Thursday, October 8, 2015

Today's News

NXT Respect:


  1. Bull Dempsey bt Sawyer Fulton (Pre).
  2. Finn Balor & Samoa Joe bt The Mechanics (Dusty tournament).
  3. Baron Corbin & Rhyno bt Jason Jordan & Chad Gable (Dusty tournament).
  4. Asuka bt Dana Brooke.
  5. Apollo Crews bt Tyler Breeze.
  6. Finn Balor & Samoa Joe bt Baron Corbin & Rhyno (Dusty tournament).
  7. Bayley bt Sasha Banks 3-2 to retain her title.


  • Kevin Nash was backstage.
  • James Storm was at the event for talks with the promotion. He has suggested a player / coach deal, where he could pass on his knowledge,  but would be able to continue his in ring career. He is at the PC today continuing those talks.
  • Sasha Banks apologised to Bayley's superfan after her match. The youngster became upset, and began to cry, during the bout.
  • Stephanie McMahon also cried during the last match. She said she was so proud of what she saw.
  • Sasha Banks said she hopes that wasn't her last NXT match, as she doesn't want to leave the brand.

Wrestlers in movies:

Edge has shared his view on why so many ring stars are making the move into acting...

"When you get on set, that's when people notice. Every single person I've spoken with who has dealt with a former wrestler has raved over the idea that we're so immediately credible. Because on WWE, you're flying without a net. You have to ad-lib, you have to be ready for anything; it's like theater in the round, being caught by 8 different camera angles at the same time."

Flair / Hogan highlights:

  • Ric Flair says the demise of TNA is inevitable.
  • Hulk Hogan praised Dixie Carter's loyalty.
  • He said he understood and supports WWE's decision to cut him loose.
  • Hulk refused to offer any criticism of Vince McMahon or WWE.
  • He thanked the fans.

TNA to make history?:

TNA will begin a 32 wrestler tournament to crown a new world champion, and the female roster are eligible. Gail Kim, Madison Rayne, Awesome Kong and Brooke have already put their names into the hat.

2K16 correction:

2K have corrected an error on their press release from yesterday. The HOF match should have read Larry Zbyszko and Arn Anderson vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat and Dustin Rhodes.


TNA will tape episodes of their Impact show when they jump across the pond in the new year. This another sign their relationship with Destination America is coming to an end, as they had made it clear to TNA that they did not want shows to be taped externally of the US.

WWE to use legends this year:

WWE are working on angles for The Undertaker and The Rock, as they hope to improve their flagging viewing figures. This may involve a celebration of The Undertaker's 25th year with WWE, at next months Survivor Series.

NXT newcomer:

Rock's cousin Nia Jax will make her NXT TV debut next week. A battle royal for a shot at the NXT title will also be featured.

WWE sign TE star:

Patrick is reportedly set to start work at the PC on October 19. He has withdrawn from his booked dates on the indie circuit.

TNA star refuses to work:

Trevor Lee has turned down a TNA date to work for CWF, the promotion that gave him his debut.

Jericho recalls worst spat with Vince:

"The worst argument is when I got the job to host Downfall, the game show that I had to audition for quite a few times. I didn't tell him because I didn't want him getting involved because sometimes the company will get involved and screw things up for you. (laughs) And when I finally got the gig, I didn't tell him and it was on the front cover of the Hollywood Reporter, which he flipped out at. He forbid me from doing it and I was going to do it. No you can't. Yes I can. Well, you're fired. You can't fire me because I quit. You can't quit because you're fired. I'm going to fly to Connecticut to punch you in the face. I'll give you my address. I'll be waiting. That sort of a thing. We kind of just hung up on each other. We ended up working it all out but that was the biggest actual argument.''

He also said he would consider working Mania 32, but would want it to mean something, adding no Fandango, thank you very much.

Paige blasts airline:

Paige tweeted her disgust that British Airways staff refused to help Rosa Mendes store her bags in the overhead compartments. The airline responded that they can't help because of health and safety laws, and advise passengers to only carry what they can easily manage. They were flying to Paris for Total Diva's filming.

Mark Henry:

Mark Henry says he was really going to retire in 2013, but Vince McMahon talked him out of it at the eleventh hour. His retirement was instead turned into a TV angle. He added he hopes he will be able to stop next year.


Seth Rollins says Sting is doing well...

"I feel terrible. I was definitely concerned about his health, still am, but after tests and everything, he seems to be okay, so it's all good. He's going to make a good recovery".

Dean Ambrose:

Dean Ambrose says he had a rough night in an English hotel on his last visit. His room was haunted.

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