Thursday, January 28, 2016

Today's News


William Regal announced that Shinsuke Nakamura will debut for WWE and NXT at the NXT Dallas special, during WrestleMania week. He will wrestle Sami Zayn. Alex Riley returned from injury, but Austin Aries' in ring debut did not happen, and may now not be until March 30.

Steph honoured:

USA Network have named Stephanie McMahon one of their wonder women of 2016.

WWE debut:

Kenneth Crawford, a former US marine, will soon make his in ring debut, 9 months after signing for WWE.

Bryan is done:

Some members of the WWE roster felt the WWE office were kayfabing them, and expected Daniel Bryan to return to the ring at the Royal Rumble, however Bryan has been told by the higher up's that he will not be cleared to return as a wrestler, and are urging him to take a non wrestling role. Vince McMahon is said to be the only senior official holding out for D-Bry, but even he admits that Bryan is highly unlikely to ever be allowed to work a match for WWE again.

NXT promotions:

Sami Zayn will be called up to feud with Kevin Owens in the coming weeks, and Samoa Joe will follow post WrestleMania, possibly as early as the Raw the night after the big one.

Hideo Itami:

Hideo Itami has suffered complications with his shoulder surgery, and his expected injury lay off has been lengthened.

WWE deal:

WWE have confirmed a multi year contract extension with their video game maker 2K.

Ric Flair interview:

On gimmick he wanted...

"Well, Ted DiBiase had my gimmick, 'The Million Dollar Man'. They should have given that gimmick to me. I threw enough money around, I wish someone would have given me some of their's to throw around."

On HOF'er refusing to manage him...

"What happened was Bobby Heenan refused to manage me, so they talked to Curt into it and Curt had no problem with it. Curt and I got along very well, at that point in time, I think they thought that I would get a rub from Curt because he'd been on their TV for a long time."

On who told him he was going over in the 1992 Rumble...

"Jake Roberts told me at the gym in the morning. I thought he was kidding me. I thought, 'how would Jake Roberts know?' No offense to Jake, I just thought, 'how would he know?' And then, I got to the building and Vince McMahon and Pat Patterson told me. I had no idea."

He also revealed who owns the robe he wore that night, now...

"That robe is in Darius Rucker's basement, hanging in a glass case. He bought that in 1999."


Birthday boy Sheamus has damaged his arm, and is wearing a cast. He will continue to appear on TV, but will not be able to work for the time being.

Nikki Bella:

Nikki has been released from hospital, following her neck surgery, and has gone home.

WWE buy movie:

WWE have purchased the rights to ''Sleight'', after the thriller earned great reviews at the Sundance film festival.


ROH have announced Shinsuke Nakamura will not perform at their next big special, after his WWE deal was confirmed, but the promotion have shared some better news today, with the signings of Jay Lethal and ReDragon.

AJ Styles:

WWE have added AJ Styles 
to their roster page. Elias Samson has also been added.

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