Sunday, January 31, 2016

Today's News


Will Osprey has upset TNA. He is on tour with the promotion in the UK, and they hoped to secure a deal for him, but he had quietly signed for NJPW, before the tour. This led to the promotion jobbing him out in a 5 minute squash as punishment.


WWE are paying the big name TNA stars joining NXT the same pay scale as the rest of the NXT roster, which means $35,000 - $75,000.

WWE vs Fans:

WWE were mad at fans dressed as legends at Raw this week. They had security talk to the fans more than once.

Rock later tweeted that he enjoyed the fans going ''Off script''.

Coach talks ESPN covering WWE:

"I pitched this latest project in July, but the new leadership really took over about fifteen months ago. Before that, any time I would pitch going to SummerSlam or WrestleMania was always met with, 'We don't do that.' That was without even looking at the numbers, or the amount of fans, or the venue. It was just a cold no. So it was infuriating when I knew, as a talent and a person who loves to produce content, this was going to work. We met in July and came together for SummerSlam, and that was a big success, and then the green light was given for our Tuesday night 'Off the Top Rope' sometime in September, and we started our first one at the end of October. We're going on four months now, and the numbers have been really, really good, and we're hoping to expand what we do as the year goes along."


An NXT match had to be stopped last night. Tye Dillinger collapsed after damaging his leg vs Sami Zayn. The referee had to throw up the ''X'', and call for help for Tye.

JoMo reveals he almost fought WWE great:

"No, not physical. Arguments, sure. Never got into a full-blown fist fight with anyone, I had a big argument with JBL that almost turned into a fight, but nothing crazy. I'm apretty even tempered person, unless I'm in the ring, then I get crazy."

Reby Sky:

Reby Sky says she will not be bullied, as she confirms she is now officially a TNA employee. She has signed a deal.

Shinsuke Nakamura:

Shinsuke Nakamura will be joining up with WWE this week.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Today's News

League of injuries:

Alberto Del Rio is the third of the quartet to go down with injury. He damaged his lower back at the Royal Rumble, taking a suplex from Brock Lesnar, and has been unable to work a match since.

''Major'' locker room incident:

Kharma AKA Awesome Kong has been sent home from the TNA UK tour, by her employers. This has come after an incident involving her and Reby Sky, wife of TNA champion Matt Hardy. The incident stems back almost three years, to an online spat between the two, but flared up last night. Since joining TNA Reby had changed alone, but backstage circumstances at their show last night meant she had, for the first time, to change in the ladies locker room, with the rest of the talent... including Kia Stevens. Kong was not pleased with the arrangements, and tossed her bag out into the hall, then grabbed her by the throat and tried to do the same to her, but was restrained by Simon Diamond. The situation was further heightened by the fact her son was in the locker room with her, and saw his mum being assaulted.

Kia was sent home from the tour, and her TNA future is now said to be in doubt. A decision will be made when the promotion returns to the States.

If she was fired, it wouldn't be the first time. She was sacked by TNA after an incident with Bubba The Love Sponge in 2010.

NXT star to Olympics:

Adrian Jaoude has been selected to represent Brazil at the summer games, later this year.

CM Punk:

UFC say CM Punk will not have a top rating on the new UFC game, after a backlash from fans...

"I'm pretty sure CM Punk, when the game locks in, is going to have the lowest overall rating in the game," Hayes said. "But when he does have his first fight, if he just lights it up and looks like a prodigy, we'll have to go into the servers [and bump him up]."

Wrestling movie:

'Nine Legends' will feature a number of Hall Of Famer's and legends, including Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, Goldberg and Lita. A young wrestling fan is visiting his grandpa in the year 2050, when the old timer reveals his own love for the sport, and begins playing him a series of interviews he taped with the stars of his generation, when he was younger.

Stardust vs Amell:

Stardust's feud with Stephen Amell is turning into a good thing. Stephen Amell has given up on getting his Slammy from Stardust, and has made a proposition to the WWE man. He says he will raffle the statuette, with the money going to Stardust's superfan Drax Shadow's cancer treatment fund. Stardust accepted the offer.

