Friday, January 29, 2016

Today's News

Bo Dallas talks working with Brock Lesnar:

"There's no controlling Brock Lesnar. You have no idea what he's going to do. At any moment, he could rip your head off. He's Brock Lesnar. He's a beast, and he does what he wants. It was intense, awesome and terrifying all at the same time."

Manik reveals fall out that led to his TNA departure:

"Going into Bound for Glory, I asked for 30 seconds of John Gaborick's time. We had 5 days straight of tapings. I took my mask off and I wanted to see where we were going forward. Right after BFG, they wanted me to put my mask back on without explanation. I said we should just let the fans do what they're doing and ask for me and we could turn it into something. They didn't want to do that. The alternative was that they wanted me to portray a character with a personality disorder or personality crisis. I told them I wasn't comfortable portraying that as I have a family member with a disorder. I was offended later because they said sure that's fine but that night on commentary they said that that is what I had. On social media I made a point to say that I don't have this and I'm not comfortable with this nor want this portrayed. They had Josh Matthews relay the message through the creative team and he felt I was undercutting him and he got frustrated. I think he kind of knew that he screwed up the way that he expressed himself because it was not going to look good, and I tried my best to respond in a way that would encourage people to continue their support without making him look bad to the company. That was one of those situations where someone was getting too prideful and taking something too personally."

March to Mania:

Brock Lesnar will wrestle Luke Harper at the pre Mania Network special in March.


TNA are on their way to the UK for their 2016 tour.

Reby Sky:

Reby Sky is now a regular roster member of TNA. She is Matt Hardy's wife.

James Storm reveals why he chose to return to TNA:

"I've been with TNA since the very beginning and I want to see them succeed, I feel like I have a lot to give not just to TNA but the wrestling business as a whole, I just felt that right now I can help TNA out a lot."

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