Sunday, January 10, 2016

Today's News

James Storm:

James Storm is once again a TNA exclusive star. He has signed for two years.

TNA star wants top spot:

Zema Ion says he is taking Lucha Libre classes to prove to TNA that he can be a top level talent. He wants to be the man for the promotion this year, however his deal ends in July, so he may have to move quickly.

Kevin Nash movie:

Kevin Nash has landed a role in ''House Rules.''

Title change SPOILER!!!:

TNA crowned a new X champion at last nights tapings.


Konnor has returned from his jaw injury this weekend.

NJPW star turns down WWE:

Bad Luck Fale has also refused to leave NJPW for the chance to move to the States for a WWE job. He follows Rocky Romero, who turned down a PC coaching job yesterday.

Indie star debuts:

Biff Busick made his WWE NXT debut this weekend.

Lemmy memorial:

Triple H made a speech at the funeral of Lemmy from Motorhead yesterday, here is a video of his eulogy, from the live stream of his service...

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