Thursday, October 29, 2015

Today's News

Dudley Death Dropped:

A planned run with the tag titles has been nixed for the Dudleyz, as The Uso's are so close to coming back. A title feud will start as soon as Jey is cleared to return.

Los Matadores:

WWE are keeping Los Matadores off screen until they come up with a new gimmick for the team.

Del Rio's deal:

Alberto Del Rio has signed a reduced schedule deal with a $1,450,000 guaranteed downside. He told AAA of the deal on the day of his WWE return, but they could not match the financial offer WWE made, so had to concede they had lost their man, and are re-working future plans. Del Rio may still work for AAA as soon as Monday, instead of Raw, but he will not be taking any new dates, and has withdrawn from a planned match with Jeff Jarrett.

Del Rio has also agreed to replace Randy Orton on next month's European tour.

LU The Movie:

Lucha Underground are planning on making a sci-fi movie in 2016. The promotion have also secured the services of Cheerleader Melissa.

NXT injury:

WWE have now confirmed the injury to Colin Cassady. He has a damaged MCL. The match in which the injury happened was aired last night.

Rusev out of Survivor Series:

Rusev has a torn bicep, WWE have confirmed. He will be benched for a month, probably meaning he is out of the next WWE PPV.

Tough Enough vs Meltzer:

GiGi has angrily shot down the mis-reporting of her being refused a WWE deal because of her shady past. She says she is a straight A student, and has no skeletons in her closet. Dave Meltzer then responded that he meant Gabi not GiGi. This led to Gabi attacking the writer. She refused to comment on what the issue that stopped her deal in it's tracks was, but said she would not tolerate the discrimination and defamation of her character by the ''Bozo.''

WWE Network:

Germany and Japan will be getting the WWE Network in January, with China, The Philipines, and Thailand following suit in the first quarter of 2016.

WWE ban signs:

WWE removed a number of signs relating to indy team The Young Bucks from Hell In A Cell, and this weeks TV's.

Possible lifeline for TNA?:

The main official at Destination America that was calling for TNA to be dropped from their Network has left the company. It is not known how his replacement feels about the sport continuing on the channel, but the cost of TNA production will have a part to play in her decision.

Hall Of Famer blasts fellow inductees:

Bob Backlund says Jimmy Snuka is an embarrassment to the Hall...

"In the ring he was a genius. But out of the ring he was an embarrassment to society. I didn't know him outside of the ring at all, I just knew him in the ring. I didn't hang around and wasn't out there with him but I know he was very good in the ring and as good as it gets. If he would have been a decent person then he would have been the WWF Champion but he didn't have the qualifications and didn't meet the standards or else he would have been. Vince McMahon Sr. would have made him the WWF Champion if he would have been an honorable person. I didn't hang around the guys and I didn't ride in the cars with him. I had an instance riding in a car with him in Georgia and I never rode with him again. I don't know what was going on at all and I didn't want to know. My business was wrestling and I wanted to be ready to go in the ring and do my best and I didn't have time to worry about what was going on behind the scenes and I didn't want to know."

And said WWE should have fired Hogan long before they finally did...

"I thought that he didn't meet the standards and I know Bruno would have thought if I had been doing all that goofy stuff he was doing he wouldn't have liked me being champion and I'm sure that Bruno feels the same way. He (Hulk) didn't meet the standards outside the ring to be able to represent the WWF. Did the WWE fire him recently? Because, I would have fired him thirty years ago. He was saying one thing and doing another."

Bubba denies they were fired:

Bubba Dudley says they were not fired by WWE in 2005, their deal had ran out, and they parted ways mutually...

"[WWE] kind of lumped us into that 'Black Friday' where they said, 'oh, the Dudleys were released also' and that was totally untrue. We were negotiating with them and we got really close to coming to a new deal, but at the end, we just couldn't agree on a couple of things, so we just agreed to go our separate ways, so we didn't sign a new deal. We were never released." Bubba Ray added, "there was definitely a spirited conversation between me and Johnny Ace."

Retirement nixed:

William Regal has been told he cannot have his retirement match at NXT London, his neck injury has not yet recovered sufficiently.

AJ Styles:

AJ Styles is suffering with a sciatic issue in his back, bumping is causing him great discomfort.

Brock Lesnar:

Brock will be back in WWE action on December 19.


Steve Austin has confirmed he has created his own beer brand. It will be released on November 13.

Shelton reveals why he left WWE:

"I was at that point where I felt like my tires were just spinning, no matter what I did. I just couldn't get ahead. It's like the same spot, even while I did do something to really elevate myself."

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