Val Venis says wrestler death saved him:

"I was still taking pharmaceutical drugs and was always on pain pills and every time I got injured, whether it was my elbows, my neck, my shoulder I would always go back to what the Doctor would prescribe me and that was anti inflammatories and still my friends were dying from it. As time went on I started to notice that we have been lied to about this plan and my friends are dying left, right and center from big pharmaceutical pills and I think the straw that broke the camel's back was when one of my best friends, Andrew "Test" Martin passed away from pharmaceutical pain meds. That's when I said okay enough is enough and that's when I really took a stand, came off the pills and I didn't have to go to rehab. My body was addicted to the pills and did have to go through two weeks of horrible withdrawals. But the second week of those withdraws I started utilizing marijuana on the advice of a friend. It didn't get rid of the sickness of the withdrawals but what it did was make the withdraws bearable. It made it easy to just wait out the withdrawals and when I came out on the other end I never looked back and that was in 2008."

Friday, January 29, 2016

Today's News

Bo Dallas talks working with Brock Lesnar:

"There's no controlling Brock Lesnar. You have no idea what he's going to do. At any moment, he could rip your head off. He's Brock Lesnar. He's a beast, and he does what he wants. It was intense, awesome and terrifying all at the same time."

Manik reveals fall out that led to his TNA departure:

"Going into Bound for Glory, I asked for 30 seconds of John Gaborick's time. We had 5 days straight of tapings. I took my mask off and I wanted to see where we were going forward. Right after BFG, they wanted me to put my mask back on without explanation. I said we should just let the fans do what they're doing and ask for me and we could turn it into something. They didn't want to do that. The alternative was that they wanted me to portray a character with a personality disorder or personality crisis. I told them I wasn't comfortable portraying that as I have a family member with a disorder. I was offended later because they said sure that's fine but that night on commentary they said that that is what I had. On social media I made a point to say that I don't have this and I'm not comfortable with this nor want this portrayed. They had Josh Matthews relay the message through the creative team and he felt I was undercutting him and he got frustrated. I think he kind of knew that he screwed up the way that he expressed himself because it was not going to look good, and I tried my best to respond in a way that would encourage people to continue their support without making him look bad to the company. That was one of those situations where someone was getting too prideful and taking something too personally."

March to Mania:

Brock Lesnar will wrestle Luke Harper at the pre Mania Network special in March.


TNA are on their way to the UK for their 2016 tour.

Reby Sky:

Reby Sky is now a regular roster member of TNA. She is Matt Hardy's wife.

James Storm reveals why he chose to return to TNA:

"I've been with TNA since the very beginning and I want to see them succeed, I feel like I have a lot to give not just to TNA but the wrestling business as a whole, I just felt that right now I can help TNA out a lot."

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Today's News


William Regal announced that Shinsuke Nakamura will debut for WWE and NXT at the NXT Dallas special, during WrestleMania week. He will wrestle Sami Zayn. Alex Riley returned from injury, but Austin Aries' in ring debut did not happen, and may now not be until March 30.

Steph honoured:

USA Network have named Stephanie McMahon one of their wonder women of 2016.

WWE debut:

Kenneth Crawford, a former US marine, will soon make his in ring debut, 9 months after signing for WWE.

Bryan is done:

Some members of the WWE roster felt the WWE office were kayfabing them, and expected Daniel Bryan to return to the ring at the Royal Rumble, however Bryan has been told by the higher up's that he will not be cleared to return as a wrestler, and are urging him to take a non wrestling role. Vince McMahon is said to be the only senior official holding out for D-Bry, but even he admits that Bryan is highly unlikely to ever be allowed to work a match for WWE again.

NXT promotions:

Sami Zayn will be called up to feud with Kevin Owens in the coming weeks, and Samoa Joe will follow post WrestleMania, possibly as early as the Raw the night after the big one.

Hideo Itami:

Hideo Itami has suffered complications with his shoulder surgery, and his expected injury lay off has been lengthened.

WWE deal:

WWE have confirmed a multi year contract extension with their video game maker 2K.

Ric Flair interview:

On gimmick he wanted...

"Well, Ted DiBiase had my gimmick, 'The Million Dollar Man'. They should have given that gimmick to me. I threw enough money around, I wish someone would have given me some of their's to throw around."

On HOF'er refusing to manage him...

