Friday, October 16, 2015

Today's News

Rosa Mendes:

Rosa Mendes has confirmed her engagement, adding her fella proposed during the recent trip to France, and that her baby is due to be born on Valentines Day 2016.

DH Smith:

David Hart Smith has purchased the TradeMark for his late father Davey Boy Smith's ring name...

"A big announcement to be made! Ownership and trademark of the name "British Bulldog" has been granted, won and paid by me. Now going forward in Pro Wrestling NOAH I will be known as the "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith Jr."

This could further delay a future HOF induction for his dad, as WWE would have to pay him for use of the name in marketing, merchandise and media.

NXT star named:

Jasmin Areebi will be named Aaliyah.

Buff Bagwell:

A documentary on the life and career of Buff Bagwell has been completed, and will soon be released.

Diva on TV:

Paige will be Conan next week to promote the new WWE video game.

Jerry Lawler teases big announcement:

"There's going to be a lot of stuff going on on SmackDown, they're getting ready to make that a really... because it's coming back on USA. There's a very good possibility in the near future that SmackDown may be live."

Steiners demolish restaurant:

Scott and Rick helped to raize a Georgia restaurant to the ground this week.

Hogan shuts up shop:

Hulk Hogan has closed the doors to his beach shop and restaurant, and disabled the website for his business.

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