Saturday, January 30, 2016

Today's News

League of injuries:

Alberto Del Rio is the third of the quartet to go down with injury. He damaged his lower back at the Royal Rumble, taking a suplex from Brock Lesnar, and has been unable to work a match since.

''Major'' locker room incident:

Kharma AKA Awesome Kong has been sent home from the TNA UK tour, by her employers. This has come after an incident involving her and Reby Sky, wife of TNA champion Matt Hardy. The incident stems back almost three years, to an online spat between the two, but flared up last night. Since joining TNA Reby had changed alone, but backstage circumstances at their show last night meant she had, for the first time, to change in the ladies locker room, with the rest of the talent... including Kia Stevens. Kong was not pleased with the arrangements, and tossed her bag out into the hall, then grabbed her by the throat and tried to do the same to her, but was restrained by Simon Diamond. The situation was further heightened by the fact her son was in the locker room with her, and saw his mum being assaulted.

Kia was sent home from the tour, and her TNA future is now said to be in doubt. A decision will be made when the promotion returns to the States.

If she was fired, it wouldn't be the first time. She was sacked by TNA after an incident with Bubba The Love Sponge in 2010.

NXT star to Olympics:

Adrian Jaoude has been selected to represent Brazil at the summer games, later this year.

CM Punk:

UFC say CM Punk will not have a top rating on the new UFC game, after a backlash from fans...

"I'm pretty sure CM Punk, when the game locks in, is going to have the lowest overall rating in the game," Hayes said. "But when he does have his first fight, if he just lights it up and looks like a prodigy, we'll have to go into the servers [and bump him up]."

Wrestling movie:

'Nine Legends' will feature a number of Hall Of Famer's and legends, including Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, Goldberg and Lita. A young wrestling fan is visiting his grandpa in the year 2050, when the old timer reveals his own love for the sport, and begins playing him a series of interviews he taped with the stars of his generation, when he was younger.

Stardust vs Amell:

Stardust's feud with Stephen Amell is turning into a good thing. Stephen Amell has given up on getting his Slammy from Stardust, and has made a proposition to the WWE man. He says he will raffle the statuette, with the money going to Stardust's superfan Drax Shadow's cancer treatment fund. Stardust accepted the offer.

Val Venis says wrestler death saved him:

"I was still taking pharmaceutical drugs and was always on pain pills and every time I got injured, whether it was my elbows, my neck, my shoulder I would always go back to what the Doctor would prescribe me and that was anti inflammatories and still my friends were dying from it. As time went on I started to notice that we have been lied to about this plan and my friends are dying left, right and center from big pharmaceutical pills and I think the straw that broke the camel's back was when one of my best friends, Andrew "Test" Martin passed away from pharmaceutical pain meds. That's when I said okay enough is enough and that's when I really took a stand, came off the pills and I didn't have to go to rehab. My body was addicted to the pills and did have to go through two weeks of horrible withdrawals. But the second week of those withdraws I started utilizing marijuana on the advice of a friend. It didn't get rid of the sickness of the withdrawals but what it did was make the withdraws bearable. It made it easy to just wait out the withdrawals and when I came out on the other end I never looked back and that was in 2008."

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