"What happened was Bobby Heenan refused to manage me, so they talked to Curt into it and Curt had no problem with it. Curt and I got along very well, at that point in time, I think they thought that I would get a rub from Curt because he'd been on their TV for a long time."

On who told him he was going over in the 1992 Rumble...

"Jake Roberts told me at the gym in the morning. I thought he was kidding me. I thought, 'how would Jake Roberts know?' No offense to Jake, I just thought, 'how would he know?' And then, I got to the building and Vince McMahon and Pat Patterson told me. I had no idea."

He also revealed who owns the robe he wore that night, now...

"That robe is in Darius Rucker's basement, hanging in a glass case. He bought that in 1999."


Birthday boy Sheamus has damaged his arm, and is wearing a cast. He will continue to appear on TV, but will not be able to work for the time being.

Nikki Bella:

Nikki has been released from hospital, following her neck surgery, and has gone home.

WWE buy movie:

WWE have purchased the rights to ''Sleight'', after the thriller earned great reviews at the Sundance film festival.


ROH have announced Shinsuke Nakamura will not perform at their next big special, after his WWE deal was confirmed, but the promotion have shared some better news today, with the signings of Jay Lethal and ReDragon.

AJ Styles:

WWE have added AJ Styles 
to their roster page. Elias Samson has also been added.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Today's News

Lilian Garcia:

Lilian Garcia has started recording a new album today.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Dolph Ziggler, Titus O'Neil, & The Uso's vs The Miz & New Day.
  • Kalisto vs Neville (US title).
  • AJ Styles vs Curtis Axel.
  • Charlotte vs Natalya.
  • Chris Jericho, Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns vs The Wyatt Family.


  • Sasha Banks broke up with Team BAD, as her face turn continues to gather momentum.
  • The event was poorly attended.
  • Tatanka, Brian Knobbs and Horace Hogan were at the show.

Mea Culpa:

Josh of Tough Enough has tweeted that he has learned his lessons from his backstage heat in the past week, he called himself ignorant.

Del Rio talks Kalisto:

"Kalisto is someone with a lot of talent. The rivalry between us is only in the ring. I'm doing the same thing for Kalisto that Rey Mysterio did for me. When I first got to WWE, Rey Mysterio introduced me to all the people I had to meet. He guided me and gave me all the advice that I needed to know to succeed in the company. Now I'm doing the same thing for Kalisto to see if he can have the same success I had. Hopefully there's more Mexican wrestlers in WWE one day."

Hall Of Fame:

Smith Hart has, via Bret, passed on the news that WWE will not be inducting Owen Hart into this years Hall Of Fame, after talks with his wife Martha failed to get off the ground. 
He also said they have ruled out inductions for The British Bulldog, and Hart Foundation as a faction, despite Bret and the other Hart family members pushing for the alternative route to enshrine him.

Smith went on to call for Bret and the Hart family to boycott this years Mania in protest.

CM Punk:

CM Punk says he was drug tested at 6am this morning by USADA.

ESPN wrestling:

ESPN interviewed several of the top stars of Lucha Underground today, including former WWE stars Rey Mysterio and John Morrison.

Nikki Bella:

John Cena accompanied Nikki Bella to the hospital today, as she undergoes what may be a career ending neck surgery.

Brie later tweeted that the surgery went well.


Austin Aries will make his WWE debut tonight, for NXT.

Bullet Club:

Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows will follow AJ Styles to WWE in March, and will, like AJ, go straight to the main roster.


Chris Jericho says Vince McMahon personally booked his Raw match vs AJ Styles this week.

WWE games:

Kenny King, TJ Perkins and Low Ki have been working with 2K today, doing motion capture work for 2K17.

Heat cools:

Lana and Paige have apparently put their feud to bed. The two blew up on social media, when Lana called Paige a bully, and Paige said Lana did not pay her dues in NXT, before Christmas, but posted a photo embracing each other last night.


Speaking of the ravishing Russian. She is in heat again, and was punished on Raw. The Rock claimed he had slept with Lana last year, during a promo. This was not a typical Rock hot mic burn segment, but was done at the request of the office for a comment she made in the back. It may also be why the post (Noted above) exists.

