Saturday, October 3, 2015

Today's News

Greg Gagne says he tried to help Cena:

"John Cena, when I was in Chicago one night with him, he said, 'The people boo me out here.' And he couldn't stand it. I said, 'John. Why do they boo you out here?' [John said], 'I don't know. They don't like me.' I said, 'Why don't they like you?' [He said], 'I don't know.' I said, 'Go in tonight, and sell. Get the people feeling sorry for you. Fight, fight, fight, and sell. And then come back.' Well, he tried that, and he changed the people over from booing. He said, 'Oh my God!' But you see him now, and [WWE doesn't] do it."

Hall regrets Mania:

Scott Hall has said he was uncomfortable with the NWO angle at Mania this year...

"[Pushing nWo in WWE] is admitting [Eric] Bischoff was smart and it ain't going to happen, not in [McMahon's] world. And that's kind of what happened with Sting at [WrestleMania] last year. 'By the way, we won the Monday Night Wars.'"

He recalled the difficulties of working with Steve Austin, during a sober period in his life...

"Yeah, I remember one time, late at night, we shot some stuff where you had taped me to a chair and stuff like that and spun me around and we were in a beer cooler and it was getting on my skin."

He also confessed regret at leaving WWF...

"I knew I was going to get this money [in WCW], and, in the long run, that didn't turn out to be that good of a situation for me. I went there and I went with Kev, so I had a dear friend there, but I always looked at Vince like a father figure, where he's kind of looking out for you. I don't think I would have struggled and made continually bad decisions like I did had I been under Vince's watch because I think they would have stepped in. It wouldn't have been like, 'man, you can't talk to me because I've got lawyers and I'm all lawyered up and I've got agents - go through them.' But Vince doesn't operate that way. He'd have pulled me aside and said, 'listen, get it under control or go talk to this doctor.'"

Rosa Mendes:

Rosa Mendes will work as a backstage correspondent now. She is currently pregnant, so will be kept away from anything physical.

It's real dammit:

Graphic video of a nasty accident at a recent indie show...


Eva Marie delivered a move which led to Carmella landing on her head during an NXT live last night. Her match was quickly ended, as medics came to her aid. She was crying, and the crowd were chanting ''Please retire'' at Eva.

WWE Network:

Respect has been given an extra 30 minutes running time, and WWE MSG is tonight.

TNA champ at NXT:

James Storm was photographed at the NXT event last night. He denies he was there, saying he was at a bar a short distance from the NXT show.

Wrestling vs Punk:

CM Punk made a mocking tweet about yesterdays NXT vs TNA story. Today Finn Balor met with Gredo and said they were going to UFC next, to get him, on the tagline of a shared picture.

Hogan dropped again:

Despite losing Hulk Hogan, candy brand Pez have agreed to a deal with WWE. Undertaker will be turned into a dispenser instead. Cena and Rock will also be featured.

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