Friday, January 22, 2016

Today's News

Hall Of Famer to Mania:

Edge says he will attend this years WrestleMania...

"I haven't been in a few years, since they inducted me, actually, just because I was always doing something. This year, I think we're going to try and go out and do some filming for our show, and just get it all in one fell swoop, get some filming done with current guys that are on the roster, because you don't want to ask them to fly up to New York on a day off."

He also confirmed that Christian is still contracted to WWE.


Sunny has changed her mind about selling her HOF ring, as she has a big payday coming. She has finally ended speculation of stepping into the world of porn by signing a deal for the movie... "Sunny Side Up: In Through the Backdoor."


Rosa Mendes has designed a line of children's clothing, during her maternity time away from WWE.

TNA make play for Angle:

TNA have offered Kurt Angle a non wrestling ambassadorial contract. Angle has not as yet accepted the offer.

Angle has discussed what he sees as the reasons WWE will not have him back...

"As far as WWE, I'm not going to talk to them. But I know my ability is just as good as it ever was. If WWE thinks I'm too old or my body isn't durable or that I have a problem with medication–which I obviously don't, I've been clean and sober for two years and nine months–but the issue has nothing to do with my talent. There is a reason they passed on me last time. You've got to remember WWE is a publicly traded company and they have people to answer to, and you have a person who was pretty reckless from 2008 to 2013. I got hit with four DUIs. That's pretty irresponsible. You have to look at a company that is publicly traded, like WWE, and the reputation they have to uphold, so you really have to be careful who you hire. And TNA is the reason why I'm clean and sober, so I have to give them credit, too. They allowed me time off to go to rehab and get my life together. So it's one of those things where I'm not going to expect anything. Is it possible I go back to WWE somewhere along the lines? Of course. I think I'll end up in the Hall of Fame, but I just don't know if WWE will ever want me to wrestle again. It's up to them and it's up to me. I don't know what I'm going to do. But if I do decide to do it, it would be nice. A lot of people would like to see it, so we'll see what happens."

Drax Shadow:

Stardust has launched a t shirt to help fund the cancer treatment of his superfan Elijah 'Drax Shadow' Mainville.


Austin Aries will work his first WWE match tonight, for NXT.


TNA have claimed they had deals secured for AJ Styles, Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson, ready for their debut on Pop, but communication from the wrestlers stopped over the Christmas period, and when talk of WWE interest arose, Styles had his lawyer inform TNA he, and his colleagues, would no longer be accepting the TNA deal.

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