Rumble record:

Triple H now has the record of longest gap between Rumble wins, beating Batisita's 9 years, with his 14.

Linda McMahon:

Linda McMahon was sitting in the front row at the Rumble, last weekend.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Today's News


Kaitlyn was backstage last night, but was not the huge returning star. That was, as predicted, The Rock.


A number one contender for Triple H will be decided at Fastlane. Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Brock Lesnar will be fighting it out for the chance to get the chance to become champ.


''My House'' by Flo Rida is the first named theme song for this years Mania.

High school never ends:

Xavier Woods has revealed a personal family feud between himself and another WWE man, that dates back to their school days. He says of his rivalry with Cody Rhodes...

"I guess it was sophomore year, my whole thought was, 'okay, first off, he's at a rival school, so our schools legit hated each other in football, baseball, basketball, wrestling, everything. And so, I was 160 pounds at the time. I think he was wrestling at 180 pounds, maybe. And my thought was, 'okay, I'm going to wrestle up two weight classes and then I'm going to beat him and Dusty's is going to be there because Dusty would be at the matches and Dusty's going to say, 'oh, you're the best! I'm going to train you and make you the best wrestler ever. And so, I beat four guys on my team to get the varsity spot that year. And then I beat three guys in the tournament to get to Cody. And then, we wrestled, he beat me 2 - 1 and I was real upset. And then months later, this girl who I had the biggest crush on, who lived in my neighborhood when we were kids, and she kind of dug me too, but I was too awkward to be like, 'oh, you're cute. Let's make out'. So I see her at the bowling alley and she's like, 'oh, Austin!' She runs up and gives me a big hug, like we haven't seen each other in years, and she's like, 'oh, let me introduce you to my friends' and I'm like, 'oh, okay. Cool.' We're talking while we're walking over there and she goes, 'I go to Lassiter now, blah, blah, blah' and I'm not thinking anything of it. She's like, 'this is them, this is them, this is them, this is them' and then she goes, 'oh, and that's Cody'. He turns around and he looks and he goes, 'ugh, I know him. I beat that kid.' And then he picks up a bowling ball and bowls a strike. And it was the most d------d move I've ever seen in my life!. Fast forward even more, to 'Mania in Florida, I think. So I'm walking with my parents to the elevator and Cody walks up and he says, 'oh, Mr. and Mrs. Watson! How are you guys doing?' And they talk for, like, five - ten minutes and when he leaves, my dad goes, 'is that like Cody, Cody?' I was like, 'yeah'. My dad goes, 'wow, when did he become nice?'."

WWE games:

WWE have created a legends Royal Rumble feature for their Immortals mobile phone game.

James Storm talks NXT vs TNA:

"It was cool being in NXT, I made a lot of new friends, I saw a lot of old friends as well... I think NXT reminded me of a young TNA group, guys who were out to prove they deserved to be there and in TNA guys are trying to prove they can hang with The Wolves, Matt Hardy... the two groups don't hate each other, they have to go out and do their job to the best of there abilities."

Top Titus:

Titus O'Neil is bringing 150 kids to SmackDown tonight. He has visited schools to surprise the local youngsters with the treat.

Hardy signs:

Jeff Hardy has signed a new contract with TNA. Ending talk of a Mania return for a match vs Dudley Boyz.


Road Dogg says Naomi has been off TV with an injury.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Today's News

Royal Rumble:

Here is my recap of last nights Royal Rumble PPV, including results.


  • WWE chose not to utilise cameo appearances from legends this year, as they felt, with the belt on the line, it would not make sense for a one shot returnee to take a spot from a current star.
  • AJ Styles was an exception to that rule, WWE did debut the TNA icon in the title match.
  • Royal Rumble creator Pat Patterson was backstage.
  • Sasha Banks returned to challenge Charlotte for her title.
  • TNA sent a tweet of congratulations to AJ for his debut, as did ROH.

Angle nixed:

Stardust and Stephen Amell did not get chance to film a confrontation at a comic con, as the winter storm in New York caused it to be cancelled.

Styles talks debut:

AJ Styles gave WWE a pre debut exclusive interview...

"Everything's going through my mind right now. What's it going to be like? How are they going to respond to me? How is the WWE Universe gonna respond to AJ Styles? That's all going through my head and a number of other things. But I'm glad to be here."

