Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Today's News

DDP shares his role in signing Hall and Nash to WCW:

"I stayed in contact with both of those guys. Kevin was one of my closest friends. Scott and I were good buddies, because that whole thing that became Razor Ramon, started as the Diamond Studd. All they did was put some chains around his neck, and had the stuff Scott added to it. Scott was definitely in, he was coming. Eric and I were sitting at the bottom of my garage, because there's streaming water and stuff down there. We'd go through a case of Coors Light, and started talking about Scott coming in, which was awesome. Then he said something about Kevin and I put him over. Eric said that Kevin was a jerkoff and a scumbag and a liar, but not those exact words. I said 'what!? No he's not!' I asked him why he felt that way and he said Kevin lied to him. Kevin came to him and asked for his release, and said he wanted to go back to the bar business, not that he wanted to go back to New York. Eric told Kevin he really wanted to do something with him, but Kevin had heard that for three years. He was wasting his life in WCW. It was costing Kevin money to be a wrestler after the hotels, gimmicks and sh-t on the road. I told him that's not who Kevin is, he's a straight shooter, but the bottom line is WCW was screwing him. He had to leave, and look what happened when he left. He became the world champion in less than a year. I said that he might wanna come too, and Eric said 'you think you can get ahold of him?' and I said 'I talk to him all the time.' I put those two together. I could understand the push I got in WWE if they knew about that, but they didn't know that back then! It was great thing for business, and the best thing that ever happened to WWE. In retrospect it was better for WWE than it was for WCW!.''


ESPN have announced a weekly feature with WWE stars on their channel. Seth Rollins' appearance last night was the first.

Seth Rollins praised Coach's bravery for fighting to get WWE recognised by ESPN, despite the criticism from some mainstream media outlets.

Del Rio denies:

Alberto Del Rio has shot back at the accusations of no showing yesterday. He says the German promotion booked him via a third party source, which is not how he operates, wanted to fly him coach class, which he found unacceptable, and they refused to provide him with a schedule for the trip. He said he was sorry that fans in Germany and Switzerland would not be seeing him, but he refused to be bullied by unprofessional employers.

WWE movies:

Lana may be filling her time away injured by filming a WWE movie, and the Gorgeous George biopic movie has begun the writing phase.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Bo Dallas vs Roman Reigns.
  • Cesaro & Neville vs King Barrett & Sheamus.
  • Kevin Owens vs Zack Ryder.
  • Dolph Ziggler vs Rusev.
  • Prime Time Playaz vs The Wyatt Family.
  • Alicia Fox vs Charlotte.
  • Dean Ambrose & Dudley Boyz vs New Day.


  • Xavier Woods suffered a bloody nose in the main event.

John Cena:

John Cena will likely be filming projects whilst away from WWE, possibly including the reality show previously mentioned, from October 26 to Christmas, and going to air in the new year, and movie roles, but it is not the main reason for him going away, as he wants to deal with some personal matters. He will need to keep the WWE office informed of any external projects he takes on during his holiday.

He's not coming back:

Paul Heyman says fans should give up on any lingering hopes for a WWE return of CM Punk...

"As of right now, ain't no way he's ever going back. I don't know if I can make that same statement in the future. I know his mindset is there's absolutely no way. As for his mindset where he is in his journey, I think every moment he takes a breath is one moment closer to his debut. I think the only thing that he sees in his mind right now, 24/7 he is envisioning the moment they lock that Octagon and the referee says 'fight'."

Tribute To The Troops:

WWE have announced this years special will be on December 8. WWE have been awarded for their support of the military today.

Mania sold out:

WWE sold all of their travel packages for WrestleMania 32 in just an hour.

Long running feud costs Alum job:

The original Sin Cara has left AAA after a rumoured reigniting of his feud with Alberto Del Rio. AAA say he will not be expected to fulfill his bookings, but they will not allow him to continue to use his ring name. He has agreed to go to CMLL. This could also affect Lucha Underground, as his two brothers, one of whom holds an LU title, have quit AAA in anger at the decision.

Chris Jericho:

Chris Jericho has named his fourth book as "No Is a Four Letter Word."

WWE backstage notes:

They aired the MSG special on the Network because internet streams do not come with the same hefty charges as PPV or TV shows broadcast from the arena. WWE have decided to no longer book televised events from the arena because of the fees.

Scott Hall has a legends deal at home waiting to be signed.

Zeb Colter is still employed by WWE, but will probably not be brought back on screen.

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