Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Today's News

WWE defend Jericho:

Members of the WWE roster have defended Chris Jericho for a comment he made on Raw. He called The Uso's ''Back of the bus boys'' leading to strong online heat, with accusations of racism getting thrown his way. Other rostered talent have come out in his defense today. Mark Henry explained what the term means...

''OK guys.The back of the bus bros comment by @IAmJericho means the guys that drink, play cards an stay up. Up front guys go to bed.''

While JBL took the opportunity to mock the fans lack of knowledge...

''I was ALWAYS 'back of bus' crew, I thought u 'hardcore' guys knew everything-guess you are just out of touch trolls.''

Smackdown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Dudley Boyz vs Wyatt Family.
  • Social Outcasts vs Damien Sandow, Goldust, Jack Swagger and Zack Ryder.
  • Kalisto vs Alberto Del Rio (US title).
  • Becky Lynch vs Brie Bella.
  • Dean Ambrose & Neville vs Kevin Owens & Sheamus.


Dean Ambrose vs Kevin Owens (IC title) was confirmed for Royal Rumble.

HOF'er turns back on wrestling:

Sunny has placed her HOF ring on Ebay for $3,000, and says she is done with WWE, is not desperate for money, and feels it is time for her to move her life away from her past career.

Daniel Bryan released:

WWE have come out to deny that Daniel Bryan asked for, and was granted, his WWE release yesterday. They say the story has ''No truth'' to it.

This comes after an E-Mail was leaked, purportedly from WWE HQ, of a senior official processing the paperwork to complete the termination of his deal.

Nakamura to WWE:

Shinsuke Nakamura will start working at the PC in the first week of February.


CM Punk's avatar for UFC 2016.

Steph honoured:

Stephanie McMahon has been named as one of America's most promising executives, as one of the 30 to watch in 2016.

TE to TNA:

TNA have signed Chelsea and Gabi of Tough Enough.

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