He also teased how long he has signed for, telling a backstage reporter he had a ''Couple more years'' to get a better Royal Rumble result than he managed this time.

WWE released a T-Shirt marking his debut, which has already sold out.

Raw tease:

  • Time to play The Game with the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion.
  • What will be AJ Styles' next move?.
  • How will Kalisto keep his incredible momentum going and how will The League of Nations get revenge?.
  • Is Sasha Banks our next Divas Champion?.
  • Now that The Wyatt Family has beaten Brock Lesnar for the time being, who is next?.

Hulk Hogan:

Hulk Hogan has signed up as the face of a loan company, he will tape a series of TV ads this week.

NJPW star quits:

Shinsuke Nakamura has officially announced his departure from NJPW. He is on his way to WWE.

Eden to try again:

Eden has revealed WWE refused to change her ring name when Dusty Rhodes died, she wanted to change her surname from Styles to Rhodes. She says now AJ is on the WWE books, she is planning on going back to the office, for a second go at getting her father in laws name.


TNA have locked The Wolves into exclusive contracts, ending speculation that they may be WWE bound later in the year.

WWE business:

WWE have sealed a deal with Boys & Girls Club Of America, and The Rock has inked a deal with Under Armour, a clothing brand.

Gimmick over:

Stardust has tweeted that his time portraying the role is coming to an end, meaning Cody Rhodes may be coming back.

Major return:

A ''Major'' star is set to return to WWE tonight on Raw. The star is coming back for a WrestleMania angle.


The Rock is reportedly that major star.

Career over?:

Nikki Bella has revealed she needs to undergo a potentially career ending surgery on her ''Broken'' neck. The surgery will be on Wednesday, and she won't know the extent of the problem until her surgeon starts her op. This could end the career of the longest reigning Diva's champ in history, and may leave her sister Brie with a decision to make on her future.

She went on to say that whatever the outcome, WWE would not be seeing the last of her, and she would move into a different phase of her career.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Today's News

Matt Hardy:

Matt Hardy has tweeted some in kayfabe digs at Triple H, WWE, and the 3 stars that turned their back on TNA deals to join WWE, as part of his current heel turn storyline.

Rousey inspires movie:

A line Ronda Rousey used in an interview once has been turned into a movie. ''Do Nothing Bitches'' will star Tina Fey.

MMA to make play for Brock:

MMA groups are not yet ready to give up on tempting Brock Lesnar back into the cage fighting world. One MMA VP is planning on presenting him a fight vs Fedor Emelianenko.

HHH attends indie show:

Triple H was backstage at last nights Evolve show. He joined William Regal and a couple of NXT stars who were at the show on a scouting trip. Hunter's joining them was not made public, until he tweeted a picture sneaking a look through the curtain, after he left the venue.

Royal Rumble:

Tonight is the Royal Rumble, my favourite night of the year, and WWE have announced the comms team will be Michael Cole, JBL, and surprisingly Byron Saxton has been given the nod ahead of Jerry Lawler.

Bret Hart:

Bret Hart has finally had the surgical pins removed from his damaged wrist, and can now start rehabbing.

ROH curtain call:

AJ Styles, Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson and the Young Bucks recreated the infamous curtain call incident in the ring at ROH last night, as the Bucks bade the WWE bound threesome farewell.

1997 Rumble match:

Vince Russo has claimed responsibility for the controversial end of the 1997 Royal Rumble match, which was won by Stone Cold, after he had been eliminated by Bret Hart, unseen by the refs, who were dealing with a fight between Mankind and Terry Funk...

"As soon as it's ended, Vince was very red in the face. He started firing up on me, asking how I could give away the finish to the Royal Rumble. I looked him straight in the eye and said I had no idea who was going to win the Royal Rumble nobody told me. It's obvious to any fan sitting at home that Bret was going to win the Royal Rumble. I wasn't in the inner circle at that point. It was obvious Bret Hart was going over."

