in there, pulls them aside and says 'I just want to clarify the decision to switch the titles is because Joey has this issue. It's not because of these guys; definitely not because of anything that these guys have done.' He kinda just threw that at us, in our face. It was a really backhanded thing to do. It was just flat out rude. Brian got up, and I think he was about to give The Million Dollar Man Sliced Bread #3, and I had to intercept and walk him outside."

He also attacked WWE...

"When you work there, you eat so much crap. It's like middle school all over again when you work there, on any level that you're at. I don't care if you're the megastar or the opening guy, corporate office guy, whatever. At some point in your tenure there, you're gonna be treated like garbage, absolute garbage. And like less of a human being, like the stuff you wipe off of your shoe that you stepped in by accident. And you're gonna be treated like that constantly. It's a constant mental hazing. It's disgusting. It's a horrible, horrible place to work, absolutely awful place to work. So, it's not good for human beings of any nature. It was just things that would numb you to life working there."

Jericho burns fan:

Chris Jericho was asked on Twitter why steel cages have doors, if the talent climb out to win their matches, he replied...

''How about to get into the cage, you dumb idiot!.''


Sheamus is doing the media rounds for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 today.

McMahon awarded:

Stephanie McMahon has been awarded by the Eisenhower Fellowship.

CM Punk:

The CM Punk written comic 'Drax' is in shops today.

Netflix to GLOW:

Women's wrestling promotion GLOW is coming to Netflix. The owner says she signed a deal this week.

State want WWE back:

Kentucky say they hope to get WWE back into their area. WWE have not run shows in Kentucky for a long while, due to the strict regulations placed on combat sports.

"We have to evaluate the current policies and regulations in place and make a fair decision. I can tell you my goal is to generate as much revenue for the Commonwealth of Kentucky as I can. If you say the WWE, UFC and Impact Wrestling are not a part of that, you're fooling yourself. I had an opportunity last night to speak with four local promoters after our meeting. I asked them "If I could change one thing for you as a wrestling promoter, what would you want it to be?" I had a very long and lengthy conversation with one gentleman and he said "I want Wrestlemania here." That's a big step for us, I'm not saying I'll be able to get it done tomorrow, but it's a goal that we're striving for. We have world class venues. If you look at Rupp Arena, the Yum! Center, Pikeville has a phenomenal setup for a live television show, the Corbin Arena, the Northern Kentucky Civic Center, you've got Western Kentucky in Bowling Green, Paducah has venues, Richmond has Eastern Kentucky University, there's so many great venues. We would love to have the WWE come in here and host them, but also we want our local promoters to reach that level as well. We want to start by bringing in those bigger tickets. It rejuvenates the sport. That is our ultimate goal. We want to have something home-grown, but we also want to show our state off to the world."