Sunday, January 17, 2016

Today's News

Too cold to go:

Last nights NXT live was delayed by an hour, as the arena was too cold for the fans to enter the building. The management of the venue decided it would be a better idea to leave the fans outside in the cold, rather than bring them in, but when they were allowed inside, the venue was described as ''Freezing.''

Finn Balor decided to make an effort to improve the boredom for the fans standing in line, and went out to do an impromptu meet and greet.

AJ Styles lays claim to Rumble spot:

"I don't know what the future holds for me. I'll tell you what... if I'm not recovering from some weird armbar submission and there's a spot in the Royal Rumble... I don't deserve a thing, I don't deserve you but I'll tell you, if you put me in that Royal Rumble I'll kick some ass for you guys."


Rusev worked for the first time since reportedly injuring his knee, during the India tour, but was wearing some strapping to the damaged leg. Rusev denies he has the injury.

Mania main eventer returning to WWE:

Ric Flair is bringing WrestleMania 11 main eventer Lawrence Taylor to the post Royal Rumble Raw in Miami.

Fans pick:

WWE fans have voted that Roman Reigns will have the biggest impact in 2016.

Vince blocking movie:

Barry Blaustein has discussed Vince McMahon trying to get his ''Beyond The Mat'' movie banned from being released...

"We were done shooting and the cameras had gone away, we were shooting in Sacramento and it was at a RAW taping and Vince came back and it was after he started his feud with Steve Austin and had been beaten up. He was battered and they were taking down the ring and he had a beer and was wearing a sweatshirt and he said 'I LOVE this business'. That's the Vince that I wanted to capture on camera because he does love this business. He has an incredible passion for it and I think Vince is great. When the movie came out Vince had called me a couple months before and said this is nothing personal, I like you but I am going to do everything to stop this movie from being seen. It was simply because he wanted a piece of the movie and Universal didn't want to give him a piece of the movie. He hated that a film company was profiting off his characters he created and I understood that and he kept saying he didn't care and I could make as much money as I want and I said Vince you can say whatever you want and I'll come back at you and none of it is personal."

Hogan in denial mode:

Hulk Hogan has repeatedly denied having any talks with WWE, reports are they hope to have him back for Mania. He does however say he is training for a big man.

Talks open:

JBL and Vince Russo are talking on Twitter, and are trying to agree terms for a Network interview.

JR ready to return:

Jim Ross is finalising a deal to return to commentary with AXS. When the deal is complete, he will take the seat vacated by SmackDown's new announcer Mauro Ranallo.

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