My Royal Rumble predictions:

  • Dudley Boyz win the pre show qualifier.
  • New Day bt The Uso's.
  • Alberto Del Rio bt Kalisto.
  • Charlotte bt Becky Lynch.
  • Kevin Owens bt Dean Ambrose.
  • Triple H wins the Royal Rumble.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Today's News

NXT signing:

William Regal announced that Austin Aries has signed an NXT deal on the third of last nights pre taped episodes of NXT. The former TNA champ was assaulted by Baron Corbin before making it to the ring for his first promo as a WWE man.

DeMott returns:

Bill DeMott was in the crowd at last nights NXT tapings.

Natalya reveals decision that could end her career:

Nattie Neidhart says a long standing issue with her eye is starting to make her consider having the surgery that would fix the problem, but would likely end her ring career...

''When both of my eyes are open I can see well, but the left eye is the one that gives me problems. If I close my right eye, I can only see 20 percent out of my left. It does bother me, I thought I could get it fixed, but I realised it's not that easy. There are times when my eye won't be the best and I wish my vision was a little stronger, but I'm ok. It does scare me, though, I don't want to get a lazy eye or get blind from it, but at the same time I'm just dealing with it one day at a time because if I do fix it, I might not be able to go back to wrestling.''

She also updated Tyson Kidd's recovery...

''TJ's injury was so severe compared to mine, he is doing ok. His recovery is a long, long process. We're just so grateful we've had great doctors to work with and TJ is so strong mentally. He's been wrestling for twenty years and it is his second injury. To be wrestling for as long as we have and to have so few injuries, it's pretty shocking for him. He's taking it really well, and every single day I think he gets physically stronger.''


AJ Styles' agent says AJ Styles, Doc Gallows, and Karl Anderson agreed to, but had not yet signed, three year deals with TNA, and decided not to honour their commitment over the Christmas period, when WWE interest emerged.

TNA officials have admitted ''Frustration'' with the situation, but stopped short of promising legal action. That is though something that is under consideration at board room level.

It is also being speculated that TNA released their statement when they did to try to keep AJ Styles out of the Royal Rumble. They reportedly believe WWE would not want bad publicity surrounding one of their major events.

Alum teases HOF announcement:

Brutus The Barber says he is in talks with WWE...

"I'm confident it will happen. I am in various Hall of Fames around the world. It is always nice to be appreciated for my accomplishments. As for the WWE Hall of Fame? I'm confident it will happen... In fact, sooner rather than later. I don't want to give anything away but I think there are some things in the works."

Booker T talks surviving in WWE:

"I was prepared for that and a lot of those WCW guys were not prepared for what we were getting ready to expect and that was to get beaten up, bruised, battered, and torn. And if you didn't have tough skin, you were not going to last very long there. It was about raising the WWE flag by winning the war. It was about shutting Ted Turner's group down. I knew that. I understood that. It's just the way life is, coming from WCW, I wanted to prove to the WWE guys in the locker room that I was worthy of being there. I wanted to be a part of the group. I wanted to be part of the team. I wasn't just coming there and I didn't want to bring my accolades from WCW and say, 'hey guys, I'm here now. Accept me. I'm the five-time champ.' Naw, I wanted to go out there and say, 'hey guys, I'm going to pull my weight.' And I did that. It was maybe a year and a half or so before Undertaker came and said, 'hey Book, come over here and dress with us in the WWE locker room.'"

Xavier Woods reveals WWE locker room joker:

He says Neville is the funny man in the modern day WWE locker room...

"He's absolutely hilarious. Probably one of the funnier people in the locker room, especially when we're playing games like Rocket League. He'll beat you and just harass you for hours. It's hilarious, but lots of people don't know about it. If they saw it, it'd be over because he's so funny."

TNA star flashes on TV:

Jessie Godderz appeared on ''The View'' and flashed the all female hosts of the programme. He did so facing away from the camera, and wearing a towel, covering his rear.

New foreign object:

Indie star Connor Braxton used a Hoverboard to perform a giant swing this weekend, during a match for AAW.

In heat star to Rumble:

Some of WWE's roster are pushing for Josh of Tough Enough to be put into the Royal Rumble match, where he can be punished for his Twitter outburst vs the Social Outcasts. The plan is to ''Haze'' him, as was done to Daniel Puder in 2005.

Hart family member ill:

Smith Hart has revealed he has bone and prostate cancer.

