Friday, January 15, 2016

Today's News

Henry to retire:

Mark Henry says he hopes to be a part of this years WrestleMania, where he will take off his boots in the middle of the ring, and retire from wrestling.

Austin calls for HOF induction:

He says it is time for WWE to give Goldberg his last match, and HOF induction...

"Oh, absolutely bring Bill Goldberg back. I've heard some chatter off his Twitter account that he's looking for a match and maybe that's just rumor, but man, if there is a guy that deserves a send off, that is Bill Goldberg. He had a hell of a damn run in WCW. He's a Hall of Fame guy in my opinion, for his impact on the business. He wasn't around real long, but his impact was felt big time. His run in WWE wasn't all that it could have been, but he came in at a weird time. But bring him back and put him in there with somebody that he can do his thing with, whoever that is, whether they go 2, 3, 10, 15 [minutes], I don't know, but it would be fun to see Bill back in the ring. It really would for me."

Royal Rumble:

Becky Lynch has challenged Charlotte to a Diva's title match at the Royal Rumble, Charlotte is yet to respond, she is in India on tour.

Tommy Dreamer will be involved in the Rumble weekend festivities.

Big Show:

Big Show appeared on last nights episode of Lip Sync Battle.


WWE have announced that they are re-designing their website.


PWI have named their award winners for 2015...

  • Wrestler of the year... Seth Rollins.
  • Match of the year... Bayley vs Sasha Banks (NXT Respect).
  • Tag Team of the year... The New Day.
  • Most popular wrestler of the year... Dean Ambrose.
  • Inspirational wrestler of the year... Bayley.
  • Rookie of the year... Moose.
  • Comeback of the year... The Undertaker.
  • Feud of the year... Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar.
  • Woman of the year... Sasha Banks.
  • Most improved wrestler of the year... Roman Reigns.

Hurricane recalls backstage brawl:

With Buff Bagwell....

"Booker T versus Bagwell on Raw wasn't good at all and Booker is the last guy who should take the blame for that. It wasn't anything to do with Booker T. It had nothing to do with him. Everybody knows pretty much what happened. Booker T did everything he could do, but you can't get blood from a turnip. I was going to eventually drop the title to Billy Kidman in Atlanta, which is where Billy's from. It was kind of the WCW home base, Atlanta, anyway. And then Billy was going to go on and unify the title with X-Pac, which is what they ended up doing. But that angle got hotshotted because Booker T and Bagwell had such a bad match. (In the back after) He said something and I burned him really bad and he got like all offended by it, and he came and hit me in the damn ear. He's like standing on the floor and he outweighs me by 50 pounds anyway. Everybody in there knows I banged my shoulder up, so then he comes and hits me from behind and I kind of just threw [a water bottle] at him like this and then I jumped out of the ring. And this was just kind of to distract him because now I'm going to go punch him in the face, but he f--king cracked his head open, and he was bleeding all over the place, and I'm like, 'oh, f--k'. I really didn't intend for it to do that and I didn't think it would. I don't know. I guess the water in it made it harder. When I got to WWE TV the next week, The Acolytes, APA, Ron and Bradshaw, took my bags and put them on the WWE side. The locker room was really segregated in those days, WWE on one side and WCW on the other, Steve Austin went and pat me on the back."

CM Punk:

Dana White says he wants CM Punk to debut for UFC in June at UFC 199.

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