Friday, October 23, 2015

Today's News

Bubba Dudley interview:

On who brought him back to WWE...

"The very first person I spoke to was Road Dogg. He was the one who reached out saying, 'Hey Bubba, would you be interested in coming to the Royal Rumble? I told him yes. I always had a great working relationship with him in the ring and a good working relationship outside of the ring. Me and D-Von won our first WWE tag team championship from the New Age Outlaws. He got in touch with me. That's how it all started. It was pretty funny because I think a lot of people within WWE were shocked by the reaction. I think they all thought, 'Oh its Philly, so he'll get a nice little reaction.' I didn't think they were expecting anything like that."

On WWE, now vs then...

"It has been great and the locker room has been great, but the locker room was great back in the day, too. The only difference now really is the guys are much younger than me and D-Von. They've come up different ways in the business. Back in the Attitude Era you had guys that came up more the old school way, who were able to go out there and do what they wanted to get themselves over. This is as opposed to now where creatively WWE has much more of a presence and wants their wrestlers to do their job a certain way. As far as the locker room operates and the chemistry within the locker room, it's phenomenal. It has been nothing but positive."

On his girlfriend following him to WWE...

"It's no secret that me and Velvet [Sky] are together. If you go on Twitter I think the entire Twitter-verse would like to see that. She is probably the most over female wrestler out there that has never been in WWE. She looks phenomenal. I think the fans and the WWE Universe would love to see her in a WWE ring. Who knows? Maybe it will happen one day."

On a return for Spike...

"If we ever needed Spike, if we ever needed our little brother, if we ever needed the runt of the litter, like I said, he's no more than a phone call away, and he'd be right there by our side, and I think the WWE Universe would go absolutely crazy to see Bubba, Devon and Spike standing together in the same ring again."


During an interview promoting the new James Bond film, Batista discussed his transition from the  ''Disorganised'' world of WWE, to the big screen...

''It was actually really rough. It didn't seem to start rolling until Guardians was released. The first film I ever did, I was with WWE and it was a favor to a friend. When I did it, I realized I was a horrible actor. It pissed me off because I left feeling embarrassed. It made me want to prove myself and get better so I could get a second chance. And there you go.''

NXT star named:

Gionna Daddio will be called Marley.


NXT taped a major heel turn during the taping last night, a title changed hands, and former TNA knockout Rosie wrestled Emma.

Sin Cara denies being fired:

The original Sin Cara says he got sick of waiting for AAA to renew his contract, so he went to CMLL, and was not fired by the promotion. He said he was surprised that they refused his offer to work out his booked dates with them, and denied talking his brothers into quitting too.

WWE Network:

WWE will roll the Network out in India from next Monday.

Randy Orton:

Randy Orton's latest injury happened at home. He was putting his garbage out when he dislocated his shoulder. He was in tremendous pain, and medics took three hours to get it back into place.


The Rock has teamed up with clothing brand Under Armour, to produce a line of clothing.

James Storm talks how he came to WWE:

"It came about because I'm good friends with Road Dogg and Billy Gunn. They put it in Triple H's ear that I was free and clear of all contracts, to see if there's some interest there. I actually called Road Dogg to see if it was OK that I went up to the NXT Nashville show not too long ago. He said, 'Yeah, just try to stay out of sight.' So, I stayed in the locker room. There were reports that I was sitting in the front row at an NXT show, and I didn't deny that I was there. I just said, 'I saw the reports and I'm sorry, but that was not me sitting in the front row. Then, Matt Bloom pulled me aside and asked if I was available to come down that Wednesday and Thursday to Orlando. I went down and talked to Triple H at the NXT TakeOver: Respect special. Then the next night, he asked if I was willing to appear, and I said yes."

Tazz praises change made by Shane McMahon:

"So McMahon made sure that whole area was padded because it used to be that by the announce desk, it was no padding. Like, where the announcers' chairs would roll, under the desk, behind the desk, that whole area was never padded. Never. And now it is because of Shane. I just thought it was so cool that he understands and cares about the safety and well being of the boys because he has taken big bumps and he understands it's hard enough."

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