WWE fans vote:

WWE fans have voted who they would like to see return in the Rumble, and Goldberg is dominating the vote with 34%. More than Steve Austin, The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels.

Milestone for Steph:

Stephanie McMahon has garnered one million Instagram followers.


The Mongolian Stomper died today aged 79. He died in his sleep after surgery, following a fall, but had also been battling with Alzheimer's.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Today's News

Hall Of Famer to Mania:

Edge says he will attend this years WrestleMania...

"I haven't been in a few years, since they inducted me, actually, just because I was always doing something. This year, I think we're going to try and go out and do some filming for our show, and just get it all in one fell swoop, get some filming done with current guys that are on the roster, because you don't want to ask them to fly up to New York on a day off."

He also confirmed that Christian is still contracted to WWE.


Sunny has changed her mind about selling her HOF ring, as she has a big payday coming. She has finally ended speculation of stepping into the world of porn by signing a deal for the movie... "Sunny Side Up: In Through the Backdoor."


Rosa Mendes has designed a line of children's clothing, during her maternity time away from WWE.

TNA make play for Angle:

TNA have offered Kurt Angle a non wrestling ambassadorial contract. Angle has not as yet accepted the offer.

Angle has discussed what he sees as the reasons WWE will not have him back...

"As far as WWE, I'm not going to talk to them. But I know my ability is just as good as it ever was. If WWE thinks I'm too old or my body isn't durable or that I have a problem with medication–which I obviously don't, I've been clean and sober for two years and nine months–but the issue has nothing to do with my talent. There is a reason they passed on me last time. You've got to remember WWE is a publicly traded company and they have people to answer to, and you have a person who was pretty reckless from 2008 to 2013. I got hit with four DUIs. That's pretty irresponsible. You have to look at a company that is publicly traded, like WWE, and the reputation they have to uphold, so you really have to be careful who you hire. And TNA is the reason why I'm clean and sober, so I have to give them credit, too. They allowed me time off to go to rehab and get my life together. So it's one of those things where I'm not going to expect anything. Is it possible I go back to WWE somewhere along the lines? Of course. I think I'll end up in the Hall of Fame, but I just don't know if WWE will ever want me to wrestle again. It's up to them and it's up to me. I don't know what I'm going to do. But if I do decide to do it, it would be nice. A lot of people would like to see it, so we'll see what happens."

Drax Shadow:

Stardust has launched a t shirt to help fund the cancer treatment of his superfan Elijah 'Drax Shadow' Mainville.


Austin Aries will work his first WWE match tonight, for NXT.


TNA have claimed they had deals secured for AJ Styles, Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson, ready for their debut on Pop, but communication from the wrestlers stopped over the Christmas period, and when talk of WWE interest arose, Styles had his lawyer inform TNA he, and his colleagues, would no longer be accepting the TNA deal.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Today's News


A leak from WWE has revealed a Brock Lesnar vs Wyatt Family WrestleMania match, but interestingly his opponent is not set to be the head of the family, but the newest member Braun Strowman.

Daniel Bryan:

WWE have come out to shoot down the story about Daniel Bryan meeting their senior medical representative Joseph Maroon this week. Dave Meltzer's WWE source fed him the official line that no appointments are scheduled.

Royal Rumble:

Triple H is the current bookies favourite to win this weekends Royal Rumble.

New Day have confirmed they will all be in the Rumble match.

Sin Cara:

Sin Cara will not be back for another month, as he continues to rehab his shoulder.


TNA are bringing back guaranteed contracts, and are looking at taking back control over outside bookings for the talents. They will soon also look at getting merch deal agreements with their roster, and are said to be planning to aggressively defend their stars image rights.

AJ missing from farewell show:

WWE have told ROH that AJ Styles can attend his farewell show for them on Saturday, but they cannot show any footage of him on their TV show, meaning their ''Farewell to AJ'' show will not include the guest of honour of the event.


ROH have been forced to cancel their show tonight, due to adverse weather conditions in North Carolina. A huge snow storm is engulfing the state.

Bret Hart:

Bret Hart has set up a loans business, to support small and local businesses in the US and Canada.


Cesaro is on WWE duty again, doing promotional work in Paris.

Rousey takes jab at WWE:

Ronda Rousey joked on SNL last night...

"You know I'm a UFC fighter, not WWE. We actually fight and don't wear costumes."

Hall Of Fame class leaked:

Website WhatCulture have managed to get hold of the list of planned inductees for this years class, from a WWE employee...

  • JBL
  • Jacqueline
  • Fabulous Freebirds
  • Papa Shango / Kama / Godfather
  • Regis Philbin - Celebrity wing.

...will all join Sting.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Today's News

WWE cancel live:

WWE have cancelled a live in Georgia, set for January 29. They say they want to give their talent a night off.

Sunny receives offer:

Sunny has received a $100,000 bid for her Hall Of Fame ring, but the offer comes with a condition. The owner of porn company Vivid will buy her ring, if she agrees to shoot a 90 minute porn film for him. He says he will allow her to pick the location, and her partner.

Sunny says she is flattered by the offer, but feels she is worth more money...

"Many girls have done movies for Vivid Entertainment and it's never hurt anybody else's career. It's definitely something to consider but $100,000 just isn't enough for me."

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Dolph Ziggler & The Uso's vs The New Day.
  • Alicia Fox vs Becky Lynch.
  • Bray Wyatt vs Ryback.
  • Stardust vs Titus O'Neill.
  • League Of Nations vs Roman Reigns.


Matt Hardy is officially the TNA World Champion again. His title win aired last night.

WWE party:

WWE threw R-Truth a birthday party in the ring at last nights SmackDown taping.

Booker's botched debut:

Booker T has recalled his WWE debut, and it not going to plan. He managed to break Steve Austin's hand during his run in at King Of The Ring 2001...

"My first night coming in, I had to do some stuff with 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. I'm supposed to dump him on the table. When guys in the ring are working, they're supposed to spill outside the ring, take the table, take all the stuff off of it, take the TVs out and whatnot. Then, I was supposed to go out, get my cue, jump over, and nail 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. Boom! Drop him on the table. Big debut match. That's the way it was supposed to have went. They give me my cue, 'go!'. Now, I go and all the stuff is still on the table, the television, the monitors, the top of it, everything, but I couldn't go take that stuff off. I had a spot to do. I go pick Steve up, dropped him on the table, he bounces off of it, and lands on the floor. My big night's over with and I'm on my way to the next town. (Then) Bruce Prichard calls me and says, 'Book, you've got to do something. I don't know. Steve broke his hand. You broke his hand.' (Booker T said,) 'well, give me his phone number. I'll give him a call! I'll apologize to him.' (Prichard replied,) 'I can't give you his phone number. I'll tell you what. He's at this hotel. If you just probably met him at the hotel in the morning, and just packed his bags on the way to the ring for him...' (Booker T interjected,) 'whoa, hold the hell up. I ain't packing no bags!' True story! I see Steve later on. (Booker T said,) 'Steve, sorry about your hand.' (Austin replied,) 'oh, no problem, Book.'"

AJ Styles:

John Cena posted a picture of AJ Styles to his Instagram today, with no tags or explanations.

Styles will start work with WWE this week, he will be at the Royal Rumble, and both of next weeks TV tapings. There is no truth to reports that WWE have decided to pull AJ from the Rumble, because they fear fans will not know who he is.

Hart family member named and shamed:

Smith Hart has been listed on a website of debtors that default on their payments. His home address and place of employment were also included.

Heat on Breeze:

Tyler Breeze is in heat with WWE for leaving a TV taping early recently. He did get permission from a top official, but the message was not passed around, and his walking out during a taping was seen by some as an NXT star disrespecting the rest of the roster, before they had earned their spot.

Royal Rumble:

WWE have announced the Royal Rumble pre show will be a tag team qualifier. The winning team will earn spots in the Rumble match. The teams are...

  • The Ascension.
  • Damien Sandow & Darren Young.
  • Dudley Boyz.
  • Jack Swagger & Mark Henry.

Punk on UFC:

CM Punk says he will fight at least 8 times for UFC.

Best ever Royal Rumble:

WWE fans have voted 2008 as the best ever Royal Rumble match.

WWE sign another TNA great?:

Austin Aries has reportedly undergone medical testing for a WWE deal.